Cat food brands

ProBalance cat food

ProBalance cat food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Spiders
  4. Canned food
  5. Review overview

ProBalance dry and wet food is recommended for cats and cats as a daily diet. Reviews about this product are generally positive, although there are also negative opinions. Therefore, before transferring a pet to a new diet, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, seek the advice of a veterinarian.


ProBalance cat food is produced in Russia, at the Aller Petfood plant, which is one of the structural divisions of the Danish company Velcorm. The food is classified as a premium ration, but the price for them is significantly lower than that of competitors in this segment. Products are offered in a wide range, so every owner of a mustachioed fluffy can always choose a balanced diet for his pet.

ProBalance includes the following components.

  • The base is dehydrated turkey, chicken, salmon or rabbit meat. These foods are sources of animal proteins.
  • Cereals are introduced as sources of carbohydrates: rice and barley. These components contribute to the long-term saturation of the pet. However, it is difficult to call them useful - if rice is well absorbed by the animal's body, then barley becomes a ballast for the digestive tract: it causes indigestion and allergic reactions.
  • The feed contains animal and vegetable lipids - most often it is beef, pork or poultry fat, as well as sunflower oil. The products contain amino acids, help to improve the condition of the skin and coat of pets.
  • Beet pulp - contributes to the maintenance of a healthy microflora of the stomach and intestines. Normalizes peristalsis, increases the immunity of the animal.
  • Taurine - participates in maintaining the work of the cardiovascular system. It activates the nervous activity of the cat, promotes better lipid digestion. Prevents pathologies of the organs of vision.
  • Yeast - contain high concentrations of B vitamins. They normalize the activity of the brain, optimize the performance of all organs and systems of the pet. However, this product, unlike brewer's yeast, can cause fermentation in the intestines.
  • L-carnitine - an important amino acid that accelerates soft tissue repair. The supplement improves appetite and food digestibility. Optimizes metabolism.
  • Egg powder - is a source of proteins. Includes vitamins and minerals important for keeping pets active.

Like any other food, ProBalance for cats and cats has its advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include:

  • unique formula - there is an optimal balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, herbs, vitamins and minerals;
  • wide assortment line - availability of products for animals of different ages, breeds and health characteristics;
  • ease of use.

Along with this, there are also disadvantages that cast doubt on the effectiveness and usefulness of products for cats. So, after examining the packaging, it can be noted that the product contains artificial antioxidants - these are synthetic additives that have a negative effect on the digestive organs.

With prolonged use, they cause gastrointestinal pathologies, and in addition, increase the content of "bad" lipophilic alcohol in the blood.

The disadvantages include the ratio of grain and meat parts. The meat in these foods is much less cereal, while cats, like any other predator, require animal proteins to maintain activity, full growth and development. Most likely, grain components are introduced solely to increase the mass of the product and reduce the cost of its prime cost.

The product is not affordable in any way. You can buy it only on Internet sites or in large veterinary stores. It is not sold in supermarkets and retail outlets within walking distance. And finally, many owners refuse from ProBalance due to the lack of specialized series for pregnant, lactating and old animals. The brand does not offer food for sick pets - all feeds that the manufacturer claims to be therapeutic are in fact nothing more than preventive. ProBalance food is suitable for a wide variety of feline breeds. The manufacturer especially recommends the product for Thai, Burmese, Munchkin and Maine Coon cats.

Assortment of dry food

ProBalance dry food is very popular.... This product is preferred by owners who spend most of the day at work and do not have the opportunity to feed their pet during the daytime. Dry granules retain their freshness throughout the day, do not wind or dry out. Food in sealed containers can be stored for up to a year. Regular inclusion of solid food in the daily diet helps to remove plaque and strengthen dental tissue. The product is available in 400 g bags, as well as 8 and 10 kg packs. The manufacturer offers several series for cats with different physiological characteristics. As for the taste characteristics, here are declared products with chicken, turkey, rabbit meat, as well as salmon and beef.

The product in yellow packaging contains components that increase the immunity of the animal and optimize its physical activity. The food in blue packs is ideal for neutered animals. The product helps to keep the pet's body weight under control, and, in addition, contains components that prevent the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Green indicates a hypoallergenic diet.

This food is recommended for pets prone to the development of allergic reactions.It is used to feed animals with sensitive digestion or gastrointestinal diseases.

For kittens

There is only one type of food for kittens produced under the ProBalance brand - Kitten 1'st Diet. It contains an increased proportion of proteins, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Proteins are needed by the growing body of a kitten to build muscle tissue, and potassium and phosphorus strengthen the skeletal system.

Important! Please note that you can give a kitten industrial food no earlier than at the age of 2 months.

For adult cats

For healthy pets over 1 year old, the varieties described below are available.

  • Probalance Active. Suitable for active cats and cats. This food promotes the rapid achievement of a feeling of satiety, due to which the animals are satisfied even in small portions and do not ask for food for a long time. The product in question is enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex, contains glucosamine and chondroitin. Regular consumption helps to maintain the activity of the animal.
  • Probalance Adult Immuno. This food contains an increased dosage of antioxidants and lysine. Thanks to this formula, the pet's immunity is strengthened, the risk of disease is reduced.

The manufacturer offers a line of veterinary medicinal feeds. However, they are focused mainly on prevention rather than therapy of pathologies. There are two products in this series.

  • Hairand Beauty. The food is suitable for cats with long and thick coats. Contains Omega-3, Omega-6, as well as flaxseed, which is a source of polyunsaturated acids. The feed is enriched with micronutrients and vitamins. The inclusion of feed in the diet significantly improves the quality of the coat: it becomes shiny, thick, soft and silky. Due to the presence of plant fibers, wool in the digestive tract does not clump, but is excreted naturally.

This product is recommended for cats at the stage of preparation for exhibitions and competitions in order to maintain their impeccable appearance.

  • Sterilized... Product for animals after castration. Surgical interventions have a negative impact on the health of furry pets and dramatically increase the risk of calculi in the urinary organs. Eating such products, the cat begins to drink more liquid, and this contributes to the timely removal of salts from the kidneys. In addition, L-carnitine is present here, which speeds up the metabolic rate. This is very important for inactive animals that are prone to becoming overweight.


Wet food is produced in the same series as dry food. The only difference is in the form. The spider product is offered as juicy chunks in a sauce or jelly broth. The manufacturer recommends this product for daily feeding. However, experienced breeders usually use pouches instead of treats. The main advantage of the product is the presence of antioxidants and probiotics. This formula improves the pet's digestive system and strengthens its immunity. The amount of moisture in the feed reaches 80% - this reduces the need for separate supplementation.

Each 85 g package assumes a single dose of feeding a healthy pet. This is quite convenient, since when opened, the product begins to wind a little after 1.5-2 hours. As a result, its quality deteriorates, the proportion of nutrients decreases, and the taste characteristics deteriorate.

Advice: in order for the pet to receive a full-fledged food and at the same time not oversaturated with it, it is advisable to combine wet and dry food.

Canned food

From canned foods, cat users distinguish the ones named below.

  • Probalance Sterilized. A moist product with a rich ingredient composition that provides the pet with the macro and microelements it needs. The diet is enriched with vitamins A and D, contains valuable amino acids and minerals. Regular consumption helps to maintain the normal weight of the animal - this is especially important for pets after spaying.The product is made from minced chicken, fish, vegetable and pea proteins. Enriched with taurine and vitamin-mineral complex. The composition includes a phytocomposition Fitocare for cats. All medicinal herbs in it are selected by practicing zootechnologists to maintain the animal's tone and strengthen its immunity.
  • ProBalance Sensetive. Canned food with a prebiotic contributes to the maintenance of beneficial intestinal microflora. The use of such a product ensures complete assimilation of the feed and facilitates digestion.

According to the manufacturer, this liquid canned food contains no less than 8% protein, no less than 5% fat, no more than 2.5% ash and no more than 0.5% fiber. Moisture is 81%.

Review overview

Customer reviews of ProBalance cat food are mixed. Some breeders claim that the food in question has a positive effect on the well-being of pets. Animals eagerly consume dry and wet foods and quickly gorge themselves on them. They remain active for a long time and do not have problems with the intestines and stomach. The coat of these cats looks smooth and silky. The opinions of experts are not so optimistic. They note that the product can be classified as a premium product by its formula and quality composition. Although its price corresponds to the varieties from the economy segment.

However, given the predominance of cereals in the product and the increased content of plant proteins over animals, they cannot recommend such a composition for daily feeding.... It is best to use ProBalance for active cats with no health concerns. At the same time, it is advisable to combine it with natural food - only in this case it is possible to cover the pet's need for animal proteins. For sick and weakened pussies, it is better to stop at higher quality super premium products or holistic products.

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