Cat food brands

Review of dry food for cats and cats Whiskas

Review of dry food for cats and cats Whiskas
  1. general description
  2. Products for adult cats and cats
  3. Assortment of food for kittens
  4. Review overview

The food manufacturer has various lines in demand, but the review of Whiskas dry food for cats and cats always begins with the fact that, despite the relatively high cost, it is in demand among both animals and owners.

Availability (available on sale in almost any supermarket chain), a variety of assortment, excellent work of marketers - all this contributes to the promotion of the proposed product.

general description

Dry food Whiskas for cats is produced by the company "Mars", which operates in the domestic market and in some other countries. The official website informs the consumer in detail about what is being done at the production facilities, and this is a good job for marketers, advertisers and sales managers, since the range is huge, and it cannot be compared even with some of the giants of the pet food industry.

  • Thrifty spiders in popularity they are inferior to dry food in cats and cats, but both lines are not subject to long-term storage and receive negative reviews from veterinarians.
  • Dry food presented famous pillows and a few lesser known varieties.
  • Another differentiation for types: food for kittens, adults and elderly animals. It does not take into account that it can be wet and dry food, special products and delicacies that are not recommended for everyday nutrition, but loved by fluffy pets.
  • Each type of product is produced in different series... For example, wet food is available in canned food and spiders, dry food - in boxes and large-capacity bags, assorted and for different target audiences.
  • The composition, which causes constant controversy among adherents and opponents of food, differs in each case. (in contrast to some monopolists who issue similar products in the composition of food for different types of feed).

The negative can be attributed to competitors trying to force a strong adversary out of the market. This is not uncommon in a lucrative industry. The owners of healthy animals, who constantly receive food from Mars LLC, often argue on the forums, and those who are used to trusting the opinion of experts, veterinarians and other people who invariably leave only negative reviews.

The main complaints are the presence of flavors and food additives, a large amount of vegetable protein and an insufficient amount of animal protein. Valuable components are not fully mentioned, and claims that poor quality products are used in production are unfounded in Russia, since they were brought from the USA by the Association of American Veterinarians. Sane people argue that you just need to take a responsible approach to the nutrition of your pet - feed him not only dry food, but also wet food, show him periodically to the doctor, if necessary, give additional vitamins, and then the cat owner will not have any problems.

Products for adult cats and cats

The feline assortment is extensive. You can diversify your pet's food by buying small packages and giving them out before the food has worn out. For shelter owners and several pets, volunteers who feed stray cats and cats, a large package is provided, which can contain up to 10 kg. Some owners of domestic cats prefer packaging in a box that protects the food from drying out and weathering.

Whiskas dry cat food invariably appears in the sales rankings and is produced in Russia, although it was developed by an American manufacturer. The composition depends on the species. On sale there are large packages of 10 kg and feed 2-5 kg ​​for thrifty and thrifty owners. There are several product lines, grouped by age, digestion, sterilization and castration, and even coat length.

There is a separate species - a treat that can be used to reward animals, but these species are not suitable for daily feeding.

The main lines of food from Whiskas:

  • Special Indoor - with balanced calories, intended for pets prone to obesity or simply gaining excess weight due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Hairboll - Ideal for cats and cats with long hair, which helps to remove it from the stomach, preventing the formation of wool lumps;
  • pH-control designed for spayed or neutered furry pets;
  • Sensitive intended for animals that have digestive problems or are at risk of developing allergic reactions to certain food components;
  • Duo treats - these are delicacies for fastidious animals, produced with beef, cheese, rabbit and vitamins, therefore, such food should not be given every day, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis.

Pads are the main form in which dry food is produced. Animals eat it with pleasure, although options from the holistic series are recommended for a pregnant cat, which this manufacturer does not deal with. For adult cats, you can buy dry food with salmon, beef, chicken and turkey (the latter is also recommended for animals that have reached 7 years of age), sterilized is offered with poultry or with beef and delicious pillows.

Some stores in the global information space offer owners savings of 5 to 15%. When making such purchases, it should be remembered that dry food can be stored for no more than 1.5-2 years, it is better to keep spiders in the refrigerator, but canned food in cans will be usable even after a few years.

Assortment of food for kittens

Food from a special, narrowly targeted line is intended for small pets under one year of age. The manufacturer indicates on the packaging the nutritional standards - daily and disposable, calculated by the weight of the baby.

However, these norms can be adjusted, since kittens may have individual characteristics, as in adult animals - sensitive digestion, a tendency to allergies, hyperactivity and hypoactivity, different coat length and weight by age, depending on the breed.

Kitten pads with milk, turkey and carrots are the only dry food for babies that can be found on the Internet.... They are recommended for the development of the nervous system, strong muscles and healthy joints, and proper metabolism.

It is desirable to alternate it with lines of wet feed - there are healthy varieties like lamb chunks in tomato sauce, chicken and lamb stews, pates and cream soups.

Each type of food has its own indisputable advantages, so you can find common recommendations to alternate them in order to use them for the benefit of the dignity of dry and wet food, to ensure the full development of the feline cub. From 10 months of age, you can gradually introduce some types of baby food into the diet.

Review overview

Owners of animals who constantly purchase products from Mars LLC note that they did not notice any negative effects - six, teeth, healthy activity, all in stock. There are criticisms directed not only at economy feed, but also at products of other manufacturers, positioned as healthy and completely natural food. People point to the fact that not only reactions to each type of food for an animal are different, but also a breed, with its own characteristics of perception. Veterinarians are convinced of the harm that Whiskas can cause due to the small proportion of meat content, the presence of vegetable fats and flour.

Some publications claim that cats prefer Whiskas due to the presence of the attractant - catnip and valerian. In their opinion, it is this circumstance that makes it attractive to animals. Sane cat owners point out that even in one breed of feline you can find representatives who stubbornly do not want to eat economy class food. But there are also unpretentious pets who do not like expensive species, advertised as holistic or premium and, on this basis, declared undeniably useful.

Affordability, a wide range of products, developed specialized lines, calorie content and low cost speaks in favor of Whiskas. Pets are happy to eat both dry and wet food.

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