Cat food brands

Description of Friskies feed

Description of Friskies feed
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Review of food for cats and cats
  3. Variety of products for dogs
  4. Review overview

The range of food for four-legged friends on the domestic market is very wide. In retail outlets, you can find such food from different manufacturers with different tastes and composition, which varies significantly in cost. One of the most popular products for cats and dogs, which can be bought in every chain supermarket, is the Friskies brand food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Friskies cat food is one of the affordable and cheap options for feeding baleen pussies. It is sold in packs of bright yellow color, you can buy them in every store. The product line includes both canned food and dry food. In combination with a democratic cost, this leads to a high demand for the product from the cat breeders. Friskies is produced by Purina, a subsidiary of the Nestle Purina Petcare holding.

This American company is one of the leaders in the pet food segment. She owns such brands as ProPlan, Darling, Cat Chow, Dog Chow, Friskies, Beneful, Gourmet, and Felix. Today Purina is recognized as the second largest manufacturer of products for cats, dogs and other pets in the world and the first in America.

All products supplied to the countries of the former USSR are manufactured at production facilities operating in Russia. Nevertheless, some of the branded products are produced in Hungary.

Purina products occupy the most budgetary segment of the market. In other words, the range of foods it offers is targeted at low-income pet owners. Accordingly, it does not differ in balance, good quality and usefulness for the pet.

Friskies food has its undeniable benefits.

  • Affordable price - even among similar products of the economy segment, this feed is one of the cheapest. The difference in cost with premium feeds and even more holistic feeds is enormous. This largely determines the increased demand from breeders.
  • Availability - you can buy Friskies in every store, not only in specialized stores, but also in small outlets located within walking distance from home.
  • Lack of harmful impurities - this fact was confirmed by research of Roskachestvo.
  • Safety main characteristics and nutritional value until the expiration date.

Unfortunately, this feed has much more disadvantages than advantages.

  • Poor quality of the main feed components... In particular, meat constituents are contained in a rather low concentration. In addition, for the most part, they are waste products of the meat-processing industry - cartilage, paws, hooves, as well as feathers and skins. Accordingly, they have no nutritional value.
  • Significant content of cereals. They are the basis of the Friskies brand feed. At the same time, the manufacturer does not specify what kind of raw materials are used, and this causes distrust of the breeders. If the animal's body copes with rice and oats, then corn and wheat are contraindicated for cats. Their digestive system cannot cope with such a product, which leads to the development of the most severe pathologies - from obesity to diabetes. Cats are carnivores, so cereals, for all their energy value, should not be the basis of their diet.
  • High concentration of synthetic additives. To improve the taste and odor characteristics of the product, flavor enhancers, colorants, flavors and other additives of artificial origin are used. They often cause severe allergies in a pet. Research data from Roskachestvo confirmed the lack of arachidonic acid, as well as fats, macro- and micronutrients - their actual concentration is much lower than that declared by the manufacturer. The body of pets cannot produce them on its own, however, they are very important for maintaining the cat's immunity and improving its reproductive function.
  • Sugar is added to the canned food. On the one hand, this improves the taste characteristics of the product and increases the moisture parameters. On the other hand, it leads to the appearance of fatty deposits on the animal's body.

With frequent intake of sugar-containing feed, the mustachioed downy develops increased nervousness, teeth deteriorate, joint pathologies, obesity develop, and an increased load on the pancreas and kidneys is created.

Review of food for cats and cats

The range of Friskies brand foods is very wide. The product portfolio contains both dry and wet products. At the same time, the basic composition is almost identical for all types of products, they differ only slightly by adding some meat and vegetable components.

The main cereal components are:

  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • buckwheat;
  • oats;
  • flaxseed flour;
  • corn grits;
  • corn;
  • Wheat groats;
  • pea groats.

The meat-containing component is:

  • hen;
  • beef;
  • Turkey;
  • salmon;
  • lamb;
  • liver;
  • pork;
  • duck;
  • rabbit;
  • as well as products of their processing.

The sources of essential fats are:

  • pork fat;
  • fish fat;
  • soybean oil;
  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil.

The required fiber content is achieved by:

  • dried carrots;
  • dry peas;
  • dried zucchini;
  • vegetables;
  • dried rosemary.

The functional components are:

  • spirulina;
  • taurine;
  • bentonite.

Products include lines for adult cats and cats, kittens and animals with special needs. Canned food is sold in packs of 85 g, as well as cans for 400 and 800 g. Dry formulations are sold in packs from 300 g to 10 kg.

For adults

Owners of adult cats most often choose a moist product with meat in an appetizing gravy:

  • with salmon;
  • with Chiken;
  • with a duck;
  • with turkey and carrots;
  • with rabbit and liver;
  • with a rabbit;
  • with beef;
  • with beef and carrots;
  • with beef and lamb.

In the dry food category, the following products are very popular:

  • with chicken and garden grass;
  • with salmon;
  • with meat / chicken / liver;
  • with meat and nutritious vegetables;
  • with a rabbit and healthy vegetables.

In addition to meat and cereals, the composition also includes processed sea fish products, amino acids, vitamins A and D3, as well as sugar and thickeners. Additional components are trace elements manganese, iron, iodine, a small proportion of copper and zinc. The total protein content is 7%, the proportion of meat does not exceed 4%. The concentration of crude ash is 2%, fat - 2-3% and fiber - less than 0.1%.

For kittens

Especially for growing animals, Friskies offers Feed with Chicken, Milk and Nutritious Vegetables. It includes:

  • cereals;
  • meat processing products;
  • vegetable protein;
  • processed products of sea fish;
  • fats and oils;
  • yeast;
  • minerals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants.

Zinc, manganese, selenium, iron, vitamins A, E and D3 are additionally introduced. For growing kittens at the age of 6-12 weeks, the daily feed intake is 25-90 g, divided into three doses. For older babies at 3-6 months, the daily portion is increased to 45 g. Animals from 6 months to a year are given up to 180 g of feed.

For animals with special needs

Purina Friskies produces a line of specialized products for specific groups of animals:

  • for castrated / neutered animals - food with a rabbit and vegetables;
  • for domestic cats - with chicken and garden herbs;
  • for long-haired breeds - with chicken and vegetables.

Pregnant cats can be fed the same food as kittens, but in higher dosages. Especially for pets who never go outside, there is a version with chicken and dry grass. The main ingredient here is chicory. The use of such a product allows you to get rid of the pungent smell of feces. For animals with long hair, a sugar beet composition is suggested.

It improves the functioning of the digestive system, contributes to the correct formation of the fecal lump and generally normalizes the quality of the stool. The specialized series includes only dry food. However, for sterilized, castrated and weakened pets, it is required to include canned food and pates in the feed base.... This allows their bodies to get more water, prevents the saturation of urine from increasing and prevents kidney disease.

Variety of products for dogs

A separate line of production is associated with the manufacture of products for dogs under the Friskies brand. Liquid feed is very popular with pet owners. Most in demand:

  • Friskies with beef in gravy;
  • Friskies with chicken in gravy.

In addition to cereals and meat-containing components, the product includes a set of microelements, vitamins, a complex of omega-3 fats. The manufacturer claims there are no colorants, preservatives or other artificial additives. Canned food is available in small packages of 85 g.

In addition to food, Friskies offers dog chewy treats. They are used for rewards during animal training. The most popular product is Friskies Beggin "strips.

Review overview

User reviews for Friskies are twofold. In addition to the obvious advantages - low price and availability, many users indicate an undoubted interest in animals. From the first treat, cats get used to the food and eat with great appetite. Also, breeders note that the use of Friskies restores the intestinal microflora of the animal, improves its weight characteristics and the quality of wool.

Some cat owners note that with most other foods (dry and wet), the animal becomes thirsty. Friskies does not have this problem, the product does not cause any changes in the pet's eating habits. The quality of this product has been tested by time. The brand has been presented on the Russian market for more than a decade. The food is eagerly eaten by cats and cats of various ages and breeds. And this speaks of its safety for a mustachioed fluffy.

However, there are also opponents of the feed of this company. They declare distrust of the quality of the product, express doubts about its balance. Most likely, the reason here is that the manufacturer provides a minimum of information. In particular, he indicates only the category of raw materials, but not its source and percentage in the finished product.

Summarizing all these reviews, we can say that Friskies are a good solution for occasional cat feeding. It can be given to animals if nothing else is at hand.

When used on an ongoing basis, it should be supplemented with other foods - meat, poultry and offal. Eating Friskies alone on a day-to-day basis will cause serious damage to your furry pet in the long run.

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