Cat food brands

Description of Kitekat feed

Description of Kitekat feed
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Wet feed overview
  3. Variety of dry food
  4. Review overview

Any pet owner dreams of his four-legged friend living a long and happy life without pain and suffering. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right food, its growth, development, functioning of internal organs and immunity largely depend on the animal's diet. You can buy Kitekat in any store, the manufacturer claims that it is a balanced diet that improves the health of the animal. However, customer reviews about this brand are increasingly negative - we propose to understand the features of this product, its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kitekat is a world-renowned brand of dry and wet food for adult cats and cats. You can buy it not only in specialized pet stores, but also in chain supermarkets and retail outlets within walking distance. The manufacturer claims that leading veterinarians and zootechnologists took part in the development of the product, therefore, the food is distinguished by a balanced composition and benefits for mustachioed fluffs.

The manufacturer of Kitekat products is the American company Mars Inc. It is the world's largest holding company offering pet products. The head office of the company is located in Belgium, but production workshops are located in almost 50 countries of the world, including Russia. Mars produces food under several brands, of the most famous in the domestic market are:

  • Whiskas;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Kitekat;
  • "Pedigree" (Pedigree).

All of them are budget products of the economy segment and are very popular with Russian breeders. The reasons for this are obvious:

  • affordable price - people with even the lowest income can afford Kitekat packaging;
  • availability - to buy such food, you do not have to travel through the whole city or search for goods on the Internet, you can find it at every nearest outlet;
  • popularity - the brand gives active advertising on TV, so many cat owners trust it;
  • rich gustatory palette - budget food can be found in a variety of flavors (chicken, lamb, beef, fish).

All Kitekat products are formulated for the daily nutrition of adult cats without serious health problems. There are no special medicinal products in the assortment line. The quality of this feed is confirmed by examinations and certificates.

Nevertheless, more and more often, pet owners express their distrust of the food of this brand. The reason for this was the lack of reliable information on the composition of the product. The manufacturer gives only the most general wording. It does not indicate the exact source of origin of the main ingredients and their percentage.

The main share of the product falls on cereals and their processed products. Cereals are important for the animal as they are a rich source of carbohydrates and provide the cat with energy. However, the manufacturer does not specify what kind of raw materials are used in Kitekat, as well as hides the percentage of the ingredient. And if the body of an adult cat can cope with rice and oats, then cheap wheat or corn can provoke pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and powerful allergic reactions in a four-legged pet.

The second line in the description of the composition is occupied by products of animal origin. This component is claimed as a protein source. But at the same time, there is no information about which animals they were obtained from, whether they are represented by meat or offal. It is possible that the manufacturer used bones, horns, feathers, tendons and other substandard processed products to reduce the cost of the product.

Sunflower oil and animal fat are indicated as the source of fatty acids and fats. The composition includes protein plant extracts, again, without specifying the raw material. Vegetables and their processed products supply fiber to the animal's body. Usually carrots or potatoes are used. By the way, the latter is not recommended for animals with endocrine diseases. To enrich the finished feed with useful substances, a vitamin and mineral complex, nutritional supplements and essential amino acids (taurine and methionine) are introduced into the product.

Analysis of the composition shows that the meat content in this feed is quite low, the main part of the protein is of vegetable origin. However, dogs are by nature carnivores, so meat is important for them. Accordingly, the Kitekat brand food cannot be called 100% balanced product. In addition, it contains flavors, dyes, all kinds of flavor enhancers and other artificial preservatives. In some series, brewer's yeast is present, which is an allergen for the animal.

Lack of information has led to the formation of a negative attitude towards cheap food in the society among pet breeders. Most are sure that they cannot do anything but harm to the animal. This is due to the fact that:

  • processed meat products - feathers, as well as beaks and bone meal are of poor quality;
  • preservatives and food colors poison the pet's body;
  • yeast, millet and corn cause them to be allergic;
  • presence of flavor enhancers and aromas is addictive.

That is why many owners of mustachioed pussies, who have fed their animals Kitekat for a long time, tend to blame the food for any problems with the cat's well-being.

Meanwhile, this issue can be looked at from a different position.

Offal and other cheap meat products are absolutely normal food for adult cats and cats. In their natural environment, these animals feed on birds and rodents, so such components are easily absorbed by the pet's body. They are also a source of healthy proteins.

Dyes can also be found in the most expensive feeds. In addition, any food coloring has different quality standards. Preservatives are added to any products in order to ensure their long-term storage.

Allergens are also included in holistics. And in general, allergy is an individual problem, different animals may have a negative reaction to different products. Or it may not be a problem at all. Flavors are added to the composition of products so that the pet has an appetite, since this directly affects its digestion. They are not necessarily addictive.

All feeds offered on the modern market must pass certification and examination.... If they are allowed for sale by law, it means that they are not hazardous to health.

However, in order to provide the animal with a healthy feed base, it is necessary to adhere to the basic norms of proper feeding.

It is undesirable to mix ready-made feed and natural food in one feeding. Each product is balanced in its own way; when mixing, the balance of the main components is disturbed. For example, if you feed a cat with dry food and sea fish at the same time, this can lead to an exacerbation of urolithiasis. A combination of several types of food is acceptable, but it must be separated in time.

When using a dry product, it is important to provide the animal with unhindered access to clean drinking water around the clock. If the cat lacks fluids, it will have the most detrimental effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the digestive system.

Pay close attention to the manufacturer's advice on the amount and amount of feed. You should not overfeed the animal, even if it seems to you that it eats little. At the same time, pregnant and lactating cats should be offered food more often, they should not be hungry.

There is a category of animals that cannot be fed with Kitekat and other products of the economy segment:

  • kittens younger than 1 year old - they need a different balanced meal;
  • pets prone to allergies;
  • animals with renal failure or urolithiasis.

Wet feed overview

Kitekat wet food is sold in small, hermetically sealed pouches. The contents of one pack are for a single meal of the animal. The product looks quite appetizing and includes several main ingredients:

  • cereals;
  • dry vegetables;
  • meat, offal and products of their processing;
  • flour of animal origin;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • preservatives.

In jelly

Wet food is a serving of mouth-watering chunks in a jelly broth. The jelly contains collagens that are good for your pet's joints. Available in a wide range of flavors:

  • with beef;
  • with Chiken;
  • with a rabbit;
  • with lamb.

In sauce

Kitekat in sauce is a portion of mouth-watering chunks made according to a special recipe based on meat, cereals and vegetables. The product contains animal fats, vitamins, as well as minerals and taurine. The manufacturer offers several basic flavors:

  • with beef;
  • with Chiken;
  • with a rabbit;
  • with fish;
  • with lamb.

The main advantage of wet feed is that it is 75% liquid. This means that their use minimizes the risk of developing kidney and ureter diseases. In addition, this product is multilevel sterilized during the manufacturing process and is safe for the pet.

However, feeding cats with wet food alone is not recommended.... This animal must receive solid supplements in order to maintain healthy gums and teeth.By chewing on solid food, pets clean their teeth from the remnants of stuck food and plaque. If such products are not available, it can cause an unpleasant odor and even health problems.

The best solution is to alternate between wet and granulated feed. For example, on a regular basis, give moist and feed a little dry granules. In this case, the cat will receive all the food it needs for life.

Variety of dry food

Dry products are sold in the form of granules and crackers in packs of 300 g or more, in supermarkets you can immediately purchase large packs of 15 kg. Kitekat dry cat food contains the following components:

  • meat, products of its processing and offal (beef, liver, chicken, fish or rabbit);
  • vegetable proteins;
  • cereals;
  • dry vegetables;
  • animal fats, as well as vegetable oils;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamin complex (A, D, E, B vitamins);
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus);
  • colorants, flavor enhancers, flavors.

Usually, the package usually indicates the total volume of all protein components without specifying their origin. According to some estimates, the proportion of meat in them does not exceed 4%. This information can scare away pet owners. However, do not worry - pets do not need to eat fresh meat.

The main thing is that the cat gets a sufficient amount of animal protein.

Review overview

It was not possible to find real feedback from professional veterinarians on the use of Kitiket products on the relevant forums and thematic sites. But given the blurred composition data, it is unlikely that any professional would recommend this product to pet owners. Most likely, he will suggest using more expensive foods high in meat protein.

User reviews are extremely mixed. The product's affordability, coupled with aggressive advertising, has made it one of the most widely used pet foods. However, experienced breeders question whether this food is beneficial for cats.

Despite all the manufacturer's statements about a balanced diet, you should not "add" animals to this product. Of course, you will save a lot. However, in the event of side effects, treatment in a veterinary clinic is very expensive and does not always end with the healing of a four-legged friend. At the same time, it was noticed that "yard" cats can stay on such food for a long time, but pedigree animals show the first signs of malaise after a week of admission.

Therefore, if you notice a violation of the pet's stool or vomiting immediately after eating, immediately change its diet.

You should not expect miracles from Kitekat, as well as from other economy-class feeds. But hasty conclusions are also useless.... This product contains all the main components that are beneficial for the health of the cat, and there are no toxic substances in it. Thus, he will not be able to harm the health of the pet. Although the benefit from it will be minimal.

This is why Kitekat is good as a temporary measure when no other feed is at hand. Alternatively, you can give it on an ongoing basis, but be sure to combine it with natural food, alternating the types of feeding. It should also be borne in mind that this product is suitable for healthy adult animals without problems with the digestive and endocrine systems. For spayed, neutered, weakened after illness, old pets and small kittens, it is better to opt for other food or natural products.

But it makes no sense to completely replace Kitekat with any similar product of the economy segment. They are made from the same products, and they are made according to a similar recipe. Therefore, the difference between them is mainly external (packaging, name). If you decide to change feed, then only premium or holistic.

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