Cat food brands

All about food for cats and cats Ownat

All about food for cats and cats Ownat
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Variety of products
  3. Review overview

Ownat cat food is produced in Spain but is popular all over the world. Not all types of food can be bought in Russia. But those foods that are sold in local pet stores are very popular with cat owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ownat brand products have many advantages.

  1. Balance... The products of this brand can become the basis of the diet of domestic cats. It is balanced and nutritious. Quality natural ingredients are used to create Spanish food.

  2. Security... The branded products contain no dyes or preservatives. Therefore, they are absolutely safe for animals. Manufacturers of Ownat have replaced artificial preservatives with natural equivalents.

  3. Versatility... The assortment of this company includes products for both adult cats and kittens. Animals can be constantly delighted with new flavors of feed. In addition, they can be pampered with branded wet canned food. They also come in both meat and fish varieties.

  4. Pleasant taste and aroma. All Ownat foods are tasty and flavorful. Therefore, cats eat them with great pleasure. Dry granules are small in size. This means that they are convenient for both small kittens and older cats.

  5. Availability... You can buy products of this brand in many pet stores. It is sold in large bags. Therefore, it is quite beneficial to feed the animal with delicious food.

  6. Long shelf life. Good quality dry food can be stored without refrigeration for several months. There is no need to worry about their freshness. If your home has an auto feeder, you can add food for your cat once a day. Over time, the food will neither deteriorate nor become less tasty.

These feeds have no significant drawbacks.Therefore, they can be bought for both small kittens and adult cats. The main thing is to choose the right product for the animal. In this case, it will receive everything it needs for normal development.

Variety of products

There are several main lines of food from the Ownat brand. The selection of products for cats is not as large as for dogs. But pet owners can still find something suitable for their pets.


The classic line of cat food is most often found on the market... Their composition is very simple. It is worth remembering that these feeds are cereal. They contain very few meat components. The most popular products are chicken and rice, as well as fish.

Separately, it is worth considering feed Hairball... The use of these products leads to the fact that cats' hair falls less actively. In addition, dense hairballs do not form in the animal's stomach.


These feeds are also cereals. They also contain meat, vegetables and seaweed. This makes them as balanced and useful as possible. Foods are very quickly absorbed by the body. This line is suitable for healthy adult cats as well as neutered cats. They are designed with all the needs of pets in mind.

Cats that regularly consume this line always look good and do not gain weight. These products contain all the substances necessary for the prevention of diseases that appear after castration or sterilization of pets.

Just grain free

The grain-free food is ideal for sedentary cats as well as animals prone to allergies. It is balanced and very lightweight. The feed contains no cereals. Sources of carbohydrates are fruits as well as natural vegetables.

Regular consumption of this food will help to improve the condition of the skin, as well as make its coat thicker and shinier. In addition, the animal will not gain weight. Indeed, while feeding with such products, the pet feels full faster. Therefore, he does not overeat.

Grain Free Prime

This line has a lot in common with the previous one. The food does not contain any allergens and food colors... The premium food is ideal for active and energetic cats. They are quickly absorbed by the animal's body, and also do not lead to obesity or the appearance of any diseases.

This line also has hypoallergenic stern. They are suitable for animals suffering from food allergies.

It should be noted that the company is now engaged in the production of wet canned food. The line includes products for both cats and kittens. These feeds are sold in small packages. Such a small packet is enough for an animal for one meal.

They contain fresh meat and fish. Wet food is enriched with minerals and vitamins. This makes the treat not only tasty, but also beneficial for the health of the animal. The most popular foods are chicken, turkey, salmon and beef.

Review overview

Ownat cat food receives many positive reviews. Pet owners note that even fastidious animals who have previously refused other food eat it with pleasure.

You can feed them pets daily. It is necessary to determine the amount of food, focusing on the weight of the cat, as well as on its physical activity. Manufacturers indicate the feeding rates correctly on the packaging. If you follow them, the cat will be active and healthy.

When switching from natural food or other food to this product, you need to give the animal time to get used to its new diet. This process usually takes only a few days. It is not recommended to mix dry food or canned food with natural food. It is also important to ensure that the pet always has access to clean water. In this case, he will not overeat due to thirst.

If the chosen food is not suitable for the animal, you can try to replace it with a product with a different taste.

Ownat Spanish food is safe to buy both small kittens and adult animals. If your pet gets used to such a product at an early age, it will have fewer health problems in the future.

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