Cat food brands

Review of pet food for cats and cats Petreet

Review of pet food for cats and cats Petreet
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

Petreet food is produced at factories in Thailand by order of the famous Italian concern Bolton Alimentari S. p. A. This company produces both favorite food for pets and delicious canned food for ordinary people, as well as products for the family and home, cosmetics.

general description

Experts believe that Petreet Wet Foods for cats and cats is a fairly high quality product. These complete food in the form of spiders and canned food for adult pets in the age range from 1 year to 8-9 years have the appearance of the most delicate pate, which includes various delicious ingredients.

Petreet Natura is really premium food and, of course, this diet has many advantages:

  • food is rich in protein (the proportion of protein reaches 70%);

  • real European quality;

  • lack of harmful "chemistry";

  • a large selection of flavors.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages, we will list the main ones:

  • the presence of carbohydrate supplements;

  • too general information about the components;

  • not the entire composition is detailed and understandable;

  • Due to its composition, Petreet food is not called a complete food by all veterinarians; many experts believe that these canned food can only be used as an addition to the main diet.

  • high price.

Assortment of feed

Natura Series has a number of classifications by flavoring varieties and depending on the intended purpose.

Natura 100% - the products in this series contain 1 component of animal protein. These foods can be found in the store as 85g spiders. In the Natura series, the following can be used as the main component:

  • white fish meat;

  • juicy chicken breast;

  • salmon meat;

  • mackerel meat;

  • tuna meat;

  • blue fish meat (this can be sardine or herring, mackerel or saury).

Junior - tender canned food for babies (from 3 months to 1 year), in the form of finely chopped and juicy pieces of meat.

The food is in 80 g jars, convenient for storage, in the first place it can contain:

  • chicken;

  • fatty tuna meat;

  • trout meat.

Sfilaccetti di Pollo - in this feed the main ingredient will be chicken (from 60% to 73%) in combination with other products. Canned food weighing 70 g each. And also in this series there is an option where pink tuna meat (up to 60%) is used as the main component in combination with chicken (up to 12%). These ingredients can be supplemented with:

  • ripe olives;

  • liver;

  • red shrimps;

  • tender salmon;

  • asparagus.

Tonno del pacifico - here the main product will be Pacific tuna. The compositions of the components that are included in this category of feed are more useful than those of other series. Pacific tuna is very rich in protein and iodine. It is supplemented with products such as:

  • surimi or shirasu;

  • carrots, corn kernels, sometimes cheese;

  • green or blue beans;

  • crab meat, dried tuna;

  • chicken, beef.

Tonno Rosa. Pinkfin tuna became the basis for Tonno Rosa's nutrition. The food is in a tin can weighing 70 g. Of all the Petreet lines available in Russian stores, this one is considered the widest.

Pollo - in this line, the main component is chicken breast.

There are also other series (Con Frutta, Puro Sapore), but these products are not distributed on Russian territory.

Review overview

Many pet owners note that these canned food is a real delicacy for any, even the most fastidious cat. The owners like the appearance of the food product - in canned food and spiders, pieces of tuna and parts of shrimp are literally visible, this allows not to classify the food as cheap canned food. However, the price of the product is also quite high for the domestic consumer.

On the other hand, if you want your pet to receive only the highest quality rations, you should not skimp on it. Reviews from veterinarians about this food are much more restrained, but they also admit that the manufacturer's food is high in quality components.

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