Cat food brands

All about ProBalance pet food for neutered cats

All about ProBalance pet food for neutered cats
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Dry food
  3. Range of wet products

ProBalance currently produces a wide variety of nutritious food for cats and cats. The assortment includes separate rations for neutered pets. Today we will talk about the features of such food, its composition.


This product belongs to the premium class. These nutritious foods for neutered cats are made from selected fresh meat. All of them can be used for daily feeding. The manufacture also includes additional formulations with vitamins.

These products from the manufacturer have a relatively low cost, so they will be affordable for almost any buyer. Today the company produces both dry and wet rations. They are all part of the Sterilized series.

It should be noted that in the production of food for neutered and neutered pets, the manufacturer uses a special complex of plant components (Fitocare). It helps to strengthen the immune system of the animal.

And also plant elements have a positive effect on the digestive system of pets. Most often, such a complex includes the following plants: calendula, field horsetail, cranberry, chamomile and moss.

All feeds are absolutely safe for animals. Only natural ingredients are used as preservatives, including tocopherol extract. All products undergo a special sterilization process, which makes it easy to destroy all harmful organisms in the product.

The main source of protein in these diets is fresh chicken. Due to this ingredient, feeds are as easy to digest as possible, and also have a fairly high biological value.

When creating diets, preference is given to meat rather than offal.

It should be noted that there are no corn components in the composition, which are difficult for pets to digest. All products are made on the basis of easily perceived products. In addition, food does not include ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction or negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

The products are manufactured without the use of synthetic preservatives, artificial colors and flavoring enhancers. All feeds have appropriate certificates, which confirm the high level of food quality. On all packages and cans with food, you can find detailed information about the composition of the diet, as well as see the percentage of each of the ingredients.

Dry food

First, let's analyze the main features and composition of dry food for sterilized cats. This diet is based on chicken and rice. These components are the main ones in the composition, other ingredients are also used:

  • flour made on the basis of pork skins;

  • beet;

  • oats;

  • pea fiber;

  • flax seeds;

  • natural oils;

  • fish oil;

  • yucca extract;

  • yeast extract;

  • egg mixture;

  • lecithin.

In addition, in the production of this diet, special antioxidants are used that allow you to keep the product fresh for a long time, supplements saturated with zinc, manganese, copper, iron and iodine. The food is saturated with crude fiber, proteins, crude protein, ash, magnesium, calcium, fatty acids.

The composition of this dry food helps to stimulate pet's fluid intake, which can significantly increase the amount of urine and reduce the risk of developing and developing stones in the urinary system.

The optimal ratio of calories and nutrients allows you to maintain the weight of the animal at the desired level. The recipe also includes a special combination of medicinal herbs that has been specially developed by veterinarians. All of them allow you to have a tonic effect, strengthen the immune system.

This food can be given to cats between the ages of 1 and 7 years. It is sold in convenient packages of various sizes. The manufacturer also produces large packages of 10 kg.

Range of wet products

We now take a closer look at wet diets for neutered and neutered pets. Such food is made on the basis of minced chicken, meat offal. Many other ingredients are also used:

  • fish fillets and fish offal;

  • cereal products;

  • medicinal herbs;

  • taurine;

  • pea fibers.

The composition has a high percentage of fiber, protein, fat. In addition, it is rich in important elements such as calcium and magnesium.

The feed contains all the necessary useful amino acids, vitamins and mineral components. Food also has a rather high energy value.

Wet food is most commonly available in small bags and metal cans. All of them can have different volumes, but most often in stores you can find pouches of 85 grams and a capacity of 450 grams.

If desired, wet food can be mixed with dry nutritional granules, or other natural foods can be used. So the composition will turn out to be much richer and more satisfying.

For information on what should be the nutrition of sterilized cats, see the next video.

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