Cat food brands

PURINA ONE for neutered cats and neutered cats

PURINA ONE for neutered cats and neutered cats
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

Purina ONE is one of the most popular brands. Compared to some elite companies, whose 12-kilogram bag of dry food is ready to rush to 10 thousand rubles in 2021, Purina is a compromise solution with the preservation of most of the natural ingredients.

general description

Nestle Purina PetCare Company is an American company. Along with the obvious and useful natural ingredients, which are assigned the main positions, the products contain mysterious, as the owners and breeders believe, antioxidants, flavor and aroma enhancers. Prohibited preservatives can also be hidden under this definition.

If their natural and quite obvious analogs were indicated, the cost of feed would rise 2-3 times, like that of another multi-brand - Farmina.

The second disadvantage of Purina-branded feeds is the general formulations like "dry bird / fish protein", as well as "chicken", "salmon". It is clear that this is not a pure fillet of the corresponding agricultural animal, poultry or some species of fish, but the products of their processing, or rather, offal, up to the gills. A well-known experiment: a cat will eat boiled gills or boiled heart, fish brain, steamed bones without consequences, but fish bile will not be absorbed by it.

And while this is much better than eating bone meal instead of offal (for example, Chammy food), there are no miracles: pure fish and beef fillets are not cheap. Cheating in production and sales increases the prices of feed several times, in the production of which real fillets are used, and not processed products and vegetable peelings, cereal husks instead of grain.

Assortment of feed

Dry food is the easiest option. It can be stored unopened for up to six months, and unopened for no more than three weeks at room temperature. The disadvantage of such nutrition is a great need for fresh water, since there is only 10% of it in the feed.

Now let's look at the main assortment. Purina ONE Sterilized Cats contains 15% salmon and wheat grind ingredients. The food supports the health and immunity of the animal. The risk of plaque formation is reduced by 40%: the consistency is able to harmlessly and effectively remove the calculus from the enamel of the teeth. The food is well digested. The product tastes like salmon and beef.

Poultry protein, soybeans, corn milling, gluten inclusions, poultry and beef fat content, dried and chopped beets, chicory roots, fish protein and fat, vitamin and mineral ingredients, fiber fiber (4% by weight), lactobacilli, yeast culture - all this can be found in the feed. The amount of proteins is 37% of the total weight, fatty ingredients occupy no more than 13%, ash substances - 7.5%, Omega acids - 2%, taurine ingredient - 0.15%. Supplied in 1.5 kg bags.

Also, Sterilized food can be packaged in 750 g. Buying such a pack is not very profitable when compared with the first option. The composition here is distinguished by a high proportion of chicken (including processed, 15% by weight). The content of wheat grinding is slightly reduced - by 1%. The rest of the ingredients are left unchanged. Preference for a specific type of meat product (fish, poultry, beef and lamb) should be given taking into account the individual characteristics of the pet.

The food of the same line with packaging of 3 kg removes dental plaque in cats, helps to maintain strength, energy, and good health in pets. The taste is beef (16% of meat and its processing) and salmon, with a light wheat (up to 14% of grain) aftertaste. The other ingredients are the same as the previous options.

For wet feed, the percentage of moisture ranges from 78 to 81%. Protein is up to 13%, fats - 3-5%, ash - 2-3%, fiber - 0.5-1.5%, and the rest is vitamins, minerals and synthetic preservatives. The Purina ONE line is mainly available in spider form and is packaged in 75 g each. Contains more chicken, beans and rice, and is designed for pets with extremely sensitive digestion. In addition to minerals and vitamins, sugar is also present. Products may contain gum as an additional preservative.

Review overview

According to the responses of many cat owners, Purina ONE is noticeably ahead of Whiskas, whose quality has declined over 20 years. However, like all low-cost foods, Purina has the disadvantage that cat waste gives off a more unpleasant odor than the premium food. This suggests that the harm from Purina ONE is more tangible, therefore, it is not recommended as a permanent substitute for natural feeding. Some particularly "lucky" owners are faced with malfunctions in the digestion of cats and cats, causing prolonged diarrhea.

Other owners also note positive signs: the animal's hair is shiny, does not fall out in shreds, the skin looks healthy. However, each neutered or neutered animal has its own characteristics: there are cases of constipation, as well as the formation of stones. In the rarest of situations, a pet can get sick and die prematurely from this brand of food. Some individuals require a vitamin and mineral supplement. However, owners of purebred cats are unlikely to give their pets Purina food.

Bottom line: you should not "add" the animal solely to one composition of Purina. The best solution would be to alternate it at least with steamed fish and meat waste (4 hours, until the bones are completely softened), cooking by-products (without bile), cooking natural meat, soups. Focus solely on the cat's preferences, as well as on the result: the stool must be formed. Analyzing hundreds of reviews, it is easy to find that there are few owners who constantly feed their pets only with Purina food: the cat food should be changed at least once a season.

You can also mix several feeds from different brands, as well as, for example, add fish or chicken broth to dry food, turning it into wet food, if possible.

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