Cat food brands

Variety of Royal Farm feed

Variety of Royal Farm feed
  1. general description
  2. Cat food overview
  3. Assortment of dog food

At Royal Farm, we focus on understanding the unique needs of pets. Everything they do is focused on creating accurate nutritional formulas that help keep cats and dogs living long and healthy. All products are researched and developed not based on human nutritional trends or pet owner preferences, but based on modern nutritional science.

general description

Royal Farm knows that nutrients are the main value in a finished pet food. This approach to food production allows you to assess the pet's needs through detailed research conducted by specialists and observations. Then the optimal composition of the diet is determined, which is based both on the accepted recommendations of veterinarians and on the observations carried out, taking into account not only the breed, but also the age, lifestyle, sensitivity and health status of individual groups of animals.

All products use high quality, easily digestible ingredients that can be combined with each other according to the type of food.

Based on this approach, production technologists have learned to obtain the nutrients necessary for a quality feed from foods with a lower amount of carbohydrates.

Along with carbohydrates and fats, protein is one of the main elements in the pet's diet. Both cats and dogs need plenty of it, as protein provides the energy they need, and is also the key to fast growth, recovery, and is essential when carrying offspring.

Therefore, a separate food is produced for puppies, kittens, pregnant animals and those who suffer from certain diseases.

It doesn't matter if the dietary protein comes from a single source or from multiple ingredients, as long as the total protein supplied in the diet provides all of the essential amino acids in the right amount.

In addition to protein, feed contains carbohydrates. They, in turn, support the health of the digestive tract and give a feeling of fullness.

An equally important component is lipids, which in the right amount act as an important source of energy for pets. Essential fatty acids play a significant role in cell metabolism. It is lipids that improve the palatability of feed, help animals to assimilate the necessary vitamins and maintain immunity.

Cat food overview


Rabbit for a neutered animal - has a unique composition, thanks to which you can reduce the likelihood of future kidney problems.

Turkey for sterilized cats - the composition does not contain soy or wheat, therefore this feed has good animal tolerance. The production technology is patented. To a greater extent, minced meat is used in the production of feed. It is its use that guarantees the safety of a larger number of trace elements.

Chicken for Senior Cats - has a monoprotein formulation with a high meat content, making the feed easy to digest. The composition does not contain GMOs, preservatives and dyes.


Turkey in sauce for sterilized animals - super-premium food, created taking into account the needs of animals that have undergone surgery.

Duck in sauce - complete and well-balanced animal feed after sterilization.

Chicken in sauce for senior cats - contains 40% meat, thanks to which the feeling of fullness comes faster.

Chicken in sauce for young cats - a product with sauce that even the fastidious cat will appreciate.

Chicken with kitten sauce - 100% natural product, which is free of colorants and flavor enhancers.

Rabbit in sauce for kittens - is produced under strict quality control, which makes it possible to create a product that is safe for small pets.

Treat for cats with salmon - produced under the motto "As for people". Contains vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the activity of the animal.

Assortment of dog food

Dry food with lamb for super small breeds - one type of protein in the composition, so this product does not cause allergies, it is easily digestible.

Dry food turkey for small breeds - the ideal ratio of nutrients and vitamins. Perfectly supports the daily activities of the pet.

Wet Veal Puppy Food - contains 58% meat ingredients. The feed is quickly absorbed and gives a feeling of fullness. It is produced in the form of a paste with a soft, delicate consistency. It contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the good physical development of a pet.

Dry food for medium breed puppies - perfectly matched composition and size of granules. Possesses excellent taste that animals like very much.

Canned food with lamb, duck and turkey flavors is also on sale. They are supplied in a plastic square container of 150 grams per pack. Ideal for all breeds, regardless of age. The composition of this food is selected in such a way as to best suit every pet.

For older dogs, canned food with veal is sold separately. The composition of the feed takes into account the nutritional and health characteristics of older animals as well as possible.

There is a separate dry product for large breed puppies with a chicken flavor and a separate one for older dogs. In each case, the manufacturer tried to take into account the level of activity, the characteristics of metabolism, the need for certain nutrients.

For the most demanding, there is a dry version of salmon flavored food on sale. This product contains all the necessary additional trace elements, omega acids and vitamins.

Each individual recipe is designed to provide the right levels of natural antioxidants, fiber, prebiotics, and minerals that your pet needs to stay healthy.

Take German Shepherd Dogs, for example, which have a sensitive stomach and therefore require highly digestible proteins.

The same goes for cats and kittens. The kitten's nutrition is specially designed to give the animal maximum support during the first weeks of life. But cats' needs change with age. When they are 4-5 weeks old, they can start giving them solid food. After the second set of teeth appears, the nutrients necessary for the growth of the kitten remain unchanged until the age of one year. Taking all this into account, it is possible to choose a complex diet from the available assortment that meets the requirements of veterinarians and the needs of a growing organism.

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