Cat food brands

Sirius variety of food for cats and cats

Sirius variety of food for cats and cats
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

If you have a pet, you probably care about its health and choose its food carefully. Today the market offers a wide range of cat food from different manufacturers, but sometimes you have to search for a long time to find the right option. First of all, the composition must be natural, without artificial preservatives and chemical additives. These criteria are met by Sirius products, which are classified as premium, and further you can find out why.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sirius cat food is produced in Russia. This is an extruded food for non-productive animals. The company has modernized equipment, carefully selects the ingredients, so it has created a high-quality, varied diet for four-footed friends.

The main advantages of the product include the composition that will provide the pet with energy for healthy development, the ingredients are selected in such a way that the body receives useful elements, vitamins and minerals. The feed contains a probiotic complex that serves for biological protection, so the quality of life of the animal will increase. The main advantage of dry food is exclusively natural raw materials in the form of meat and high-quality meat flour. The products are saturated with fatty acids and amino acids obtained from salmon fat. Thus, the cat will not only be healthy on the inside - the quality of its coat and skin will improve.

The company actively uses a complex of various herbs that removes toxins from the body. Your pet's immunity will be strengthened, which means that it will be more resistant to various diseases, which is important.It should be noted that the composition also contains plant elements in the form of pumpkin, carrots, spinach and celery, which contribute to the normalization of the intestines and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The company uses innovative equipment for high-quality processing of all products, while all the useful properties and elements are preserved, which means that the feed is perfectly absorbed by the pet. For every pet owner, it is important that the diet does not contain artificial additives and colors, as well as preservatives and flavors that negatively affect the digestive tract and can cause skin diseases. Therefore, you will not find anything like this in the list of ingredients of Sirius products. Meat and fish act as the main source of proteins; the feed contains a vitamin and mineral complex, which is carefully selected by experienced specialists. It should be noted that the products are offered at an affordable price.

As for the shortcomings, and they still exist, the feed contains wheat and corn, which can cause an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance, therefore, when choosing, you should carefully study the composition. The products are not widely distributed, so you have to try to find them on the net. Also, a disadvantage can be called the fact that there are not so many lines of feed in the assortment, but this may change over time.


Dry food for cats is offered in several versions, for convenience, packs are supplied in different sizes, so you can try a small package first, and then find 10 kg. All the company's products can be divided into food for kittens, adult pets and neuter, each category has its own characteristics.

For adult cats

Adult pets need quality nutrition that includes all the important elements and minerals. It is here that the series "Meat Diet" can be attributed, which consists of a probiotic complex that helps to normalize the digestive system. The main feature of the feed is the ProStor Bio Care function. If you need to restore the intestinal microflora after serious treatment, you can safely choose such a diet. Due to its composition, a bacterial layer is created in the body, which does not allow pathogenic flora to penetrate or develop. This complex is designed to increase the absorption of beneficial elements and support the immune system by absorbing toxins. The composition contains dehydrated poultry, beef and salmon, as well as corn with wheat, chicken fat, beef and fish meal. Such dry food is suitable for a cat of any breed, she will be happy to use it, giving affection and love to the owner.

Food with salmon and rice is also very popular, but it should be noted that the corn in the composition is not tolerated by some cats, which is important to consider. The manufacturer used rosemary extract, dried pumpkin, cranberries and spinach, which are full of vitamins. With such food, the body will receive the required amount of zinc, iron, copper, manganese and iodine, which are required by any animal.

For neutered and neutered animals

These pets require special nutrition after the sterilization procedure. That's why the company has developed a food that will restore the strength of the pet. It should be noted that after castration, many animals tend to quickly gain excess weight, so there is not a lot of fat in the product, which means that it will be a good means of prevention. In addition, the composition is similar to other feeds of the company.

The list of ingredients includes poultry, dehydrated beef, salmon, which are the main sources of protein. The manufacturer also uses hydrolyzed proteins, and uses wheat with corn to replenish the diet with carbohydrates. The body of any living creature needs fiber, so dietary fiber can be found in the food for sterilized cats.Natural antioxidants are essential for health, and that's what dried cranberries and spinach are for, as they are natural ingredients.

It should be noted that due to the addition of Yucca Shidiger, the pungent smell of stool is reduced, which is a big plus.

For kittens

Small kittens need no less quality nutrition than adults. This is a growing organism, therefore, it is necessary to lay useful substances in it from the very beginning. The company took care of this and developed a food that can be fed as early as a month after birth. The baby can be more easily influenced by various factors, the body has not yet developed strong immunity, so there is a risk of disease. This means that it is important to choose the right food that will give strength to the growing kitten and help him to be energetic.

Sirius for babies copes with the task, therefore the feed contains a special probiotic complex, there is no meat and bone meal, but only dehydrated poultry. Also in the composition there is methionine, which saturates the body with amino acids and has a positive effect on the vital activity of a small pet. Thanks to him, immune cells are synthesized faster.

The components used by the manufacturer help prevent the development of parasites in the body, and also contribute to the functional functioning of the digestive system and liver.

Essential elements in the feed are vitamins, which are carefully selected by specialists. Vitamin A is used to improve the skin, coat and eyesight of the kitten, vitamin E contributes to the regeneration of skin cells, and the bones become strong thanks to vitamin D3. You don't have to worry about the baby's hormonal background - selenium has a beneficial effect, it also has a positive effect on the work of the pancreas. There are no artificial colors or harmful flavors in kitten food, your little pet will happily eat it and grow up healthy.

Review overview

When choosing dry food for his cat, each owner first of all pays attention to the composition. At the same time, you can study the reviews of those who have already tried the food of the Sirius trademark and share their opinions on the Internet. Users note the many advantages of the product, which include: natural composition, useful supplements and an increase in the pet's appetite. It should be noted that the feed is suitable for the recovery period after treatment or sterilization. Numerous reviews confirm that Sirius products are suitable for adults and even elderly pets. Despite the similar composition in the series, the main ingredients are different, so you can choose a balanced diet based on your pet's taste preferences.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the products of the Russian manufacturer Sirius deserve their place in the ranking of the best dry cat food. In addition, it is affordable, and you can find an option for both large and very small pets, which is a plus. Consumers point out that such a diet improves the quality of the animal's coat, it begins to shine, and this confirms the presence of amino acids and nutrients that are in the ingredients.

You will find a detailed overview of Sirius cat food in the following video.

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