Cat food brands

Dry food for cats Grandorf

Dry food for cats Grandorf
  1. Features, pros and cons
  3. Review overview

Everyone who has a beloved pet cares about his health and, of course, his appearance. In order for the animal not to get sick and to be active, it must eat right. Manufacturers offer different types of cat food. One of them is Grandorf. It belongs to the class of holistic, expensive, but has a great effect on the condition of the cat. In this article, we will consider what are its features, advantages and disadvantages.

If you buy a large package (2 kg) at once, then the food is enough for about a month, but everything, of course, depends on the appetite of a particular cat. The packaging is equipped with a plastic clip: this way it is much more convenient to feed the animal. Grandorf has a number of positive characteristics, which is why it has become so popular among consumers. Let's find out its main advantages:

  • natural;
  • suitable for spayed and adult cats;
  • the animal has a normal stool;
  • cats eat food with pleasure;
  • the animal's immunity improves;
  • maintains and strengthens vision.

Features, pros and cons

Dry food Grandorf is of high quality, the only thing that can confuse is the price. The product is unique in that it contains 70% meat, and the rest is vitamins, oils and fats. Designed for adult cats. Basically, this food is chosen by those who care about the health of an adult cat.

It is worth noting that transferring a pet to a new product should be done with caution, and this will take about 10-15 days.

It will be no less interesting to find out if the feed has any drawbacks, because, as you know, there is no perfect product - it's just fantastic.

The disadvantages of Grandorf include the following:

  • low prevalence;
  • some species do not contain enough plant fiber;
  • the granules are small;
  • high price;
  • not suitable for all cats.

In most cases, Grandorf food works wonders with cats, but there are those who noticed negative changes in the condition and appearance of the pet: the pet of one of the buyers had greasy hair, and the other complained of intestinal bleeding. The introduction of a new product must be gradual and it is important to monitor the reaction of the animal.


Grandorf cat food belongs to the holistic class, which means “holistic”. All feeds belonging to this class are completely balanced and made from quality ingredients. Unsurprisingly, they are more expensive than others. Grandorf dry food for dogs and cats is produced in Belgium, and canned food is produced in Germany.

Low grain

Among the variety of forages, one can find low-grain subspecies belonging to the elite class. They cost an order of magnitude more expensive than usual. The beneficial effect of this category of food on the cat's health is due to the perfectly matched formula, which takes into account all the subtleties of the animal's physiology. Low-grain feed contains 70% animal protein, low carbohydrate content.

In addition, these foods include dietary supplements designed to provide your cat with healthy ingredients.

With probiotics

Probiotic food contains dry ingredients that improve the condition of the pet. They have a beneficial effect on the body and improve the natural defenses of the animal's body. Foods with probiotics stimulate the digestive tract and are also used as a preventive measure against diseases. In summary, probiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. By the way, people use them for themselves as an additive to food.

Review overview

Numerous positive reviews about Grandorf prove that the Belgian company is worth trusting. Many have noted that their pets are happy to eat this food, even those that are finicky. But there are also cats who do not want to begin acquaintance with such food. In this case, you can change the taste: maybe the chicken pet will like it more than the fish one. Older cats are known to be more finicky, and this should be treated with understanding.

Grandorf, according to the pet owners, are excellent feeds: they contain fibers, vitamins, probiotics. Separately, I would like to note vitamin E, which is not formed in the body of cats, as well as yeast. This is great as many people introduce yeast vitamins into their cats' food, but they are reluctant to eat them.

Consumers love that the food provides cats with all the elements they need to be healthy. On the back of the package, all trace elements and vitamins are painted in Russian - another big plus. The only thing that confuses consumers is the high price, but the feed is consumed sparingly, so you can afford it. By the way, if a product is difficult to find in a store, you can order it on Ozon.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, Grandorf has positive reviews, so you can safely try it. The manufacturer's product line includes foods with different tastes: poultry, rabbit, lamb and meat. You can pamper your cat and change tastes from time to time. According to consumer reviews, the condition of cats after the introduction of this product began to improve, and their immunity increased. Because it contains essential vitamins for your cat, this makes it one of the best on the market, with no need to buy additional supplements.

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