Cat food brands

Review of Monge wet food for cats and cats

Review of Monge wet food for cats and cats
  1. general description
  2. Natural range of products
  3. Monoprotein feed review
  4. BWild Cat Products
  5. Grill Cat Pouches

The Monge brand food is classified as a super premium product. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but at the same time they have already earned great popularity. Today we will talk about these wet food for cats and cats.

general description

Monge Wet Cat Food is made from carefully selected fresh meat. All diets are considered balanced and have an optimal ratio of nutrients.

Also, all these feeds are absolutely safe, since various artificial flavors, colors and flavor enhancers are not used in their creation. Only natural antioxidants are used in the production of the product.

Natural range of products

This series includes the following wet food for cats and dogs:

  • PETTO di POLLO con MANZO. These canned food is most often used as an additional food for an animal. They are made on the basis of tuna, chicken meat, beef, rice groats. The composition is rich in crude protein (18%), as well as fats and fiber. A special composition with vitamin E is used as a food additive. It is recommended to serve food either at room temperature or slightly warmed up.
  • FANTASIA di MARE con POLLO. These canned food consists of chicken meat (25%), seafood (shrimp, squid, tuna), and rice groats. Only sirloin cuts are used in the production. It is recommended to store opened packaging with such food in the refrigerator.
  • TONNO dell »ATLANTICO. These canned cat food is made on the basis of tuna fillets and rice grains. They are rich in crude protein (19%), as well as fiber and ash.

Monoprotein feed review

This line contains the following nutritional formulations for cats and cats:

  • PATE ANATRA. This pate is created on the basis of duck.Also used and rich meat broth, yeast, mineral salts and selected potatoes. Food is made with supplements rich in vitamin A, selenium, copper, iodine and iron.
  • Pate Trota. This pate is made according to a special monoprotein recipe. It is created on the basis of fresh trout, fish broth, potatoes, yucca extract and mineral salts. Meals are made with special supplements with vitamins A, E, zinc, iodine and copper.

BWild Cat Products

This line also includes a variety of nutritious wet pet foods.

  • Paté terrine Acciughe. These complete and balanced canned foods are made with anchovies, pork liver, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, yucca extract. The food is saturated with raw protein (10.5%). It uses special prebiotic fiber to maintain an optimal balance of intestinal microflora.
  • Paté terrine Tonno. Such canned food is intended for feeding sterilized cats. They include pork liver, tuna fillets, fresh carrots, spirulina, peas, beans, tomatoes. The diet is full of beneficial taurine, vitamin E, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc. Wet food is also made with a special prebiotic fiber.
  • Paté terrine Salmone. This type of food for adult pets is balanced and complete. It contains fresh salmon fillet, pork liver, fresh carrots, tomatoes, green beans, peas and spirulina. The food is easily digested by animals, it is rich in taurine, iron and sodium.
  • Paté terrine Bufalo. This nutritious pate is intended for large breed cats and can be fed to animals from two months old. In its manufacture, fresh chicken meat, carrots, mineral supplements, salmon fat, beans, tomatoes, spirulina are used. Food is rich in raw protein (10%), fiber and fat. It has an optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Bocconcini Cinghiale. This wet food is used for spayed cats. It is made on the basis of wild boar meat, pork liver, turkey, carrots, tomato pulp, green beans, yucca extract and pea fibers. The composition is rich in crude protein (10.5%). It is suitable for daily feeding of the animal.

Grill Cat Pouches

Now let's look at the features and composition of the spiders from this manufacturer.

  • Salmone Kitten. This cat food consists of flavored fish pieces (Norwegian salmon) in jelly. It also includes meat components, offal, fish oil, potatoes, dry milk protein. The composition is rich in beneficial fatty acids, which are responsible for the beauty and health of the cat's coat. The food is also rich in vitamins and essential trace elements.
  • Agnello Adult. These spiders for adult cats are made with meat and meat offal (lamb, rabbit), potatoes, milk protein and fat. Special supplements with vitamin D3, E, iron, manganese and selenium are also used. Special safe technological additives are used (thickeners and components for the formation of jelly).
  • Coniglio Adult. These spiders for adults contain fresh rabbit meat, pork, meat offal, potatoes, dry milk protein, salmon oil, and mineral components. Food has a relatively high percentage of protein (9.5%). It is rich in easily digestible ingredients.
  • Vitello Sterilized. These cat spiders are made with calf and lamb meat, selected fresh potatoes, fish fillets and fish offal, mineral supplement are also used. Food will be the best option for spayed pets. It contains a high content of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are responsible for the health of the coat and skin.
  • Trota Sterilized. These spiders are also designed for spayed cats. They include pork liver, rabbit meat, trout, fish by-products, selected potatoes and milk protein powder. The feed has a high nutritional value. It can be used for your pet's daily feeding.
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