Cat food brands

Wildcat food variety

Wildcat food variety
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Varieties of products
  3. Review overview

Wildcat super premium food for domestic cats consistently receives rave reviews from customers, and their range allows you to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding gourmets of the animal world. The company pays great attention to the development of the formulation of each product, does not use potentially allergenic components, preservatives and dyes. Bhadra dry and wet cat food with horse meat, food for kittens and their other types should be considered in more detail.


Produced by the German manufacturer HealthFood24 in the UK, Wildcat cat foods include to the super premium pet food category... Formulation development is carried out by professionals - veterinarians, nutritionists, other specialists, taking into account the age characteristics and health status of animals. The brand name translates as "Wild cat", and all product names have references to the habitats of representatives of this family in nature.

Bright packaging design with lions, tigers, jaguars can also be called part of the company's policy.

The main feature of Wildcat cat food is grain-free composition, as well as from 55 to 80% of meat in the total amount of ingredients... The products do not contain industrial sugar, artificial preservatives.

A number of factors can also be attributed to the obvious advantages of the feed.

  1. Beneficial effect on the body. The feed ingredients strengthen the cardiovascular and immune systems, normalize the functions of other organs.
  2. Hypoallergenic... Wildcat products are suitable for cats that require particularly careful nutritional management.
  3. Full coverage of the needs of the animal in nutrients.
  4. Optimal balance Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
  5. Lack of sunflower and rapeseed oils, vitamin K3 in the composition.
  6. The possibility of an optimal combination of components in the diet. The brand has wet, soft and dry foods with a comfortable consistency and pellet size.
  7. Branded packaging. Dry food bags have an air vent and have a three-layer structure that protects the contents from moisture and direct sunlight.
  8. Low carbohydrate composition. The low carb mark confirms this. The sweet potato is used as a source of carbohydrates for easy absorption.
  9. Herbal supplements are a source of fiber. It uses berries, herbs, and vegetables that do not contain coarse fibers to protect the digestive system from irritation.
  10. Flavors of natural origin. They make the food more attractive to the cat.

There were no drawbacks to the Wildcat feed. The only thing that can scare off a buyer is the high cost of the product.

Varieties of products

Wildcat has all the necessary cat foods with different energy replenishment needs. Dry, canned options - all this makes it possible to find the optimal combination for each pet.

For kittens

Especially for toddlers and young cats, Wildcat has created a complete canned product labeled Kitten. Caroo is a 100% natural poultry and rabbit food. The unique formula contains all the essential ingredients for the growth and development of young animals. The combination of turkey, chicken and rabbit meat is easily absorbed by the body, the broth makes it easier to chew. Up to 5% salmon in the composition helps to completely cover the needs for omega acids.

Caroo Kitten dry food is also fully consistent with this age category. The combination of rabbit and chicken flavors is complemented by dried salmon, a valuable source of Omega acids. Meat ingredients account for over 90% of the total.

For older cats

Especially for older animals, Wildcat produces the Serengeti Senior food with 5 types of meat and potatoes. Canned or dry product maintains long-term storage. The nutritional formula is based on a combination of turkey, chicken, duck, wild boar and beef. Senior status indicates the presence of special ingredients required by older animals. Let's list them.

  1. A complex of wild herbs and root crops. It includes Jerusalem artichoke, calendula, dandelion, and spirulina algae. They are a source of valuable inulin.
  2. Supplements for the restoration of joint tissue. The complex of chondroitin and glucosamine helps to reduce the risk of diseases associated with inflammation of the joint tissue.
  3. MOS... Dietary fiber based on mannan oligosaccharides has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system without irritating it.
  4. Fruit oligosaccharides. A component that stimulates the production of its own lactobacilli and bifidobacteria by the intestines.

Wildcat Serengeti canned food uses only food grade meats that are free of hormones and drugs. It is obtained from free-range animals that have not been fattened.

For adult animals

Here Wildcat has a special advantage. The brand produces a range of different types of food for adult cats. Among them, it is worth highlighting the products of the Adult line.

  • SkipJack... Snacks in the form of canned tuna fillets in their own juice with various additives. The rhizomes of Jerusalem artichoke, blackberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn and blueberry are present as mandatory ingredients. A total of 6 types of such canned food are produced - with an apple, shrimp, green beans, salmon, papaya and a mixture of vegetables.

  • Chickeria... Natural wet food in the form of canned food with a grain-free composition. The main ingredient is chicken fillet from non-grain fed poultry. Additional ingredients - prebiotics and probiotics, a complex of wild plants - give the cat's body a charge of vitamins, microelements and fiber.There are only 3 types of canned food in the line - pure chicken fillet, as well as options with blueberries and salmon.
  • Andhra... Food for adult cats in the form of dry granules or canned food. The combination of fish and sweet potatoes makes it possible to provide animals with a balanced diet, maintaining the health of their skin, coat, and physical activity. It contains taurine, Jerusalem artichoke and parsnips, dried seaweed, wild herbs and berries. The main fish species used are salmon, mackerel, halibut, cod, herring and haddock.
  • Bhadra... Dry or wet food with horse meat and sweet potatoes. The gourmet formula contains over 55% pure meat. The product is adapted for feeding cats of all ages. A complex of plant oligosaccharides, taurine, vitamins and minerals in the composition make it an ideal choice for composing a daily diet.
  • Cheetah... Game meat and salmon in canned food or dry feed make up 85% of the total volume. Balanced low fat formula supplemented with plant probiotics, brewer's yeast, inulin. A complex of herbs and berries, a vitamin and mineral complex can fully satisfy the needs of a cat for energy.
  • Etosha... Low-carb dry and canned food based on chicken and greens. The most digestible in the line.
  • Hamra... Unique feed in canned food and granules with quail meat in the amount of more than 57% of the total share of ingredients.
  • Karoo... Adult version of rabbit and chicken based food with 79% meat ingredients.
  • Rani... The combination of pheasant and duck, a relatively high proportion of plant components makes this food easily digestible for animals at any age.
  • Serengeti... A food with a combination of 5 types of meat and 63% of these ingredients in the total.
  • Tanganika... Canned food and dry granules based on trout and sweet potatoes, pumpkin, fish broth and other valuable ingredients.

Review overview

According to the majority of buyers, professional breeders, nursery owners and ordinary animal lovers, Wildcat food is deservedly classified as super premium. There is a huge variety of tastes, and cats are eager to switch to a new diet from a natural diet. Buyers mention that the food smells like natural meat and herbs, and its consumption is noticeably lower than that of other similar products.

Particularly pleasing to pet owners is that all brand products can be included in the diet of sterilized animals without fear of subsequent health problems.

The Wildcat's disadvantage is often referred to as high protein formula. Not all breeds of cats tolerate such a load on the gastrointestinal tract well. Otherwise, there are no problems, it is only important to give pets a sufficient amount of clean drinking water.

You can see the top 11 substandard cat food in the video below.

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