Cat food brands

Animal feed "Zoogurman"

Animal food Zoogurman
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Cat food
  3. Products for dogs
  4. Review overview

The Zoogurman company produces a large number of products for pets. Super premium branded foods are popular with many cat and dog owners.


The products of this brand are manufactured in Russia. It is of high quality and pleasantly pleases customers with a good composition. The diets contain the following ingredients.

  1. Squirrels... To create their products, manufacturers use only high-quality meat. Animal protein is perfectly absorbed by the body of pets, so they always feel good.
  2. Carbohydrates... To keep cats and dogs energized, foods are high in carbohydrates. Their sources are wheat, corn, rice.
  3. Fats... Salmon oil is also added to the feed. Therefore, the consumption of nutritious products makes cats and dogs more well-groomed. All skin problems disappear, and the coat becomes smooth and soft.
  4. Additional components... Brewer's yeast is a great source of vitamins. There is also a vitamin and mineral supplement in the composition.

In addition to the good composition, Zoogurman feed has other advantages.

  1. A wide variety of products... There are food for dogs and cats on sale of different ages. Even the most fastidious pets can find the right diet. New products are constantly appearing in the assortment of the company.
  2. Naturalness... The main sources of protein in the composition of feed are meat and fish. There are no artificial flavors or flavor enhancers in them. Therefore, the products can be given to both adult cats and kittens without worrying about their health.
  3. Low price. This factor is also of great importance. Feed from the Zoogurman brand is inexpensive.Therefore, they are often bought by owners of several animals, as well as people who breed cats or dogs.

The branded products of this brand also have disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting that you can buy food "Zoogurman" not in all pet stores. In addition, many pet owners are unhappy with the presence of corn and wheat.

These components can cause an allergic reaction in some animals. Therefore, the introduction of food into the diet of dogs and cats with a sensitive esophagus must be very careful.

Cat food

Now on sale there is a large number of delicious dry food from the Zoogurman brand. Each line contains products with different types of meat.

  1. For adults. Complete food for adult pets is available in both small and large packages. Most often, pet owners buy packages weighing 10 kg. In this case, the production is enough for a long time. You can choose food with chicken, veal or ocean fish for your pet.
  2. For sterilized. Neutered cats and neutered cats need special nutrition. Manufacturers of the Zoogurman brand know about this. Therefore, they released a special food for such animals. Turkey products are nutritious and delicious. Animals eat it with great pleasure. At the same time, they do not overeat, which means they do not gain excess weight after the operation.

Complete dry cat food can be fed to pets on a regular basis. They should also have access to clean water at all times. In this case, the animals will not have health problems.

Wet food should only be given to cats from time to time. They should not be the basis of your pet's diet. The range of wet food from this company is slightly larger.

  1. Murr Kiss. Treats from this line are available in small square packages. They contain not only meat, but also a small amount of offal. The food boxes are small enough, so the pet quickly eats all of their contents.
  2. Grain Free... This grain-free food is perfect for animals with digestive problems. It is light and delicious. There are products for sale with quail, rabbit, veal, turkey and duck. You can also find tender meat soufflé in this line. It comes in small jars. This food is suitable for both adult cats and toddlers.
  3. Holistic... The food from this line is not only tasty, but also beneficial for the health of animals. In addition to natural meat, they contain vegetables. The line includes delicious food not only for healthy adult cats, but also for spayed individuals and kittens.
  4. Spiders "Zoogurman". Small bags contain pieces of meat covered with a liquid sauce. Each package weighs 85 grams. This animal is enough for one meal. In addition to the basic beef, veal and chicken products, there are rabbit pouches in the assortment that make the skin and hair of the animals better and healthier.

It is not recommended to mix wet food with natural food or dry food.

Products for dogs

This brand has a lot more choice of products for dogs. You can find delicious wet food in a wide variety of flavors. There are several lines of such products.

  1. "Delicious powders". The food in this line is made from natural meat, as well as quality by-products such as tongue, liver and heart. The product is rich in protein and suitable for dogs of all breeds. The food is sold in cans of different sizes. Therefore, it is quite easy to choose the best option for your pet.
  2. Breeder's Way. These canned meat products are made from natural raw meat. They are ideal for regular feeding of young dogs and puppies. Wet food should only be given occasionally.
  3. "SpetsMyas"... The line includes gourmet dog food. They are sold in small packages. It is recommended to warm up the food to room temperature before feeding the animal.
  4. "Meat Diet". These canned foods are sold in large cans. They are suitable for dogs of all breeds. In the composition of the feed you can see high-quality offal and natural meat. There are no soy or other artificial additives in it.
  5. Grain Free... Grain-free natural food suitable for animals prone to allergies. They contain many nutrients and vitamins. Such feed can be given to animals for which other products are not suitable.
  6. "Meatballs"... The jars contain full-fledged meatballs in a thick broth. The delicacy smells good and pleases with excellent taste. They can be served either neat or together with some kind of porridge or vegetables.
  7. "Real meat". This is one of the most popular lines from the Zoogurman brand. Meat products have a pleasant taste. It is suitable for active and cheerful dogs.

The choice of dry pet food is much less. They are sold in packs of 10, 12, 15 and 20 kg.

  1. Breeder's Way. Complete feed with tasty dehydrated meat is suitable for all animals. The product is quite nutritious, so it saturates pets well in a short time.
  2. Sensitive... Products from this line are suitable for animals with digestive problems. It also helps pets lose weight. This food is intended for dogs of medium and small breeds. The packages contain small croquettes, so eating them is quite simple.
  3. For active dogs. Protein-rich foods are ideal for animals that move a lot. By consuming tasty foods from this line, the animal strengthens its muscles and bones.
  4. For city dogs. Diets for adult dogs allow them to maintain an optimal weight. Animals that eat these foods get everything they need for normal growth and development.
  5. For puppies. Products from this line are ideal for puppies. They contain more animal proteins. In addition, they are fortified with vitamins, so animals get everything they need to form teeth and bones.

You can also pick up special treats for your pet. They are prepared from quality ingredients and dried very thoroughly. The products do not lose their useful qualities in the process.

For your pet, you can buy dried chicken feet, beef lung, tripe, or pork ears. All products are sold in small packages, so they are consumed quickly.

Review overview

Pet owners speak positively of this brand's food. They are quite inexpensive, but tasty and nutritious at the same time. Dogs and cats eat them with great pleasure. After all, each pet can choose food with its favorite taste. It can be like the usual chicken or lamb, or something more unusual.

Balanced and nutritious food from this brand can be safely bought for your pets.

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