Cat food brands

Description of food for cats and cats "Zoomenu"

Description of food for cats and cats Zoomenu
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Dry food overview
  3. Variety of canned food

Description of food for cats and cats "Zoomenu" will allow you to make a choice, and most importantly - to assess whether such food is needed at all. First of all, dry food "Zoomenu-Organic Professional" and food for kittens deserve attention. But other formulations are worth considering, including various canned foods.

Advantages and disadvantages

In publications concerning Zoomenu cat food, the emphasis is on the absence of any toxic components. The manufacturer refused to use synthetic colors and flavors. It is also worth emphasizing that, despite the affordable cost, the quality of the products is fully ensured. Zoomenu can offer cat owners 8 lines of food of the highest premium class. The assortment covers all main positions:

  • active and calm animals;
  • adults and kittens;
  • grain-free food;
  • diets with minimal allergic activity;
  • food for small and large breeds;
  • food for animals with digestive problems;
  • feed to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Dry food overview

It is worth starting your acquaintance from the position of "Zoomenu-Organic Professional". Duck and salmon food for adult pets is sold under this name. The main component is poultry meat. At least 50% of the feed is duck. It also includes turkey and goose meat.

Additionally, there is:

  • salmon;
  • dietary fiber;
  • rice;
  • vitamin and mineral components;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iodine.

The dry food "Lakomka" also deserves attention. Its recipe includes duck and turkey. Such food is supplied in packages of:

  • 1.5 kg;
  • 6 kg;
  • 15 kg.

A feature of this diet is the introduction of a large amount of proteins and fats. At the same time, there are few carbohydrates in it - which meets the needs of tailed predators. Added vitamins and minerals to ensure high quality nutrition.

The role of duck is precisely in the supply of essential trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids. Thanks to nicotinic acid, “bad” cholesterol is successfully suppressed.

Animals that regularly eat duck-based foods have no problems with:

  • teeth;
  • claws;
  • bones;
  • general metabolism.

The role of turkey meat is also important. This type of meat is digested without any problems. It contains only a small amount of fat, and its energy value is low. Turkey also supplies the cat with phosphorus.

Thanks to rice, the need for "slow" carbohydrates is covered. It is worth emphasizing the importance of substances such as taurine, cystine and methionine - without them, the tailed pet will get sick more often.

The addition of L-lysine helps fight viral infections. This component is especially good at resisting infection with herpes and other acute respiratory viral infections. Thanks to fatty acids, such a diet helps insure against the occurrence of diabetes mellitus and excessive obesity. Other similar acids:

  • help the animal to maintain sight;
  • protect against Alzheimer's disease;
  • optimize nervous activity;
  • reduce the likelihood of osteoporosis;
  • strengthen the general immunity;
  • stop inflammation.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the food "For kittens". This type of food allows the animal to remain vigorous for many years.

The food contains a large amount of proteins, which guarantee the normal activity of the pet. The question of saturation with useful vitamins and microelements was not overlooked either. The feed is based on easily digestible turkey meat, which is not oversaturated with fats, but contains a lot of phosphorus.

Thanks to rice, the kitten will be supplied with "slow" carbohydrates. Therefore, the danger of an increase in body weight is excluded. Also worth noting is the addition of taurine and L-lysine. Also food "For kittens" is saturated with probiotics and dietary fiber. This improves bowel function and digestion in general.

Many pets may like the "Goldfish". It is liked by those animals who prefer food with an original taste. This is a truly balanced diet that includes brewer's yeast. It will be possible to satisfy the request for B vitamins, phosphorus, amino acids and fatty acids. As a result, the condition of the skin and coat is significantly improved.

Thanks to the addition of salmon, the "Goldfish" boasts a complete protein. Its assimilation is much better than that of animal protein. At the same time, the body is saturated with taurine and other essential amino acids. The aforementioned brewer's yeast satisfies the need for:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin F;
  • vitamin PP;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • chrome;
  • unsaturated fatty acids.

Variety of canned food

This feed segment is also closed by the Zoomenu brand. It is worth mentioning the offer "Veal with turkey". This pate contains at least 65% meat and offal. Also, turkey meat accounts for at least 15%. Additionally, there are:

  • taurine;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin D3;
  • vitamins from B1 to B9 inclusive;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

0.7% of the composition is fiber, which improves digestion. The proportion of protein is at least 14%. The maximum fat content is 6%. The moisture content of the feed does not exceed 80%. The consumption of "Veal with turkey" per day will be 0.05-0.07 kg per 1 kg of pet weight.

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