Cat food and supplements

Can cats be fed with fish and what are the restrictions?

Can cats be fed with fish and what are the restrictions?
  1. The benefits and harms of a fish diet
  2. Specialist recommendations

As you know, most cats are very fond of fish and will never refuse such a treat. Many pet owners think with confidence that fish food does not pose any danger, even useful. Often, a fish is specially purchased to please their pet. But it turns out that this cannot be done. Let's see why, and what the danger is.

The benefits and harms of a fish diet

Fish is a product that is not required in the diet of cats, but is so loved by animals. You can't argue that its benefits are obvious: it contains beneficial fatty acids that promote the growth of a beautiful coat, stop inflammatory processes in the body, and maintain vascular health.

However, it is important to know about the dangers of fish with its abundant use. This is evidenced by the totality of reviews of cat owners, as well as the conclusions of practicing veterinarians.

  1. Urolithiasis disease... Due to the excess magnesium in the consumption of fish and the balance of minerals, the kidney function of healthy pets is gradually hampered, which leads to the provocation of the development of this serious disease. It is especially contraindicated in neutered and neutered cats.
  2. Disruption of exchange substances or, in other words, oxidative stress in the body. It develops especially actively in cats that eat only one raw fish.
  3. Overweight. This is due to a lack of vitamin E and supersaturation with fatty acids. The entire adipose tissue of the body becomes inflamed, the body temperature rises, and general lethargy appears. Sometimes even soft and neat touch of the coat will cause pain in the cat.
  4. Difficulty metabolism. Fish contains a lot of thiaminase, an enzyme that breaks down vitamin B1, which is so necessary for pets. This enzyme can be destroyed by heat treatment or boiling the product for 30-40 minutes, but the beneficial properties are also lost.
  5. Anemia. Fish contains trimethylamine oxide, which does not allow iron to be absorbed in cells, therefore, the development of the animal slows down and leads to infertility.
  6. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. This disease develops in cats that consume fish products every day and in unlimited quantities.
  7. An excess of fish in the diet leads to a lack of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. For this reason, very often animals die in case of hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  8. Infection with helminths... As you know, fish are carriers of parasite larvae that can infect pets.
  9. This product is also strong allergen, can provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  10. Pets often injure the esophagus and intestines with sharp bones.

Against the background of all the dangers that lie in wait for our favorites when eating fish, the advantages are lost. Before diversifying a cat's menu with his favorite treat, you should think about the consequences.

Specialist recommendations

Of course, you shouldn't absolutely exclude fish from your pet's menu. You can use this product taking into account the rules that allow you to maintain the health of the animal in normal conditions.

  1. The fish should only be boiled and preferably noble low-fat varieties: halibut, hake, cod. This will avoid infection with parasites, poisoning with harmful enzymes, such as thiaminase.
  2. It is advisable to clean the meat from bones and cut into pieces before serving.
  3. You can supplement your pet's diet with fish no more than once a week, since it is addictive in pets, which can provoke a refusal to consume other food. It is important to note that in the manufacture of ready-made feeds with the addition of fishmeal, the norm is taken into account, due to which problems for the animal's body are excluded.
  4. You can not feed the fish to a cat that is carrying offspring, since the content of harmful substances in the meat can adversely affect the formation of the fetus.
  5. After castration or sterilization, animals can be pampered with this type of delicacy no more than 1 time in two weeks.
  6. It is advisable to serve it in combination with vegetables or a side dish of cereals.

If you want to feed the cat with raw fish, then first freeze it, and pour boiling water over it before serving. Heat treatment will minimize the risks of helminth infection.

It is strictly forbidden to give salted, fried, smoked and river fish!

    When a large amount of salt is consumed in the blood of an animal, the amount of electrolytes increases sharply, which leads to disruption of the work of all cells in the body. An excess of salt provokes seizures, diarrhea, general lethargy, increased thirst, and profuse urination. The animal can die within 24 hours.

    River fish always have many small bones, which can easily injure the cat's esophagus, stomach and mucous membranes.

    It is necessary to exclude capelin, blue whiting, river and sea bass, sprat from the diet.

    Should a cat eat fish? You will find the answer to this question in the video below.

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