High sided trays for cats

Any pet breeder knows how much a pet needs to live. At the same time, little attention is paid to the choice of a tray, which in the future may develop into the need to buy a new toilet. Among other varieties, trays with high sides are in demand among cat owners. What are their features, and what are the nuances of choice, the material of this article will tell.

High-sided cat litter boxes are a separate line of litter boxes for different breeds of pet. Despite the fact that such trays are open-type by design, they are not suitable for all cats. And the point here is not so much in the breed of the pet as in its age. Due to the high side edges, small kittens often simply cannot get into such a toilet. The minimum board height is approximately 10 cm.
The exception is models with an entrance located on one side of the box. However, the presence of an entrance complicates the cleaning of the product and forces the breeder to consider additional measures to ensure cleanliness around the tray. As a rule, if the box is filled with filler, it is the presence of the entrance that causes its separation.
In order to prevent the formation of granular or sandy paths creeping from the toilet around the house, you have to buy rubber mats and lay them directly under the tray.

You can classify high-sided litter boxes by model type. They are produced without a grid and with a lattice. Products of the first type require the use of filler, the composition of which will determine the frequency of cleaning and cleaning the box.On average, you will have to change the granules once a week, provided that one pet lives in the house.
As for the analogs of the second type, they can be used without filler. Its main task is to eliminate unpleasant odors. It is for this purpose that it is placed on the bottom of the box in such a way, so that it does not reach at least 2 cm to the grate.
The gap is necessary because when liquid from the mesh enters the filler, the granules increase in size.
The grill itself can be different, but it is always removable, which is important for ease of washing the tray. They wash it daily, as soon as the pet has completed its natural needs. The mesh can have holes of different sizes. The breeder, as a rule, takes the option where they are the smallest, which eliminates the risk of falling into the cat's paws.

As for the sides, their type can be traditional or removable. In modifications of the second type, they are held by reliable clamps. Modifications of the first type are more convenient from the point of view of cleaning, since such trays are easier to wash. The second items take longer to clean, in which case more dirt has to be cleaned out.
The sides may differ in the degree of streamlining. For example, in simple models they are the usual continuation of the box, in analogs with removable frames they can be semicircular. These options are convenient in that they exclude the possibility of excrement and urine getting out of the box. Other modifications have a horizontal side from the side of the entrance to the tray and vertical ones from the other three sides.
Removable sides can be put on a box with sidewalls inclined inward. Of course, it is more difficult to wash such trays, but they protect the space around the box from accidental ingestion of pet waste. In addition, this type of product is good for cats who like to throw litter. Other models have removable sides of different widths that are put on the sidewalls.

Shape and material
Today, the shape of high-sided cat litter boxes can be different (for example, streamlined and angular, rectangular and oval). In this case, the tray can be not only symmetrically rectangular. In the lines of manufacturers, there are models of straight and angle type, as well as options with different heights of the sides. For example, they can increase in height in waves.
In corner-type models, the height of the sides at the front is lower than at the sides, which are placed against the wall. Other varieties even have a semblance of a panel that protects the wall from contamination (for example, accidental ingress of wet granules, excrement or cat urine). As for the material of manufacture, plastic is used in the manufacture of cat litter boxes. The material itself may differ in density, which the buyer should pay attention to when choosing a particular model.

Approximate dimensions
High-sided trays for cats can vary in size, which is developed taking into account breeds of different sizes, including large cats (up to 10 kg or more). For example, on sale you can buy products with the following parameters:
- classic box without mesh: 400x300x100, 500x350x120, 350x250x100, 495x390x120 mm;
- analog with lattice: 390x290x100, 540x390x160 mm;
- bath models with different side heights: 310x430, 580x390, 540x390, with a maximum side height of 29 cm;
- corner products: 430x310x160, 520x380x160, 560x420x180 mm.

Nuances of choice
The choice of a cat litter must be taken into account, because not every product is worth buying. Of course, the budget can be a decisive factor, however, there are times when it is better to pay more so that the product will last a long time. The choice is between products with a removable frame and options with a mesh.
Trays without a lattice are inconvenient in that the filler, no matter how good it is, will begin to creep behind the paws of the animal. In this case, the height of the sides will often not play a special role.For example, it will not be able to prevent the spread of filler from sawdust or sand. Such boxes will have to be washed more often than others, while replacing the filler along the way.

Products with a grid can be used with or without filler. They are more convenient for those cats who are taught to use a litter box from childhood. After the animal has relieved its need, the grate is removed and washed immediately. If there is filler underneath, it collects liquid and neutralizes unpleasant odors. If there is a frame, it has to be removed for washing.
Products must be made of durable plastic. The color of the product is not so important to the cat as its stability and reliability. The tray should not slide on the floor or sag under the weight of the pet.
When choosing an option with deep sides and a mesh, it is important to pay attention to the presence of supports: often manufacturers supplement the boxes with rubber feet.
This is convenient and eliminates the need to purchase a rubber mat under the tray.

You can pay attention to the availability of accessories. For example, it is more convenient to operate a model with scoops for cleaning waste filler and solid waste. They differ from ordinary blades by the presence of holes. The scoops can be attached to trays or have their own stand.
As for the corner models, these products take up a lot of space. They are bought when there is enough space in the toilet for placement. As practice shows, such products are not at all compact, and do not save room space. The height of the sides is lower in front of them than on the other two sides.
When buying, you need to take into account the size of the product. The cat should not dodge in incredible positions to relieve himself. It should have enough room for turning and burying (in the case of litter trays without mesh). Of course, there are pets who go to the toilet while standing, but these cases are rare, and therefore you need to take a free option. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of length and width, since narrow options can cause misses of the animal.

You also need to pay attention to the smell emanating from the box material. If the plastic exudes a strong aroma, the cat may not like the tray. You need to take a product that is made of wear-resistant plastic that does not absorb foreign odors. As for the edge of the sides, they should not be sharp. Defects in the form of chips or unclear shape are unacceptable. Sharp edges can cause injury when washing the tray.
Deep models are good for adult cats, however, for toddlers it is preferable to choose the options easier. After several months of use, such products can be replaced. In this case, the animal will already get used to the location of its pot. The sides for the first cat toilets may be lower, but not less than 8 cm. If the cat is several months old, it will not be difficult for him to get inside the tray.

What else to consider?
Models of cat litter with high sides are different. The options with a removable frame are convenient because, if necessary, it can be removed, thereby making the tray more spacious. On request, the tray can be purchased to match the concept of the toilet style. This will allow the tray not to stand out against the general background and, as a result, not to attract increased attention.
Preference can be given to structures with curved sides or different heights of the rear and front sides. In such trays, granules of the filler used do not fall out of the container, even with intensive digging of the animal. It will be more convenient for the cat to climb into the tray from the side of the front boards.
If this option is not in the store, it is better to buy a product with a low front wall and deep rest.
If a large cat lives at home (for example, a Maine Coon), they take a large tray for it. For two cats, buy large boxes with the greatest possible depth. This need is not accidental, because in a shallow pot, the cat will experience inconvenience, raking the filler with a large paw.In addition, the box must be large in itself.

If the ease of cleaning the tray is important, you can take a closer look at the products, inside which you can actually put garbage bags. These can be structures with a frame or even simple trays without mesh. But before purchasing such options, you should pay attention to the behavior of the cat. Some pets are afraid of unnecessary noise, they may not like the rustling of the bag.
If the cat "from the youngest claws" is accustomed to the litter box with a plastic bag, the purchase will be worthwhile. It will be easier for the owner to clean the toilet, change the filler. When purchasing, it is important to inspect the frame clamps: they must be reliable. If the frame is not properly secured, it may topple over during operation.

See below for an overview of the closed high sided tray.