Cat litter and types of trays

What is the best way to wash a cat litter box so that there is no smell?

What is the best way to wash a cat litter box so that there is no smell?
  1. Why is this needed?
  2. Preparation
  3. Step by step process
  4. Cleaning by folk methods
  5. Useful Tips

A cat in the house is always a joy, but an unpleasant smell comes along with it. Any pet needs a comfortable litter box, in which it can cope with its needs. It must always be changed, because a running tray can cause the animal to walk past it.

A common problem faced by cat owners is foul odor coming from the litter box. Even if the owners wash it regularly, it still appears. The fact is that over time, urinary calculus and plaque form on the tray, and if it is not thoroughly cleaned, then not only in the toilet, but throughout the apartment it will smell. Read on to learn how to properly clean your pet's litter box.

Why is this needed?

Many people believe that changing the filler will eliminate the odor, but this is not the case. If you are indifferent to the state of your pet's toilet, then he will prefer to relieve himself in other places - for example, next to the litter box or on some things. The cat does not go to the toilet "in the wrong place" because it is harmful, just by nature he is accustomed to relieve himself where there is no smell and where it is clean.

Lack of proper care can lead to the build-up of urinary calculi (plaque consisting of mineral and calcareous deposits). This is the main source of unpleasant odors throughout the apartment.

You can wash the litter box from plaque with ordinary detergents, but it is important to rinse them thoroughly, because cats do not perceive chemical odors well.

Another reason you should be more careful about your furry friend's toilet is the occurrence of an infectious disease called toxoplasmosis. The infection is caused by parasites that are found in the stool of those animals that are infected. Feces must be removed as soon as the cat relieves itself, because a person can also become infected with toxoplasmosis.

Please note: with regular cleaning of the tray, these problems will bypass you. It must be thoroughly cleaned once a week.


At first glance, it may seem that washing your pet's litter box to get rid of the smell is an elementary task, but it is worth approaching it responsibly and in accordance with all the rules. This ensures that the animal will feel comfortable going to the toilet and that unpleasant odors will not appear in the apartment.

The step-by-step preparation is as follows.

  1. There should always be a litter bin next to the litter box. The bucket will keep the floor from getting dirty.
  2. It is advisable to purchase rubber gloves and a protective mask at the pharmacy. It is advisable to put on both that and another every time you need to clean the tray.
  3. To clean your pet's litter box, you will need tools such as a brush, gloves, laundry soap, trash can, mask, baking soda, filler (you can replace it with sand).

It is important to know: hygiene will help protect a person from toxoplasmosis. After all, harmful bacteria are in the air and easily enter the human body along with dust.

Step by step process

Before you start cleaning the litter box, you need to put on a mask and gloves. Next, you should clean the toilet in any way and remove the old filler. To carry out such a procedure, they usually take a garbage bag, put a tray in it, and turn it over. After that, the bag is immediately discarded.

The next step involves a thorough rinsing under a hot tap of water. The tray should be completely free of faeces and old litter residues. To clean the tray well and eliminate the smell, you can add any plumbing cleaner to it and use a brush to actively wipe the toilet.

Sometimes the urinary calculus is deposited in a thick layer and it is no longer so easy to wash it off. Then the detergent should be applied over the entire surface (you can use stronger products, for example, "Sanox"), and leave for some time, for example, 40-60 minutes. This time will be enough for the plaque to move away from the tray. At the end, you just need to rinse it with water.

Please note that new litter should only be placed in a dry tray.

Cleaning by folk methods

Not all animals take chemicals well, so folk methods of cleaning the tray come to the rescue. The formations will help to cope with the tools that almost everyone in the house has: vinegar, baking soda and laundry soap. Making a cleaner is as easy as shelling pears.

Soda is added to warm water (half a glass will be enough), poured into a tray and clean the surface with a stiff brush until the stone leaves. With a strong unpleasant odor, you will need 2 tablespoons of baking soda for 0.5 liters of water. The solution is poured into the cat litter box and left overnight (or several hours). In the morning, it will be easy to wash off the formations.

Vinegar is an excellent disinfectant and easily removes contaminated areas. In addition, it helps to deal with unpleasant odors. Vinegar is added to the tray when cleaning and washed with it. Laundry soap is best used before plaque appears - it keeps the material in good shape and prevents urinary stones from forming.

How to quickly empty the cat litter box, see the video below.

Useful Tips

To keep the tray clean, you just need to monitor it regularly.This means that feces should be removed immediately, the toilet and filler should be of high quality, and the tray should be washed in a timely manner (if you just wash it with soap, this will prevent the appearance of odors).

Washing the toilet after each trip of your beloved pet to the toilet is not always a good idea, because not everyone is at home and can do it all the time. Then it is advisable to use a toilet odor absorber (freshener). The spray is simply sprayed into the filler.

Please note: the spray does not destroy the smell, like other fresheners, but only masks it. It is undesirable to use air fresheners and sprays if there is a small kitten in the apartment. After each cleaning, do not forget about washing your hands with soap - this is part of the basic rule of hygiene.

Everyone who has a beloved pet in his home should take a responsible approach to any questions concerning him. Many owners scold their pets if they relieve themselves in unacceptable places. But before you scold your pet, make sure that it is comfortable for him. After all, a furry friend is not to blame if his owner did not take care of the tray. Proper cleaning ensures that the cat goes to the toilet in the right place, and no one gets infected with dangerous bacteria.

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