Cat litter and types of trays

How to choose clumping litter for cat litter?

How to choose clumping litter for cat litter?
  1. What it is?
  2. Classification
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Rating of the best brands
  5. Selection recommendations
  6. Terms of use
  7. Reviews

An integral part of cat hygiene is litter. It depends on him how willingly the kitten will go to the tray, the comfort of the animal during the procedure. Not only ease of cleaning is closely related to the properties of the filler, but also the aroma in the house. All these nuances make people rack their brains when choosing the right tool.

What it is?

Lumpy litter is made of hygroscopic material. This property ensures the adhesion of the granules in contact with any liquid. The composition usually contains clay bentonite, it swells when absorbed, as a result of which moisture is clogged in the pores of the material.

All components are absolutely harmless to cats.

The product may contain not only clay, but also other absorbents, swelling materials. Mineral components are pretreated to enhance the absorbency. Cat litter may contain fragrances to mask urine odor. Some animals refuse to use a chemical-smelling toilet, even though it is safe.


Clumping litter for cats is made from different materials, so the properties also vary slightly. All goods are classified according to the following criteria.

  • Absorption method... The filler can absorb or clump. In the first case, the wet material becomes loose, and in the second, it turns into a solid lump.
  • Composition. In the manufacture can be used synthetic material (silica gel), minerals (clay), pressed materials (wood, grains).
  • Granule size. The filler can be small (1-2 mm), medium (2-6 mm) and large (6-10 mm).
  • Pellet weight. The filler can be light, medium, or heavy.
  • Additional properties... This includes flavors, degradability, odor masking, antibacterial properties. Some litters are adapted for certain cat breeds. The hypoallergenic material has no chemicals and is labeled accordingly.

The product can combine several properties, so you need to study the packaging very carefully. All products are divided not only into categories, but also into types.

  • Woody. Chips and shavings of coniferous trees are pressed into granules. Large particles are made for adult cats, and small ones for kittens. The filler will naturally mask urine odor. The product is completely safe for animals, does not have any fragrances. In this case, the granules disintegrate after absorption, so sawdust can be carried around the apartment on the cat's paws.
  • From grain and paper waste. Combines environmental friendliness and low cost. If paper is taken as a basis, then it will have to be replaced often. The material has low absorbency. On the other hand, processed crops (usually corn) are used for a long time. The product masks odor and absorbs liquid well due to its high porosity. In both cases, the fillers are light granules and therefore spread easily outside the tray.
  • Mineral, clay. Fillers of this type are the most common. Various types of bentonite clays are used as material. The liquid is absorbed well, as a result the material swells and turns into a lump. Disadvantage - poor odor retention, advantage - easy cleaning.
  • Soy... They are made from soybean pulp, corn starch and baking soda, therefore they are absolutely safe. This composition ensures the absence of dust during operation. This mixture is crumpled due to starch. Soybean meal is porous, so it absorbs liquid well and retains odor.
  • Silica gel. Made of synthetic material, but they are the most technologically advanced. Polysilicic acid is used to make white granules. The packaging is expensive, but the consumption is economical. A complete replacement is done every 3-4 weeks, or even less. It absorbs moisture well, retains odors. Disadvantage - crunching while digging can scare the animal away. The main feature is that silica gel must be stored in a vacuum package, otherwise it will begin to absorb moisture from the air.

Caution should be used for curious kittens. In contact with the mucous membrane, the granules can cause burns.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of such a filler is the facilitated cleaning of the toilet. The urine of the animal is absorbed and turns into a lump. Among the pluses, it is worth noting the following:

  • high level of moisture absorption;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • safety for the health of a cat of any age and breed;
  • easy application;
  • relatively low cost;
  • frugality.

The latter factor is due to the fact that during cleaning there is no need to throw away all the filler.

It is enough to remove what has curled up in a lump and add a little new one.

A complete replacement is made only once every 1-2 months.

The disadvantages directly depend on the material that was used in the manufacture of the filler.

  • Wood can be carried around the house by a cat, which means that it will always have to be swept away in large quantities.
  • Paper and grain fillers are not widely used, and some animals simply refuse to potty when applied.
  • When using clay and mineral products, you will have to make sure that nothing sticks to the paws of the animal.Lumps that are too large can be uncomfortable for your cat.
  • Absorbent mineral toilet fillers can give off unpleasant odors during cleaning. They are not suitable for animals who refuse to pot, even with a little dirt.
  • Silica gel can irritate the cat with a slight crackle when absorbed.

Clumping litter for cats has both pros and cons. You need to make a choice based on your own preferences and characteristics of the animal. Cats and cats are quite capricious and may refuse to go to the litter box if they are not satisfied with the litter.

Rating of the best brands

Before buying a litter, cat owners evaluate many factors and the price is far from the last moment on this list. A list of the best and most popular manufacturers will help you make the right choice.

  • Ever Clean. The composition contains a special absorbent - activated carbon. The products are varied in size, color and flavor.
  • "Clean Paws". Bentonite clay is used in the manufacture. Natural substances are used as flavors. Quite cheap filler, can be purchased in packs of 15 kg.
  • Cat`s Choice. Fillers of the middle price category. Clay is used as a basis for manufacturing.
  • Pi-Pi-Bent... A wide assortment that suits different breeds of cats. There are special products for cats with long and thick coats. Most of the fillers have aromatic additives. There are separate litters for kittens without any chemicals.
  • Canada Litter. The peculiarity of the filler is that the granule can absorb moisture, the volume of which is 3 times its own weight. This Canadian product is made from clay or corn waste. Natural additives are used as flavors, the filler is safe for animals of any age.
  • Molly Coddle. The assortment is quite wide. Hosts can purchase soy, clay and charcoal litters. In the latter case, the manufacturer assures that 1 package (7 liters) will last for 3 months. The price is quite affordable. The filler is safe for the animal and pleases the owners with pleasant aromas.

Selection recommendations

Wood litter is the most readily available, and most cats treat it well. Clumping mineral and clay product is considered the most natural. Silica gel is one of the more expensive, but also more economical fillers.

Eco-friendly, but less common is a product made of paper or grain. The absorbent mineral filler, in turn, is well suited for kittens or several cats that live together.

The market is replete with offers, so making a balanced and correct choice is especially important. If the animal does not like the filler, then it will refuse to use the toilet, and will react with great distrust to the new product. Let's consider the main criteria that need to be considered.

  • Choose your filler from well-known brands... In this case, you can clearly understand that the quality and environmental friendliness of the product is controlled by both manufacturers and buyers.
  • For a kitten, use a litter without aromatic ingredients.... Experts recommend choosing this option for adult animals, because finding the right scent can be quite problematic.
  • Consider the animal's habits. If in the cattery the cat is accustomed to silica gel, then the wood litter can become the reason for refusal from the tray.
  • Choose a product that has the appropriate labeling about the absence of chemical processing and additives, about environmental safety... When the animal digs the filler with its paws, the dust gets into the respiratory system, and the particles into the digestive system. Keeping your cat safe is important.
  • When assessing the cost of a filler, take into account its economy. A cheap item with frequent changes will result in higher bottom line costs than an expensive item that can be changed less frequently.
  • The large pellet size is predominantly chosen for long-haired adult cats. Small filler can get stuck in the fur and cause discomfort to the animal.

Terms of use

Some consumers complain that the filler does not absorb, does not turn into a lump. In fact, this phenomenon is not talking about quality, but about misuse. You need to use clumping filler like this.

  1. Place a thick layer of filler in a clean, dry tray. Clay and mineral ones should be poured 8-10 cm, all others can be thinner, but not less than 5 cm. Otherwise, the material will get wet, but will not curl up into a lump. This will lead to frequent replacements.
  2. Remove liquid clumps and solid waste daily. If necessary, add a small amount of filler so that the layer is not less than the permissible level.
  3. Replace and wash the tray periodically. Calculate the frequency of cleaning individually, it is recommended to carry out them once a month.
  4. Dispose of used filler only in the trash can. If the main material is corn, then it is allowed to flush down the toilet. All other components are clogging the sewer pipes.


            Customers assure that the clumping filler is really convenient to use. It is worth choosing the right material so that it masks the unpleasant odors of urine. For the formation of lumps, it is important to follow certain instructions, pour a thick layer into the tray.

            Cat owners choose this product because it makes cleaning easier and does not harm the animal. Natural materials are safe and do not cause allergic reactions. You can find litter suitable for long-haired cats. In most cases, kittens quickly get used to such a toilet, because the litter resembles their natural habitat. The training of animals that were picked up on the street is especially successful.

            For tips on choosing a filler, see below.

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