Abyssinian cat

Everything you need to know about Abyssinian cats and cats

Everything you need to know about Abyssinian cats and cats
  1. Origin story
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. How long do cats live?
  5. Color options
  6. Content
  7. Nutrition
  8. Reproduction
  9. Health
  10. Top names list
  11. Owner reviews

Hearing the phrase "Abyssinian cat", many are immediately mentally transported to Ancient Egypt, full of figurines of female goddesses with feline faces. Graceful figurines of graceful cats are sold today in any souvenir shop in the country of the pyramids. Abyssinian cats are very beautiful, sunny, elegant. Having seen them once, it is impossible not to want to acquire such a pet for yourself.

Origin story

The pedigree of the oldest cat breed on earth is shrouded in myths and legends. According to one of them, the king of Abyssinia presented a cat that looked like a Barbary lion to the Egyptian pharaoh. At first sight, he fell in love with this small animal with a regal bearing and outlandish appearance.

Possessing divine plasticity, harmoniously built, this cat was quick-witted and smart, and, most importantly, she loved people very much.

From that time on, only close relatives of the pharaohs were allowed to have them. The cats were sacred. They were likened to the sun god Ra and the goddess of love Bast, famous for her beauty. They guarded the divine papyri in libraries from mice, and the "mustachioed guard" itself was guarded by the cat's police, so that the Greeks could not steal any of the country's treasures. The conquest of Egypt by the Roman Empire helped these animals gain sympathy from all over Europe.

According to another version, in 1868, after the end of the Ethiopian war, the military leaders of the royal army took several individuals home. The versions about the sex of these animals are contradictory.It is known for certain that the ancestor of all Abyssinians was an animal named Zula, named after the port where the expeditionary force was stationed.

There are several versions about the owner of the animal. One of them says that his name was Robert Napier. Various sources call him either a marshal and a lord, or a captain of a fortification, or a naval engineer. Others, referring to the archival documents of this company, argue that Robert Napier conducted a punitive expedition in Abyssinia - this is the unofficial name of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, found in modern literature, where the phrase "Abyssinian cat" originated.

The landing point of Zula was under the protectorate of the Egyptians. In the battle, the Fur was blown up, and it was completely burned up. The commander was given the knighthood. In early July 1868, he boarded a warship loaded with victorious prey, but without an animal.

According to another version, one of the captains of this ship was carrying his wife Mrs. Barrett-Lennard, who carried in a basket an animal named Zula, which is considered the ancestor of all Abyssinians. She registered the animal in the herd book of England, where from the end of the 18th century, data on racehorses, like rabbit cat or cat-rabbit, were recorded. At that time, no one heard of the Abyssinian breed. Individuals of that tribe had significant differences from the modern appearance of cats, judging by the lithography.

Although this is apparently one of the legends. No written evidence or archives of this family have survived. Some sources claim that it was a cat, others insist on the version of a cat. Others believe that it was a kitten, but the exact information of what sex this particular animal was has not been preserved. There are documents confirming the version of the existence of Robert Napier. There is no evidence about the offspring of the cat, and who registered it. There is also no information that he was involved in breeding.

Despite this legend, the Egyptian version of the breed's origin became very popular in England.... At the first London cat show in the history of England in 1872, at the Crystal Palace, the Abyssinian handsome man received the third place, which attracted the attention of society. In January of the following year, Harper's Weekly, covering the event, named the winner an Abyssinian cat. This was the first mention of abi in print. Ten years later, the club of cat lovers in England recognized the existence of this breed and officially registered it.

Some connoisseurs of feline standards believe that English breeders bred the Abyssinian species from the native cat breeds of the region. The latter do not have the tabby color characteristic of the Abyssinians, but occasionally completely hairless kittens appear in the local striped and variegated cats.

In 1907, two representatives of the silver color were taken to America. The Great Depression, and then the Second World War, nullified the efforts of the breeders. The livestock could be restored only after the end of the war. The official registration of the litter took place in 1935.

The development of the Abyssinians on the continents proceeded in parallel, so their appearance was slightly different. European cats had a more squat and massive skeleton, ears - medium-sized and straight, head - rounded, hair - slightly elongated. The American cats had more refined body curves, the back was slightly arched in the shape of an arc, the cats had a chiseled neck and large ears set wide apart.

The first Abyssinian was brought to Russia in 1994, but the breed became known after 1998. A Moscow breeder brought in a beige Abyssinian girl, and two years later she bought a blue Abyssinian. With these individuals, the Russian population of the Abyssinians began. Abi females are more appreciated because the litter is dominated by boys. Girls are born 3-4 times less often.


Abyssinians grow to medium size. According to the CFA standard, the basic requirements are proportionality and grace. It is a prominent animal of small size, regal posture, lithe, and well-muscled. Has a discerning eye, brooding and wise. Cats are sociable, nimble, unpretentious, friendly with children and other animals in the house.

The characteristics that shaped it will help determine the breed.

  • Animals weigh from 4 to 7 kg, and cats are larger and heavier than cats.
  • Girls at the withers up to 28 centimeters, boys - up to 32 centimeters.
  • The head is in the form of a slightly rounded wedge, with a soft line of cheeks and eyebrows. A slightly convex and wide forehead flows smoothly into the crown and back of the head, the neck is graceful, short, curved.
  • The ears are massive, with moderate pointed and darkening at the tips, widening at the base, they take on a cupped contour. Some individuals have pointed ears with tassels at the tips.
  • The eyes are large, almond-shaped, shiny, with a pensive look. The hair around the eyes is light, there is a dark line along the contour, like eyeliner on women. The iris is juicy, gold tones prevail, yellow with orange tint, amber, hazel, sometimes light green. All kittens have blue eyes.
  • The body is elastic, graceful, medium in length, with well-developed muscles that do not weigh it down. The proportions are perfect.
  • The limbs are lean and elegant. The paws are small, oval in shape.
  • The long tail tapers towards the tip, and at the base it is noticeably thickened.
  • The dense coat is pressed to the body and shines brightly. The color resembles the sands of Egypt and Ethiopia. Silky texture, springy under the toes and abundant, light undercoat. Several ticking lines run along the length (alternating color). On each hair, light and dark shades replace each other.


Abi are active and agile cats. Even lying on the couch, they carefully observe what is happening around. Their habits are similar to those of a dog, as cats are energetic, agile and playful. They are purposeful, curious and proactive animals, but at the same time tactful and attentive. They are very sociable and intelligent, have a good memory.

They are attached to the owners and are very fond of praise. They are well trained and need constant communication. Curious, stick their nose everywhere to examine and open everything... It is better to close cabinets and shelves, otherwise everything will be pulled out. They are not afraid of water, it is not difficult to atone for them. Rare specimens can splash in a basin or bath. Very clean.

Until old age, they are ready to play with the owners: run after feathers or bring objects thrown to them. You can take it for walks and travel. They love to move at a height, jump on shelves, cabinets, explore corners, sweeping away all obstacles along the way. They choose the main owner - the one who often plays and communicates with them. They love him the most.

If there is a baby in the family who squeezes an animal, then the cat does not release its claws, realizing its tender age, but does not forget the offense and shuns the child. Abyssinians communicate well with dogs, but they immediately make it clear who is in charge. Birds and hamsters evoke hunting instincts. With proper upbringing, cats react to the word "no". They can be easily trained to use the tray and scratching post. The voice of the Abyssinians is sweet, quiet and thin, like a bell, does not cause irritation. They love to purr, especially when meeting with the owner.

Do not spoil things out of mischief, they always have a motive: research, hunting or protection.

Problems with mustachioed friends are a continuation of their character.

  • They need increased attention due to hyperactivity. Kittens are raised from an early age, constantly adjusting their behavior. Attempts to scratch hands, bite, jump on people from a height, and climb on the table are stopped by spraying water from a spray bottle into the muzzle and securing it with a forbidding word.
  • Subconsciously, at the genetic level, they do not like objects that look like snakes, they are afraid of harsh sounds. Males during puberty become aggressive due to hormonal changes.Not supporters of hugs, but if they want, they themselves will come up for a portion of affection and attention, and will receive them as much as they want.
  • They are prone to allergies, so you need to individually select food and care products. Some owners complain that cats do not drink from their bowls, but are looking for alternative sources: to lick all the taps in the apartment, sit in the sink, drink from the toilet, because predators do not drink near the place where they eat. After a long absence, the owner pursues him throughout the house, chatting with themselves, creating sound support for all actions. During games, he likes to jump to the ceiling, and can play for days.
  • Well-fixed mosquito nets are required on the windows, because cats endlessly hunt insects. They may not jump to it and fall out of the window.

How long do cats live?

The average duration of an Abyssinian is 12-15 years, depending on heredity. The psychological factor also influences - animals are like dogs, very affectionate, and with high intelligence. They are sensitive to attitude, value care, affection, love. If this is not enough, they may start to hurt.

With proper care and balanced nutrition, good living conditions and timely veterinary care, life expectancy increases to 20 years.

Color options

Thoroughbred Abyssinians have a warm and glowing coat color, multi-colored stripes on the hairs flow into each other, merging into one pattern, shimmer. The belly, the inside of the legs, sides and chest are evenly colored. A darkened "strap" passes along the entire spine, passing to the tail. These parts do not have any patterns or inclusions. A dark shade on the tips of the ears and tail is encouraged.

In total, four types of color are recognized.

  • Wild. Classic color, until 1963 was considered the only recognized color. The most common, there is a double or triple ticking, without a specific pattern, in shades of ocher, dark brown or black. Black markings are found only on the muzzle and the tip of the tail. The downy hair forming the undercoat is orange. The inner surface of the legs and the lower abdomen do not conflict in color with others.
  • Sorrel. Coloration ranges from reddish brown to coppery red. May be cinnamon or apricot in color. The root of the guard hair is red. The color on the inner surface of the paws and belly is in harmony with the main one. The chocolate brown zones are clearly visible on the muzzle and tail. The dark edging of the nose is almost not visible, the paw pads are dark pink.
  • Blue. Above, from head to tail, the fur is colored in pleasant gray-blue tones, turning into a steel shade. Belly, inside paws and undercoat - warm pink-beige, apricot shade. The tail is bluish, the nose is brick-red with a blue edging. Slate marks stand out on the muzzle and tail.
  • Faun. The tonality of the color of cocoa is a light brown shade with a pinkish coating, similar to coffee with milk. The lobe of the nose is the color of a withered rose, with a lilac edging. It is rare due to recessive genes.

Only in Europe are Abyssinian cats of silver and tortoiseshell colors bred from purebred prize-winners allowed to the exhibitions.


These beautiful animals live in small apartments and in country houses, but the temperature in the room is maintained at + 23 ° C and above, because short hair and light undercoat do not warm well. Houseplants are removed away, the jumping cat takes them down. It is advisable to provide him with a corner with a play complex, a house and scratching posts. Without these amenities, the pet will have fun with furniture and shelves.

  • Provide a safe space by storing all wires in dedicated ducts... Reinforce outlets and switches so that they do not fall out of the receptacles. Place all breakable objects, small appliances, gadgets and small objects away from the edge so that the kitten is not injured.Close vents, windows and balcony doors.
  • Purchase a carrier for veterinarian visits or travel. And for walking on the street - a collar, on which you can attach a business card with the name of the pet and the coordinates of the owners. If your pet has slipped away from home, this will help bring him back. The nature of this breed allows you to walk with it on the street or travel, therefore, from a young age, cats are taught to use a harness.
  • Obtain wide dishes for food and drink., made of ceramic or metalto roll over hard.
  • Buy toysso that in the absence of the owners, the cat has something to do.
  • The coat does not require special attention. Brush it with a special metal brush once a week. Cats do not shed too much, but during this period it is better to comb them out more often, collecting the fallen wool with a rubber glove.
  • Abyssinians are very easy to toilette, are clean, so it is convenient and economical to use sawdust or fine granules.
  • Trim the claws periodically with a special pruner., if cats do not walk on the street, and do not sharpen them on a scratching post. Cut only the tip, far from the base.
  • Check your ears. If there is discharge, remove it with cotton swabs, and once every 2 weeks, treat it with a napkin soaked in warm boiled water.
  • Bathing is worth once a monthusing special cosmetics for short-haired cats.
  • The gums of the Abyssinians are prone to inflammation, it is necessary to pay special attention to this and prophylactically brush their teeth.... Dental plaque is removed once a week with a cat brush with soft bristles and a special paste.

Buy special sticks for your pet for additional cleaning of teeth.

  • Carry the animal on time for vaccinations and deworming.


This breed is not prone to gluttony, overeating or obesity. The quality of the food is important. You can feed the Abyssinians both ready-made dry or canned, and natural products. Some breeders recommend a factory diet balanced with vitamins and minerals, and dry granules also clean the teeth.

The pates and all kinds of tasty morsels are not very good. Soft food stays between teeth longer and causes gum problems. Dry food is chosen by age; it should be rich in protein and dietary supplements. Consider a few other nutritional rules.

  • When using fresh products, boiled, raw or frozen meat is introduced into the menu. The norm for an adult is 120 grams, for a kitten - 30 grams.
  • Little kittens eat 4 times a day, small portions. In a year they switch to three meals a day, and in one and a half - two meals a day.
  • Chicken breasts and turkey are served daily, beef and veal three times a week. Pork, lamb and duck are completely excluded.
  • Fermented milk products are fed every day.
  • Vegetables and porridge alternate, mixing with meat.
  • Boiled sea fish, egg yolks, beef liver, chicken hearts are given twice a week.
  • There are vegetarians among the Abyssinians who love raw vegetables and fruits. Give them fresh apples, carrots, melons, cauliflower and cucumbers without fear.
  • Every other day, dietary supplements and ½ teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil are poured into food.
  • The water is changed 2 times a day, but they like to drink from the tap.

River fish, beef kidneys, pork, sausage and all similar products, salted cheese, sweets and some fruits, sour cream and cream, egg white are categorically contraindicated.

When choosing one type of food, for example, natural food, canned food or dry elite food, you cannot mix it with another type of food.

This is a gourmet cat breed. If they do not eat food for 10 minutes, then they do not like it, and it is worth looking for another.


It is advisable to look for a partner when the cat is 1-1.5 years old. Mating up to 9 months is not strongly recommended, although puberty occurs at 4 months. When cats are in heat for the first time, ignore the calls and purrs of the "bride".These rules apply to the "groom" and are international standards.

The main peak of sexual activity is autumn-spring. In the off-season, both sexes are especially temperamental. Choose only a purebred groom, one variety and one color, as he generates the breed. In Abyssinians, it is impossible to predict what color the baby will appear, since it is determined by the genes of the parents.

The holiday of conception is celebrated on the territory of the boy. It is important that the "honey" period lasts several days. Even if the kitten is inexperienced, the male is able to impregnate her. Care must be taken when mating a cat that has already given birth with a newcomer, the meeting may not achieve the desired result.

The female may keep the cat away if she is young or not ready for intercourse for the first time. Sometimes the lady is larger than the male, which leads to the same result as the boy's lack of confidence, due to his youth and inexperience. The stress of moving to a newlywed property can also undermine your efforts. It is necessary to bring the cat's personal belongings to visit in order to neutralize it. If the couple is experienced enough, mating will take place within 24 hours.

When it's time to break up, they will show it with their behavior.

Previously, both animals take water procedures. Particular attention is paid to health, the absence of worms. The eggs are fertilized 24-48 hours after the first intercourse. The time of conception is counted from the second day after mating. The nipples swell and turn bright pink by 20-30 days. The expectant mother eats and sleeps more.

Pregnancy lasts about 2 months, ranging from 63 to 65 days. This often depends on genes. Multiple pregnancies are also transmitted. Sometimes in the first weeks the cat is tormented by nausea. The abdomen enlarges at 5-6 weeks, and the embryos take the form of cylinders and descend into the retroperitoneal space. Now the lady is in an interesting position and cannot be palpated. After 40 days, the cylinders increase to 6-7 centimeters.

Appetite decreases, which depends on the size of the fetus. On the 50th day, the movements of the cubs in the tummy are visible. The harbinger of labor is a sticky discharge from the labia. The uterus opens and the plug that cleans the vagina liquefies. Feeling the approach of permission from the burden, the cat looks for a nest, is excited and often runs to the toilet.

Carrying offspring, she needs increased attention, care and affection. The Abyssinian has a very developed maternal instinct - she herself can feed her offspring, without human help. The maximum number of offspring is 6.

The relief from the burden in cats takes place in 3 stages.

  1. The uterus opens and the fetus is positioned to exit the cervix. Lasts 1-10 hours.
  2. The second stage is periodically repetitive contractions, in the amplitude of muscle contraction. The uterus is already open enough.
  3. After the neck is completely open, the attempts are resumed, alternating with contractions and pushing the baby, depending on its size, in 3-4 attempts. The kid can go head or legs forward. After its appearance, the umbilical cord and the baby's place stretch, which does not come out immediately.

Without waiting for it, you can cut the umbilical cord closer to the loop. Next, we clear the baby's airways, gently shaking him down with his head to push the fluid out of the lungs. When the newborn breathes evenly, cut the umbilical cord, leaving 1.5-2 cm, and process it with brilliant green. We apply to the mother.

If the baby is healthy, he will begin to suck on breast milk within half an hour. The next fruit comes out in a short space of time. Subsequent kittens appear within 1.5 or even 3 hours. Active sucking of the mother's milk stimulates the uterus, and the birth process is accelerated.

Before giving birth, be sure to prepare everything you need for obstetric care. These are disposable diapers 60x60 cm, a pair of rounded scissors, brilliant green, cotton disks and sticks, a medical solution for disinfecting hands and scissors, several insulin syringes for anesthetizing a woman in labor.


On average, Abyssinians live 15-20 years with proper care, rarely get sick, but the risk of genetic disorders is not excluded.

  • Retinal involvement that leads to blindness is atrophic retinopathy of the retina. Fortunately, this happens in older pets. The cat refuses to enter unlit places, does not want to go up and down the stairs.
  • Genetic amyloidosis. With it, metabolic processes and the work of the immune system are disrupted. The first symptoms are thirst, weight loss, unusually frequent urination, vomiting, and persistent dental problems.
  • Patella misalignment and hip dislocation, can occur due to trauma in adulthood or be genetic.
  • There is dermatitis that is not inherited. It is a neurological disorder caused by stress and constant grooming, up to and including hair loss.
  • An allergic reaction to certain foods, pollen, or materials on household items. It manifests itself as itching and rash.
  • Due to improper nutrition, the gums become inflamed, gingivitis occurs. Prevention requires proper feeding and dental care.
  • All Abis are susceptible to leukemia, but this incurable disease is prevented by vaccination.
  • Overeating may cause problems with stool.

The first vaccinations are given to kittens at the age of 9-11 months, earlier it is impossible, there is a change of teeth. Further - annually. Vaccines against panleukopenia, herpesvirus infection, calicivirus, chlamydia, leukemia, immunodeficiency, viral peritonitis, dermatomycosis and rabies.

All vaccinations are necessary, even if the pet is not on the street.

Top names list

For beautiful Abyssinian girls and boys, oriental nicknames are suitable, corresponding to the breed, origin, and personifying an iconic feature.

If you buy a cat from a cattery, they usually offer nickname options. But you can choose the names yourself. Let's dwell on the beautiful and interesting nicknames for boys, which, for convenience, are arranged in alphabetical order:

  • Amethyst, Akella, Asher, Alf, Altares;
  • Benji, Bruce, Barney, Boniface, Velvet;
  • Vincent, Wagner, Willis;
  • Hamilton, Hamlet, Hector, Hermes, Goliath, Gabrielle, Gold;
  • Dinar, Dylan, Dorian, Damir, Denny, Duke, Joy;
  • Jacques, Jules, Jean, Joseph;
  • Zarif, Zeus, Siegfried, Zephyr;
  • Irbis, Ingvar, Irwin;
  • Caliph, Christopher, Quentin, Christian;
  • Lucky, Linus, Lloyd, Lucas, Laurent;
  • Maximilian, Maxwell, Manfred, Mickey;
  • Notty, Noel, Nelson, Norton;
  • Olaf, Olris, Ortan;
  • Ralph, Raj, Robin, Roger;
  • Cedric, Stanley, Sandy, Simon;
  • Tristan, Thomas, Tom, Troy;
  • Will, Olaf, Winston;
  • Felix, Frank, Freddie;
  • Hugh, Harris, Hight;
  • Caesar, Tsang;
  • Chester, Cheyne, Chase;
  • Sheridan, Sherri, Shorty;
  • Edgar, Edmond, Eric, Andy;
  • Eugene, Jung, Julian;
  • Janson, Jaffe.

For girls, we choose gentle names:

  • Augustine, Adele, Akira, Annabelle, Abigel, Alicia;
  • Beatrice, Bast, Bianca, Bela;
  • Vivienne, Wendy, Violet, Valerie;
  • Gwendoline, Gloria, Henrietta;
  • Jersey, Jenny, Judy, Diana, Julia, Daniel, Dakota;
  • Josephine, Jasmine;
  • Zaura, Zara, Zeya;
  • Isis, Ihet, Isabel, Inessa, Ilsa;
  • Claudia, Cassandra, Kimberly, Calypso, Clarissa, Christie, Carol;
  • Lavender, Lucy, Laura, Lillian, Leila;
  • Matilda, Madeleine, Michaela, Mira, Magdalene;
  • Nika, Naomi, Nicole, Nubia, Nancy, Noah, Naya;
  • Audrey, Olivia, Ornella, Ora, Ophelia;
  • Paulina, Penelope, Priscilla;
  • Rachel, Rachel, Rosemary, Roxy, Ruta;
  • Stephanie, Sandra, Saphira, Simone, Celia;
  • Tara, Talia, Tana, Tahira, Teya;
  • Ulla, Ulana, Ulsi, Ulfi;
  • Felicia, Firuza, Florence, Frida;
  • Hanny, Chloe, Hilda, Holly;
  • Caesaria, Zarella, Circe;
  • Chelsea, Celesta;
  • Shelley, Charlotte, Sherry;
  • Esmeralda, Ellie;
  • Yulissa, Judit;
  • Janica, Janetta.

Owner reviews

The owners of cats and cats of the Abyssinian breed are very pleased with their choice. They note the independent and proud character of the pet, gracefulness, learning ability, curiosity. Such cats become family members, companions on walks and travels. Amenable to training, like dogs, understanding and following the command "no". Very affectionate, love attention and care.

Quite clean, do not mind water procedures. Some specimens even love to swim. Tray accustoming is no problem. Many owners describe them as fastidious in food, gourmets who prefer premium canned food.

Some of the individuals do not get along well with other pets, especially birds. Wary of strangers. They are very active and jumpy, which leads to damage to valuable things. They are not vociferous, they purr pleasantly muffled.

Not quite suitable for keeping in a small apartment, they like space for games. They jump with pleasure, chase a feather or small object, regardless of age.

For a description and characteristics of the Abyssinian cat, see the video below.

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