Clothes for cats: what is it and how to train a cat to it?

Various outfits for dogs are more common and familiar, however, some people get cute clothes for the feline. Let's consider what such clothes are, how to choose them and how to properly train a cat to them.

Cats are quite gentle creatures, so not all clothes are suitable for them. It should not interfere with the animal leading an active lifestyle, jumping and running. The pet should feel completely free, its movements should not be constrained. Otherwise, the cat may not only feel uncomfortable, but also get any injuries during active movements. Clothes for felines should be made from fabrics that do not rustle or electrify.
Everyday wear should be comfortable and practical. The fabric should be selected based on the following criteria.
- Accessories and materials themselves must be absolutely safe for the animal. Clothes with a lot of zippers and various decorations are not suitable for everyday wear.
- Textile should be easy to wash. It is recommended to purchase elastic and lightweight materials, however, outfits should not be too loose. Otherwise, the cat may become entangled and injured.
- You should opt for durable fabrics. More fragile materials deteriorate rather quickly because cats often get caught by their clothes on their claws or sharp corners.
- The seams must be neat and straight. As for the fasteners, it is better to hide them. The worst option is buttons, which are easy to bite off and swallow.

Why do cats need clothes?
Clothing for representatives of the feline family originated in ancient Egypt. Then these creatures were in great esteem: they were idolized, they were given various decorations and other gifts. The days of the deification of cats are in the past, but some privileges are still preserved.
Clothes for cats are needed not only to make these cute animals even more beautiful. It protects their rather weak body, which is prone to various diseases. Cats freeze quickly, they don't like drafts and cannot sleep on cold surfaces. Of course, many of these animals have a thick coat with an undercoat, but still not all cats can boast of having wool. Sphynxes and other hairless cats simply need to be protected from the harsh Russian cold weather.
Not only bald, but also old cats, small kittens can constantly freeze. In addition, the animal may feel intense cold after surgery, when the hair is cut.
As for the postoperative period, you will have to dress the cat in any case: it will need to be protected not only from the cold, but also from herself. The blanket will prevent the animal from licking the medicine or breaking the healing stitches. Medical blankets are usually well washed, securely fixed, and quite easy to change.

Clothing protects cats not only from the winter cold, but also from the bright sunlight in summer. This is especially true for bald sphinxes and levkoy: in the summer they simply "burn out". Their skin becomes wrinkled, dry and stained.

Clothes for cats also provides protection against parasitesthat live in the coat. To prevent them from getting on the animal's fur, you can put it on before every walk. Of course, this will not completely eliminate the risk of infection, but it will still significantly decrease. On walks, clothing can also prevent accidental knits. Just put on overalls on your pet and calmly let her go for a walk, without fear that you will then have to distribute kittens.

You can dress up your pet if he has to participate in an exhibition or a photo session. It is for such cases that beautiful accessories are purchased that are completely unsuitable for everyday wear.
You can make your pet even more beautiful with the help of various collars, bows, hats. Some people dress up the kittens nicely to attract the attention of potential buyers.

Clothes for cats are sewn from different fabrics. Most often, such materials are used for this.
- Linen, cotton. These are natural materials that provide excellent thermoregulation. Winter clothes made of such fabrics keep the animal warm, and summer clothes protect against overheating in the heat. After washing, such materials can shrink, moreover, they wrinkle quite a lot.
- Viscose. This hypoallergenic fabric is extremely soft. It is durable and easy to wash. This material is excellent at absorbing moisture.
- Wool. Knitted woolen material, angora or mohair keep pets very warm. Such materials provide comfort, breathe well and do not cause allergic reactions.
- Synthetic materials... It is better to use clothes made from such fabrics only for public events and photo sessions. If a cat wears such things every day, allergic reactions may occur, and besides, such materials do not "breathe" well.
- Blended fabrics. They have the best quality synthetic and natural fibers. Such fabrics hold color well and are easy to wash.

Outerwear can be duplicated with padding polyester. This material is easy to clean in the washing machine, it is not heavy and holds its shape remarkably. The top layer should be made of a material that repels moisture well. This, for example, raincoat, Bologna fabric.
Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of clothing for the feline family. For such pets, the following outfits are most often purchased.
- Overalls. These are clothes perfect for cold and wet conditions. The jumpsuit looks like a one-piece cover with holes for the tail, head and paws of the cat.

- Jacket. Keeps the animal warm when walking outdoors or in a cool room.

- Pajamas or light shirt. Such things are more suitable for the summer season. They provide protection for the animal from various parasites (primarily from ticks).

- Blanket, vest, sweater. They are suitable for both walking and indoor use.

- Robe. It is put on the cat after visiting the hairdresser, water procedures.

- Body antisex. This is a garment that prevents unwanted knitting.

- Exquisite costumes, dresses... Such outfits are used during photo shoots, exhibitions.

- Body. Used during the postoperative period.

- Various accessories for paws, beautiful hats... They are also usually only used for photography and cat shows.

Cat costumes designed for special holidays, for example, for the New Year, are quite popular. Such outfits can be very unusual, fabulous, they help to create a special atmosphere.
Festive costumes for cats are very different: from Santa's sheepskin coats to hats with bows or antlers. When choosing festive clothes for a pet, you should take into account its character. For a mischievous person, for example, a costume of a chicken or a pig is more suitable, and for a sophisticated cat, a beautiful outfit of a fairy or princess.

Popular options
Today there are a large number of different models of clothing for cats and cats. However, one can single out things that are especially fond of the owners of representatives of the feline family.
- Warm sheepskin coats for the winter season. They effectively protect against severe frost. Sheepskin coats are decorated with cuffs, collars.
- Summer T-shirts. They protect animals from various parasites and the scorching sun.
- Terry bathrobes. Such things are ideal for use after water treatments.
- Plush hoodies. They are suitable for short-haired and hairless cats. Such clothes do not fade, they tolerate washing remarkably, are characterized by increased resistance to ultraviolet rays, warm the animal well and effectively absorb moisture.
- Fur vests... They very well protect bald cats from hypothermia.
- Fleece sweaters. Such things are quite free, so they do not constrain pets in movement. These clothes do not electrify, retain heat remarkably, do not shrink after washing, do not stretch and are well cleaned of dirt.

How to choose?
The process of choosing the right clothes for your cat is always individual. It is necessary to take into account not only whether the clothes are beautiful or not, but also the age of the pet, the characteristics of its breed and much more. Particular attention should be paid to the fabric. The best option is natural material, however, there may be a small amount of artificial fibers. The material must be resistant to deformation, fading, and so on.
When choosing clothes for a cat, you should take into account the seasonality. For winter, warm (including knitted) things, clothes with insulation are suitable. For spring / autumn, you should choose microfiber, raincoat. Such materials protect the pet's coat from getting wet. Fabrics with a high content of cotton and viscose are great for summer.
When choosing clothes for a cat, consider where exactly he will wear it.
For the street, the main thing is convenience and functionality, but for photography and similar events, you can use various original outfits, for example, a beautiful dress for a cat-girl.

If you don't care what your pet looks like, but need to keep it warm, you can use a regular cotton sock with slits. These cat clothes will be warm and very quick and easy to create.
In order not to be mistaken with the size, you need to measure the volume of the chest, neck of the animal, the length of its body. To determine the volume of the chest, you need to put a tape under the front paws of the cat.
Body length is measured from the root of the tail to the base of the neck. Place the tape along your back (bends are best avoided if possible). The girth of the neck is measured at its base, in the thickest point. It is desirable that the pet should stand as evenly as possible while taking measurements. For some outfits, additional measurements have to be taken: for example, the girth of the "waist", the distance between the hind and front legs.
Below is a table with clothing sizes for representatives of the feline family.
The size | Back length (cm) |
XL | 45 |
L | 40 |
M | 37 |
S | 35 |
XS | 33 |
XXS | 30 |
How to train?
It is recommended to start clothing training at an early age. With an adult pet it will be much more difficult, because he has already formed a character and certain habits will appear. So, wait for the moment when the animal's mood is especially good, and put the prepared thing on it. Wait a few minutes. The clothes will need to be taken off when the cat gets tired of them and begins to resist.
You should not insist and dress your pet if he immediately begins to actively resist. Otherwise, you can provoke a negative reflex, and the cat will not perceive any clothes at all.
If the animal flatly refuses to dress, you can try to cheat and lightly grease the costume with valerian tincture. The cat will smell a pleasant smell and will not show aggression.

If your pet allows you to dress up in a costume, try again after a few hours to get the pet used to the clothes. A few changes per day is usually enough for a cat to start taking various outfits completely calmly within a few days.
The main thing is not to insist if the animal begins to actively resist, and always put the interests of the pet first.... The most important should be the needs of the cat, not the desire of the owner to stand out at the expense of the pet.
Give preference not to shiny synthetic dresses, but warm and soft things. Instead of coercion and violence, show affection and patience - only in this case the cat will be happy, healthy and dressed in the latest fashion.

How to put a jacket on a cat, see below.