How to wean a cat from cat food?

Feeding a cat with dry food is convenient and practical. When using economy-class products, this solution also looks profitable. The benefits for the animal itself remain in doubt. Owners are thinking about changing their diet and switching to natural food, but cats are reluctant to do so. The change in diet must be carried out correctly so as not to create unnecessary stress for the animal.

Why is it worth giving up dry food?
When people notice the reluctance with which cats approach new food, they begin to doubt the advisability of replacing. There are more reasons for not eating dry food than you might think.
- Even a very expensive brand contains chemical elements, and it's scary to think about cheap options. Among the supplements there are those that are addictive. Such exposure is harmful to the animal as well as to humans.
- Continuous eating of dry food can result in dental problems. It is believed that particulate matter helps to cleanse the mouth. In practice, cats practically do not chew on the granules, so the jaw muscles do not develop properly.
- Food additives can trigger food allergies. When fed with natural food, this risk is minimized.
- There is practically no moisture in the granules, which can lead to urolithiasis. The risk is small, but with a natural diet it is not at all.

Change of diet
It is necessary to transfer an animal from one type of food to another gradually, with the lion's share of patience. Such methods are distinguished.
- Hard - a radical replacement of dry food for regular food.
- Blending - combining both options to create addiction.
- Gentle - gradually reduce feed portions while focusing on normal food intake.
- Going through wet feed. Dry food is replaced with canned food, and they are already replaced with homemade food.
The last two options are considered the most correct. The animal is not subjected to additional stress, and the body does not suffer from a change in diet.
Before choosing, it is worth evaluating the character and characteristics of the cat.

Changing from wet feed
Wet food is not a natural product, but it is more moist and flavorful. The best option for the transition is considered canned meat. Their aroma is slightly weaker than dry food, but also attractive to the cat. You need to start with a gradual substitution. Reduce pellets, increase wet portions. At some point, completely remove dry food and feed a little only with canned food.

Introduce natural foods into your diet one at a time. Start with aromatic meats, healthy vegetables and cereals. Think about everything in advance so that the animal receives the right amount of vitamins and nutrients. The size and shape of regular food pieces should be similar to those of canned food. Over time, start to reduce the amount of wet feed. Here the scheme is similar to the very beginning of weaning. This method allows you to loyally wean a cat from dry food in 1-2 months.

Gradual weaning from dry food
The method allows you to accustom you to homemade food in a month, but the exact timing depends on the nature of the animal. It is worth acting carefully and slowly. Of course, some animals easily settle for something new in food, but most cats are skeptical about this. Hunger should not be manipulated. As a result, you can get a nervous, aggressive animal with a bunch of diseases and a tendency to overeat.

When it comes to a radical change in products, you need to think not only about psychological factors, but also about physiological ones. The animal simply cannot abruptly reorganize to regular food, because the gastrointestinal tract simply does not know how to digest it. The body is accustomed to grains and produces a certain amount of the necessary enzymes. The restructuring will take place gradually, the stomach does not tolerate haste. Act like this.
- For the first 3 days, think over everything so that the cat eats 90% of the feed and 10% of natural products. Everyone knows that combined nutrition is harmful to animals, but in this case it is the safest solution. It is better to start your acquaintance with new food with small pieces of poultry meat. It is important that if you give a large piece, the cat simply will not understand how to eat it.
- If the previous stage was successful, then already from day 4 redistribute food so that natural products make up 25% of the diet. Observe the condition of the cat during this period with special attention. When increasing portions of regular food, be guided by the well-being and health of the animal. The stage can take about 10 days.
- If everything goes according to plan, then for 6-7 days feed the animal with natural products in the morning and evening, and at lunchtime provide access to dry food. Portions of granules should be small, 1 tbsp is enough. l. When you change your diet, you get accustomed to both new foods and a new regularity of meals. Eat natural foods at the same time to build a habit. Access to dry granules allows the cat to remain calm, helps to understand that she is not being deprived of anything.
- When 10 days have passed, reconsider the diet. This time, the dry food should be 25%. It happens that an animal simply cannot completely refuse dry food. Veterinarians advise in this case to select a separate meal and give the cat just a couple of pellets. Do not mix dry food with regular foods or soak in milk. This action can lead to digestive problems.

Brutal method
The method helps to transfer from cat food in 3-15 days, depending on the characteristics of the animal and the composure of the owner.It should not be used when weaning small kittens up to 1 year old, otherwise you can face a lot of gastrointestinal diseases. Before starting, you need to consult your veterinarian.
- Mix your usual granules with an analogue that is less addictive. Feed this way for a week.
- Diversify your diet with nutritional supplements that your doctor has advised. This is necessary to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Throw away all dry food. It is important to remove the pellets from the house so that the cat does not smell.
- Just wait for the animal to start feeding on normal food completely. Do not indulge in indulgences even during hunger strikes. This is the cruelty of this method, you need to firmly defend your position in front of the cat.

Hunger strikes can lead to binge eating, so watch your food portions. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which should also be discussed with a veterinarian. If the animal itself is nervous or aggressive, then abandon this method of changing the diet.
Negative character traits can be aggravated by your hostility.

The main goal is to trick the visual perception. The transition in this way occurs in 21-36 days. Act like this.
- At the very beginning, add about 20 ml of water to a portion of granules to soften everything. In a second bowl, place dry food without liquid.
- Gradually reduce the content of the latter until the animal begins to eat more and more wet crackers.
- Leave the contents of the first bowl the same, but put organic foods in the second. You can put in a couple of pellets for the look and smell. They will have to be removed over time, which may slightly increase the habituation time.
- Now reduce the amount of wet crackers so the cat will eat more food from the second bowl.

Helpful hints
It happens that cats do not want to change their eating habits. As a manipulation, the animal can even resort to starvation, which always scares the owners.
- Do not pressure your pet. Do not try to force feed or force the animal to eat what you give.
- Consult an experienced veterinarian. A cat's health can affect its tenacity.
- Once again, carefully review the menu that you have compiled for the animal. Add more of his favorite foods to it. Responsibly approach the issue of distribution of portions and beneficial micronutrients.
- A hunger strike is permissible, but no more than a day. For this time, you can remove the food bowl, leaving only clean water. You should not allow a long stay without food. In general, such a measure is considered extreme.
- Only serve fresh food in a slightly warm state. The piece of meat should be soft, juicy and with a pleasant aroma. If the cat doesn't like something in appearance, then natural food can be disgusting.
- Experiment with your meals. Perhaps the cat simply does not want to eat meat for breakfast and porridge for dinner. Swap places to understand your pet's preferences.

To learn how to wean a cat from dry food, see the video.