Variety of breeds

Peterbald: description of the breed of cats, nature and content

Peterbald: description of the breed of cats, nature and content
  1. Origin story
  2. Description
  3. Life span
  4. Character
  5. How to feed?
  6. Care features
  7. Health
  8. Breeding

Peterbald is one of the most unusual and beautiful cat breeds. They represent elegance and restraint. Their appearance is mesmerizing, and their character conquers. What you need to know about this breed before deciding to get yourself a Peterbald will be discussed in this article.

Origin story

These unusual cats owe their birth to a man who crossed two breeds - the Don Sphynx with the Oriental. As for the first experiment on such a crossing, it was made in 1994. It was carried out by the St. Petersburg felinologist Olga Mironova, who thus bred four kittens-hybrids. They became the official ancestors of the Peterbalds.

The felinological associations quickly recognized the breed, endowing them with their own abbreviation and official natural status. But despite this, the breed of St. Petersburg Sphynxes is still developing, although since 1997 they cannot be crossed with their Don brothers.

Felinologists believe that Peterbalds should absorb the natural traits of Siamese cats and orientals, while the presence of wool or its absence does not in any way affect the breeding values ​​of the breed.


It is difficult to confuse a Peterbald cat with any other cat. She is endowed with exceptional characteristics that define the appearance of the purebred St. Petersburg Sphynx.

  • Cats have a narrowed head, which sharpens noticeably and smoothly turns into a thin elongated neck.
  • As for the nose, it is long and straight, like a sharp blade. If you look at the Peterbald from the side, then one word can be said about his profile - "royal".
  • The ears of St. Petersburg kittens are quite large, while they have a wide base and tips that look slightly to the sides. Specialists felinologists give a great assessment of the "British postav" of the Peterbald auricle, which can hold a paper sheet laid on it.
  • These cats have no whiskers. In rare cases, you can find a Peterbald with curly villi, as if broken.
  • As for the eyes, they are a real highlight of this breed. They are almond-shaped, expressive and oblique, with an iris of blue, yellow or green. Little kittens do not see anything at birth, but their eyes open early, after 5 days.
  • The body of these cats is elongated, the size is medium. The shoulders and hips are equal in width. The weight of females varies from about 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms, and the weight of males can reach a maximum of 5 kilograms.
  • Peterbalds have straight, slender and long legs. If a cat's forelimbs are bent, then this refers to a breed defect.
  • This breed has a long, thin tail - from base to tip.

    Separate mention should be made of the variety of colors and coat length of Peterbalds. Colors range from cream to chocolate or purple. The black St. Petersburg Sphynx looks absolutely unique, but this color can be rarely found. The most common colors are tortoiseshell. There are the following skin integuments.

    • Brush - kittens are born with hair, and with growing up it disappears.
    • Brush point - kittens have hair on the body and tail. With age, the body becomes bald, and hair remains on the face and limbs.
    • Hairless kittens. They lack hair, while the body visually resembles rubber.
    • Flat-haired cats... This version of the breed has both wool and antennae, while they do not disappear with age.
    • Velor kittens... Their hair is all over their body, including the legs and tail. With age, this breed becomes bald everywhere, except for the limbs.
    • Flock cat. The skin is soft and velvety. The whiskers are absent, the hair on the kittens is about 2 millimeters.

    Life span

    St. Petersburg sphinxes live for about 13-15 years. But there are factors that can negatively affect the life expectancy of these cats.

    • Sunlight. Sunbathing this breed is contraindicated. The Sphynx is a hairless breed, and burns can easily develop on their skin. Therefore, you should protect your pet from direct sunlight.
    • Dangerous conditions of stay. Peterbalds are extremely spontaneous, like little children. They like to explore the territory of their residence up and down. All this threatens with injuries.

    Therefore, it is better for the owner to provide safe living conditions for the pet in advance - to hide sharp or heavy objects that may fall or injure the cat.

    • Loneliness. Peterbalds are inherently sociable animals. The presence of the owner is vital for them. A busy person who spends a lot of time at work should think a thousand times before getting himself a St. Petersburg Sphinx. These cats do not tolerate loneliness very well, in the end it cuts a cat's life by almost half. If there are many household members in the family, including children and even dogs, then the Peterbald will live a long and truly happy life.
    • Overweight. Peterbalds are extremely voracious. They, one might say, have a real love affair with food, so it is important for the owner to control the weight of his bald pet and not indulge his whims. Food should be dosed and at the same time contain essential minerals and vitamins. Otherwise, excess weight will become a serious problem for the cat and negatively affect his health.
    • Poor hygiene. Since the St. Petersburg Sphynxes are hairless animals, they require special care.A fatty layer forms on their skin, and this is a comfortable environment for the development and reproduction of dangerous bacteria. Therefore, the cat must be bathed daily using special protective equipment. Also, sulfur often accumulates in the ears of this breed, which must be removed with a cotton swab once a week.
    • Hypothermia. Sphynxes, due to the lack of wool, often freeze. If the house is cold, the cat is more likely to catch a cold and get sick. You can get out of the situation by buying clothes for your pet at a pet store or a warm bedding. But not all sphinxes like to walk in knitted sweaters, so clothes are acceptable only with the consent of the pet.
    • Hereditary factor. If the pet had a long-liver in the genus, then the Peterbald was more likely to inherit this feature. Also, congenital defects, birth injuries or a weak immune system shorten life expectancy. And the immune system is strengthened with the right diet and care.

    It is widely believed among veterinarians that castrated sphinxes live longer. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the health of cats and cats of this breed, hormonal problems and risks of sexual diseases, for example, prostatitis, disappear. In addition, it is believed that cats that have undergone this procedure become kinder and calmer. Therefore, if the owner does not plan to engage in breeding of St. Petersburg Sphynxes, he should castrate or sterilize his pet, thereby increasing its life expectancy.

    An interesting fact: on average, this breed lives for 12 years, but one sphynx managed to reach the mark of 30 years!


    Peterbalds are unique animals and possess multiple positive traits, among which are the following.

    • Friendliness. And this is not an empty phrase. Petersburg Sphynxes can make friends with all household members, including other pets and even dogs.
    • Lovingness. This character trait follows from the previous one. A bald pet will be happy to spend time in the arms of the owner and even come to his bed at night. Also cats of this breed love to play with children. These are truly tame animals.
    • Placability... Representatives of felines, as you know, remember the offense for a long time and can even take revenge on the owner by tearing the curtains or removing the need for shoes. Petersburg Sphinxes, this feature bypassed. They easily forget about disagreements with the owner and are ready to caress and purr again.
    • Talkativeness... In addition to meowing, Peterbalds love to purr and make other funny, interesting sounds. They like to communicate with their owner in this way, so a person who prefers silence is better off abandoning the idea of ​​getting himself a St. Petersburg Sphinx.
    • Cleanliness... Peterbalds have not only an aristocratic appearance, but also a corresponding character. Animals of this breed take care of their hygiene and maintain cleanliness.
    • Curiosity. These cats are real explorers. There will not be a single corner in the apartment, wherever the Peterbald climbs. And it doesn't matter whether the door is open or closed in front of him - the animals have a unique ability to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places. They are also interested in accompanying their owners in any endeavor, but at the same time not getting underfoot.
    • Devotion... Peterbalds can seriously compete with dogs in this character trait. They simply adore their owners, but of all family members, they especially single out one for themselves. It is he who becomes for the bald pet not just a friend, but also a leader. A cat or a cat can follow him on his heels throughout the apartment, not leaving one for a minute, even in the bath.

    It is important for Peterbald to be an integral part of his master's life, to feel important and significant for him. And this bald pet will certainly reciprocate the attention and care.

    Peterbalds can show discontent by meowing loudly if they are hungry for a long time or are alone. For all the feline independence of this breed, attention is needed, so the owner should not leave the pet alone with himself, otherwise he will get bored and even get sick.

    Peterbald with proper care and love can become a true and devoted friend.

    How to feed?

      Peterbalds are real gluttons. They have absolutely no control over food absorption, so they gain weight easily. If the owner does not follow the diet of his pet, then he will not have time to blink an eye, as his graceful Sphynx becomes fat and clumsy. Peterbald is ready to eat all day long, and everything. If he wants to feast on, then he will definitely examine every corner in the kitchen and eat everything that is lying unattended - from chocolate to chips. Therefore, the main rule for someone who decided to get himself a St. Petersburg Sphinx is to hide food in an inaccessible place.

      It is important to have a proper nutrition plan for this cat breed and stick to it. To determine that the diet is selected incorrectly, just look at the pet's skin. If the brown substance is secreted by the skin too actively and in large quantities, it means that you need to change the diet, and it is better to consult an experienced veterinarian in this matter.

      Kittens from one month old should eat 5 times a day, from two months - 4, and from four - 3. An adult meal will be considered two meals a day and should not occur earlier than at the age of eight months of the pet. In this case, the food should be warm (not hot or cold).

      Dry food will harmoniously fit into the diet of the St. Petersburg Sphynx. But the main thing when buying is to pay attention to the quality and availability of all the necessary vitamins and microelements in the feed. As for natural products, you can also feed your pet with them. It is better to combine feed and natural food, alternating between them.

      If the owner decided to completely abandon dry food, then you should stock up on additional vitamins for the pet, because they will not be enough in ordinary products.

      What can you feed the peterbald, except for dry food:

      • boiled meat products: beef, chicken, turkey, veal;
      • by-products: lungs, heart;
      • vegetables: beets, zucchini, pumpkin;
      • rice and millet porridge;
      • fish (but only seafood and boiled);
      • kefir (fat-free), cottage cheese, yogurt;
      • pork or beef bones and cartilage (but not fish or chicken, otherwise the pet will choke).

      What products should not be pampered with:

      • sweets;
      • smoked fish, sausage;
      • eggs;
      • milk, cream, sour cream and butter;
      • potatoes and legumes;
      • fruit.

      If you choose the right diet for a bald pet, then problems with digestion and excess weight will bypass Peterbald.

      Care features

      This is not to say that the St. Petersburg sphinxes require special care. Unlike cats that have fur, hairless pets do not need to be brushed. This is the main advantage of this breed. For the rest, there are commandments that every owner must observe, namely:

      • bathing a cat;
      • claw cutting;
      • rubbing eyes;
      • ear cleaning.

        The Peterbald needs bathing more than the average cat. The fact is that his body is prone to sweating and other impurities. But veterinarians do not recommend washing the St. Petersburg Sphynx every day.

        The fact is that a special lubricant is formed on the skin of these pets, which performs a protective function, and by regularly washing it off, you can provoke stress in the pet. Nevertheless, it still needs to be carefully removed. It is better to do this with a clean cloth dipped in caring oil. Or you can get by with an ordinary damp cloth. Do not get carried away with frequent bathing with shampoos, otherwise the skin of the Peterbald will begin to peel off.

        But if the pet is really dirty, then you can even bathe it with tar soap. After the procedure, you need to properly wipe the sphinx, otherwise it will catch a cold and get sick.

        As for clipping the nails, you need to do this 2-3 times a month. But this does not mean that the pet will not need a scratching post. When cutting, it is better to additionally process each claw of the Peterbald with a file so that the pet's skin is less scratched when scratching.

        The eyes of the St. Petersburg Sphynxes require special care for one simple reason - this breed of cats does not have cilia, so their eyes are not protected from the accumulation of various secretions in them. Every morning, the owner needs to examine the pet's eyes. If mucus has accumulated in them, it is necessary to remove it with a clean cloth. It is worth paying attention to the color of the discharge. A healthy sign is clear mucus in the corners of the eyes, but if the shade turns brown or green, then you need to contact your veterinarian.

        A secret accumulates in the ears of Peterbalds, but the owner does not need to panic about this and try to clean it out daily with cotton swabs. It will be enough to do this once every 7 days, having previously bought a special lotion at a veterinary pharmacy. The same lotion should be used to wipe the areas between the claws (places of accumulation of fatty deposits that prevent the cat from moving).

        On the tail of the St. Petersburg Sphynx, sebaceous glands are concentrated in large numbers, so acne and pimples often occur there. Special cleansing lotions will come to the rescue here too.

        Some owners believe that the animal needs regular depilation of dead hairs. In addition, this makes the animal more aesthetically pleasing. But do not rush to give the appearance of a cat nobility in this way. Shaving will negatively affect the subsequent coat, making it rough and even less attractive.

        Thus, carrying out all these simple care procedures, you can be confident in the health and neat appearance of your bald pet.


        Petersburg Sphynxes, like all pedigree individuals, have a number of genetic diseases. But fortunately for the owner, there are few of them.

        • The most dangerous disease is the underdeveloped thymus. The task of this organ is the growth and development of the animal's body, as well as the immune defense. If the thymus is underdeveloped, then the St. Petersburg Sphynx will die while still being a kitten.
        • Blue and tortoiseshell cats are more prone to gingival hyperplasia than others. This affects the chewing of food and further problems with the gastrointestinal tract. When the first signs of inflammation appear, you need to contact your veterinarian for advice and drawing up a treatment plan.
        • Peterbalds, due to the lack of wool, can get sick with colds. Therefore, it is important not to overcool the pet, wipe it dry after bathing, and wear warm clothes in cold weather. Often cats of this breed climb onto the bed to the owner and sleep with him under the covers. You can also buy warm bedding for your pet.
        • Peterbalds suffer from allergies. Moreover, the rash never happens once. This usually becomes a permanent affliction of the animal. But the owner should not panic, because a special lotion from a veterinary pharmacy will save the pet from allergic reactions. It is only important to monitor the condition of the pet's skin and exclude factors that provoke rashes.
        • The lack of hair in the St. Petersburg sphinxes makes them especially vulnerable to external hazards. For example, if the owner has a private house, and the cat walks on the street, then due to the curiosity of the animal, there is a high probability of getting any injury (including the bite of an insect, reptile or dog). It is better to keep the Peterbald at home in order to avoid various kinds of injuries that will provoke further skin diseases.

        The main thing is to regularly monitor the condition of the pet, avoiding all the pitfalls, and then health problems can be avoided or at least minimized. In general, Peterbalds have a good immune system, resistant to many diseases, which is an undoubted advantage of this breed.


        Mating peterbald requires special attention and approach. It is better not to indulge in experiments here, especially for inexperienced breeders. It is allowed to knit a St. Petersburg Sphinx with oriental, Siam, Javanese and Balinese.

        It is important to consider the point that if a kitten is purchased for breeding purposes, then you need to be especially careful. Otherwise, you can see the sterility of boys and the lack of lactation in girls.

        What rules must be followed in order for the knitting to be correct.

        • The cat should only be knitted when it is 12 months old. At the same time, her first or second estrus should pass. Until this moment, mating is prohibited, because the pet's body has not yet been fully formed.
        • It is better that at least one of the pets has already had experience with mating, otherwise he may get confused, as a result of which the result will not be achieved.
        • Both representatives of the breed must be vaccinated 2 weeks before mating (including preventive measures against worms).
        • Do not bathe your cat before knitting it. Special shampoos will wash away her natural odor, which should attract the male.
        • According to the rules, the cat must be brought to the cat. This is done because it is important for cats to feel calm in their own territory. Otherwise, they will start exploring unfamiliar territory, which will take a long time. It is important that the cat is in heat for 2 or 3 days before mating. The period for which you can leave one pet with another is a maximum of 5 days.
        • Both animals must have their claws trimmed - due to the aggressiveness and even cruelty of mating games. Otherwise, the St. Petersburg sphinxes risk causing damage to each other.
        • As for childbirth, it is better for cats to give birth before the age of 7, with 1 or 2 times during the year. Thus, the health of the Peterbald will not be damaged.

        If you follow all the rules of care, feeding and mating of St. Petersburg Sphynxes, do not deprive them of attention and give them care, then these affectionate bald pets will delight the owners for many years.

        For more information on the Peterbald breed, see the next video.

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