Drinking bowls for cats: varieties and recommendations for choosing

Cats, like any other animal, need water. Access to it must be permanent. If cats do not get enough fluid per day, their activity levels can drop significantly. Lack of water leads to adverse health consequences for pets. For cats, you need to choose the right drinkers, of which there are a lot of them on sale.

A drinking bowl for a mustachioed pet is a necessary attribute, like a feeder. It also needs to be chosen carefully so as not to make the wrong choice. Going to the store in search of a suitable model, you need to keep in mind what requirements a high-quality drinker should meet.
- The structure must be made of high-quality and safe materials that, in contact with water, do not become a favorable environment for the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms.
- The drinker should be comfortable. Seals should be able to drink at any time without colliding with obstacles.
- The design must be such that it can be easily washed or cleaned if necessary.
- The drinking bowl must be assembled with good quality. All details must be in place.
Otherwise, the automatic model will not work correctly and there will be no sense from it.

Certain requirements apply not only to drinkers for cats and cats. The water should also be perfect for these pets.
- The liquid in the drinkers must always be fresh and clean. Pieces of food or pet fur should not float in it. It is important to keep an eye on this.
- The water temperature should not be too high or too low. It is desirable that it be at room temperature.
- The container itself, from which the pets drink, must be kept completely clean. Otherwise, the dishes can turn into a hotbed of infection for animals.

The range of drinking bowls today is simply huge. You can choose the perfect option for every taste and wallet. Cat owners can purchase a regular drinker of a standard type or a more modern automatic model with a good range of options. Let's take a look at what types of cat drinkers exist and what properties they have.

Drinking bowl
This model is a simple bowl of great depth, into which a stream of water easily falls from a height or flows down a special groove. In most cases, the pressure of the liquid that is supplied directly to the bowl can be adjusted at your discretion. These types of drinking bowls are especially relevant if there are few cats living in the house - one or two.

Of two bowls
This common model of a cat drinker consists of a pair of containers that are located one above the other. The cup on the top is usually smaller and has small holes through which water flows freely into the larger lower cup.
These designs use a submersible pump. As a rule, drinkers, consisting of two bowls, are completely silent. Such models are especially relevant if small kittens or a large number of adult pets live in the house. This is due to the fact that products with a pair of bowls provide a good volume and high stability indicators. Thanks to this, several animals can drink clean water at the same time.

Drinking fountain
In pet stores, you can find a special automatic drinking fountain. The design of such models also has two bowls, but above the upper one there is a large dome in the shape of a hemisphere. Water in such products is pushed up from the middle half of the device using a pump, after which it flows down the rounded walls and moves into the bowl that is located below.
These types of cat drinkers are in great demand and look interesting.

Any auto drinker has a number of advantages over simple bowls. Let's get acquainted with them.
- In such devices, be it a waterfall or a fountain, the liquid is constantly in a mobile state. Thus, a successful imitation of a flowing reservoir occurs.
- In such devices, the streams of water are always enriched with oxygen, because the drinking bowls are not closed, but remain open.
- Murmuring water streams involuntarily attract the attention of seals and once again remind them that they should drink a little.
- In modern automatic drinkers, timely replenishment of the lack of liquid in the tank is provided due to the presence of a spare tank in the overall structure.
- It is allowed not to change the water in automatic models for about 5 days. This is due to the fact that such specimens have tanks designed for a large volume of water (usually up to 10 liters).
- Such containers are very useful if the owners go on a journey. On sale you can find such models that are compact or folding. Travel copies are in great demand. They do not need to allocate too much free space in a bag or suitcase.
- Certain types of such drinkers, for example, nipple drinkers, help to maintain the well-groomed appearance of the pet due to the absence of the fur getting wet while drinking. This factor is especially appreciated by people who keep cats with long and thick hair at home.

In addition, automatic drinkers consume very little electricity - from 6 to 12 watts. This quality is especially appreciated by thrifty owners of cats and cats. As for the noise of these devices - in this matter, they are on the same level with the refrigerator.Even at night, when everyone is asleep in the house, the automatic drinker does not irritate or interfere with sleep.
Despite the impressive list of positive qualities, there were some drawbacks here. Modern auto-drinkers for cats most often upset consumers with their high cost. Simple containers that do not run on batteries or from the mains cost mere pennies, but you will have to spend money on automatic options.
In automatic models, it is necessary to periodically and in a timely manner produce replacement of cleaning filters. As a rule, you have to do this a couple of times a week.
Of course, it all depends on the supply of fluid and electrical power. In the latter case, there is a high probability that a mustachioed friend will be left without the necessary drink when the owners are not at home for a long time. This will definitely not lead to anything good.

Drinking bowls for cats are made from different materials. This factor has a direct impact on the final cost of the structure. Most often, there are drinkers on sale made from the following raw materials.
- Environmental plastic. Budget-class cat drinkers are made from such an inexpensive material. They can be found in any store in a wide range of colors.
- Ceramic. Models in the production of which ceramics are used are highly reliable. They make the drinkers more stable while drinking.
- Metal... In this case, we mean chrome-plated metal or stainless steel. The most durable drinkers are made from these raw materials. In addition, they are considered one of the most convenient when using them while traveling.
In electric models of auto-drinkers, a special rubberized coating is most often present. It is used to prevent the structure from overturning.

Automatic drinkers are divided according to the shape of the water supply.
- Drinking bowls with a fountain in the middle or side... The constantly pouring liquid in such models can become not only an element of thirst quenching, but also a source of an exciting pastime for a pet when the owner is not at home.
- Bowls with a dome, through which streams of water flow down... Such a specimen will be the most successful solution for those pets who are afraid of unnecessary noise, because they work quietly.
- Models with water jet flowing out of the reservoir. This design of automatic files is considered classic. These models are most suitable for those pets who prefer to drink water from an open tap.
- Models arranged like bird drinkers. This refers to designs with a nipple. These drinkers are considered non-standard.
Usually they are acquired by owners of pedigree cats.

How to choose?
In a large assortment of different drinkers, choosing the best option is usually not difficult. The main thing is to rely on a number of basic criteria.
- It is advisable to buy drinking bowls produced by well-known brands. The highest quality constructions are made today in Western Europe. Branded models are made of quality materials, and they last much longer. Drinking bowls from unknown manufacturers bought from street stalls can harm the health of cats.
- When choosing a drinking bowl, it is very important to consider how many mustachioed people will use it.... It is recommended to install a large fountain in the nursery. If only one cat lives in the house, then one bowl with a stream of water falling from above will be quite enough. Such a model is cheaper, and the cat will be enough for it.
- It is equally important to take into account the material from which the drinker is made.... A pet can accidentally move a light plastic model and spill everything on the floor. Most often, cats move light plastic models. If there are a lot of them in the house, then it is recommended for them to purchase more stable and heavy options made of metal or ceramics. They will be more difficult to move or knock over.
- It is also important to take into account the availability of changing filter parts in the design.... When purchasing a cat drinker, you need to make sure that all consumables for the selected model are on sale and you can easily change them yourself.
- It is worth considering the level of noise emanating from the selected devices in working order. It is advisable to check all the necessary parameters in the store before making a purchase. Thus, you can find out if the design will interfere with the work of the household, disturbing their peace.
- We must not forget about the preferences of the animals themselves when choosing a drinking bowl. For example, Abyssinians, Bengals and other mobile representatives of their breeds are more fond of drinking from a fountain. As for long-haired pets, it is advisable for them to buy models with a dome. In these devices, the liquid is not splashed, so that the fur of cats does not get wet.
- Drinking bowl design also counts. If you want to buy a more stylish and interesting model, then you can choose the option with blue backlight.
This is a very bright drinking bowl that will delight both the owners and the pet.

Care advice
Regardless of which model of drinker you have selected for your pets, it must be properly and promptly looked after. If we are talking about an automatic copy, then you will need to keep its technical condition under control. In addition, several manipulations will be required.
- Before using the structure for the first time, it is necessary to flush it, but do not use aggressive cleaning agents and chemicals for this. You can use dish detergents. After that, the drinker will definitely need to be left to dry.
- Subsequently, the drinker will also need to be washed regularly. So, to rid the pump of lime, you can use vinegar essence. Aggressive household chemicals must be discarded.
- Next, the device will need to be placed on a flat and hard surface on which it will not swing. Place the drinker in a place where it will be located all the time and where it will definitely not interfere with anyone, unexpectedly get in the way. It is recommended to place any drinker away from any electrical appliances for safety reasons.
- Once every few days, you will need to pour clean water into the drinking bowl. The frequency of this procedure depends on the volume of the tank in the structure and the direct number of cats in the house who use the drinker. It is recommended to fill the tanks with distilled water - this is the best option. Its temperature should be close to room temperature.
- If the machine in the purchased product operates continuously, then once a week it will have to be turned off, after which all the components of the structure must be completely disassembled and thoroughly washed. The filter is also included in the list of these elements - don't forget about it.
- The automatic drinker should not be plugged into the mains if there is no clean water in it or there is some kind of breakdown (even the smallest).

Maintenance of modern automatic cat drinkers is very easy and simple. The main thing is to act carefully, especially when it is necessary to disassemble and wash all the parts of the device.
Such procedures should not be neglected, otherwise you can harm both pets who will drink water from the device, and the drinker itself.
Why do animals refuse to drink from drinking bowls?
Most cats are quite wayward and often show their character. Sometimes this can manifest itself in an unusual way - the cat can start drinking water from the tap, from the sink or toilet bowl, refusing to drink the water that is poured in the bowl, despite the attempts of the owner to retrain the pet. Some pets spill liquid on purpose. There are explanations for this unusual behavior.
- The water you put in the bowl may not taste good.
- The wrong water temperature will also discourage the cat from drinking it.It should never be too cold or too hot.
- Seals do not drink from bowls made of materials that give off harsh and unpleasant odors. This factor must be considered even at the stage of selecting a suitable drinker in the store.
- If the cat is uncomfortable drinking water from the drinking bowl, something is interfering, then he will not use it.

When using structures with a filtration function, such problems usually do not arise, because the water there does not need to be constantly changed and it does not deteriorate. If you notice that the animals, while drinking from the drinker, constantly spill water or overturn and overturn the container itself, this will indicate that it is made of a material that is too light and not resistant. It is also not very convenient for cats to drink from such models, which is why they may refuse to use them. In addition, the owners themselves will not be pleased with the fact that the pet constantly pours all the water on the floor.

How to teach a kitten to drink from a drinking bowl?
Many cat owners are interested in how they can be taught in such a drinking bowl from an early age. This is not difficult. The kitten can be adapted to an electric bowl as follows.
- First, draw the fuzzy's attention to the purchased gadget. This can be done using delicious scents, especially if you have purchased a nipple type model.
- An old and familiar bowl of water should not be immediately removed from its place. It is necessary to leave her where she was until the pet is fully accustomed to the new drinker.
- Please note - it will be very difficult to accustom an adult cat to an automatic model. With small kittens, things will go faster and easier.
- For novice mustachioed users of automatic drinkers, it is recommended to buy models that have a wider bowl. The larger the bowl of liquid, the more willing the cat will drink from it.

Of course, these recommendations for adapting kittens to drinkers are basic.
Much depends on the nature of the pet, its breed. On the part of the owner, first of all, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the drinker itself and the convenience of its use. If these conditions are met, the kitten will quickly adapt to the new container.
Rating of the best models
The range of modern drinking bowls for cats is wider than ever. Consider a small rating of the most popular and demanded models from different manufacturers.
It is a charming drinker made in the shape of a flower pot or small bucket. Such original models are produced by a well-known brand Hagen Inc. These designs have a pump that runs fairly quietly without drawing too much attention to itself. True, this model is not so quiet as to be placed in a bedroom. The pump in it is volumetric and easy to replace.

Feed-Ex Spring
The fountain is made in China. It is inexpensive and has an original design. From the side, the drinker is similar to a bidet with a urinal. The tank volume in this design is 1.8 liters. The pump's speed can be adjusted, but even at minimum power it is quite noisy. The water outlet provides for the presence of two additional nozzles. The internal structure is simple and straightforward.

A bowl in the form of a fountain with an interesting design. The cost depends on the version. On sale there are models made of plastic, stainless steel or ceramics. The tank is designed for 1.8 liters of water. The shape of the model is round, therefore it can be bought for several animals at once. The pump is not too loud, there is a dense filter that can work for a month.

Ferplast Vega
This is a fountain drinker from an Italian manufacturer. It is made of plastic and has a design that will fit best in a bathroom or kitchen. This model is hardly suitable for the audience. It contains replaceable carbon filters, and also has a a good tank volume of 2 liters. The electric pump in these models operates without unnecessary noise, it is possible to regulate the strength of the water flow.

Savic cascad
This model is found on sale less often than others. It has a large size, but at the same time it holds only 1.5 liters of water. The design of these specimens is simple and attracts almost no attention. The plastic from which these structures are made is of high quality, smooth surface and excellent workmanship.
Assembly and disassembly of these structures does not cause any particular difficulties.

Drinkwell 360
This is a round drinker. The reservoir in it holds as much as 3.8 liters of water, which is an excellent indicator. There are removable nozzles, spouts, which make it possible to set the required amount of water jets. The design of these models is interesting and attractive, which attracts many buyers. The body is made of stainless steel or high quality plastic.

For information on how to make a drinker with your own hands, see the next video.