Fluffy cats: the best breeds and features of caring for them

A luxurious fur coat worthy of admiration is considered the hallmark of long-haired cats. However, in order for the breeders' favorites to look well-groomed, she will have to devote a lot of time and attention. The material in this article will acquaint readers with the features of grooming the fur of fluffy cats of the most popular breeds among breeders.

Long-haired cats with fluffy hair have a number of their own nuances. Their fur coat is characterized by a special structure. In most cases, it is quite dense, due to which, during the molting period, cats and cats are forced to lick dead hairs daily, which impede the growth of a new coat. Representatives of some breeds can wear dead wool on themselves for several months.
However, attempts at self-hygiene do not allow the cat to get rid of dead hair on its own. Most of the hairs are deposited in her stomach. Therefore, the owner must provide the pet with germinated wheat germs or other grass that will provoke the regurgitation of a hair coma. Some of the breeders use a special malt-paste for this purpose.
It is more difficult for long-haired fluffy cats to maintain a beautiful fur coat: in most cases, their coats tend to form tangles. The problem can be complicated not only by untimely combing of hairs, but even by irregular use of the comb.
Some representatives of fluffies are able to spoil their fur coat with just one walk, hanging thorns and other clinging debris on it. It is extremely difficult to take care of such wool, but without this the fur coat grows dull and shaggy.

Certain breeds of fluffy cats are characterized by year-round molting. If you do not remove dead hairs from such a fur coat in time, the pets run the risk of eating up their fur until the intestines are blocked. In other cats, grooming is complicated by individual characteristics. For example, in one of the breeds, after shearing, a coat of a darker shade grows, which can lead to the disqualification of an individual attending exhibitions.
Another feature of fluffy cats is the high probability of allergies, which they expose to all family members where they live. During the molting period, it literally covers all the things of the dwelling, which forces the owner to take certain measures to reduce it. Moreover, if it is enough for ordinary cats during molting to comb their hair twice a week. Such pussies will have to remove it every day, remembering to pay special attention to the hairs between the toes and at the base of the ears. For the rest, the nuances of care will be subject to a specific breed of a representative of the feline family.

Advantages and disadvantages
The dense and fluffy coat of cats has many advantages, although it is not devoid of disadvantages. For example, like all cats, these pets are generators of tranquility, which they generously share with their owners and all household members.
Few people know that with close contact between cats and babies, babies are less prone to persistent infectious diseases. The feline purr calms owners down, which makes them less likely to have a heart attack.

The thick coat makes animals resistant to cold, but in the summer it can be a real problem. If at the same time the breeder neglects the rules of basic hygiene for his pet, cats have a risk of skin diseases. However, caring for a fur coat is not so simple: if you do not know its basic nuances, the cat's appearance becomes untidy. To maintain aesthetic appeal, you will need to acquire various accessories in addition to a comb.

In some representatives of the cat family, a beautiful fur coat is prone to fading, and therefore the owner must ensure that the pet does not fall under the rays of the scorching sun. The downside of fluffy cats is the resistance with which some individuals relate to the combing procedure. At the same time, in some cats, the hairs are so eaten into clothes and furniture that removing them from there is a long and laborious task.

The difficulties of caring for pets with very long hair will also lie in the fact that pets walking on the street often literally sweep the ground with their fur coat. In addition to the fact that dirt settles on the wool, it becomes an excellent lift for small parasites seeking to feast on cat blood. Removing fleas and ticks from such wool is problematic. As for ticks, the breeder will only see them when they increase in size.

However, the situation with fleas is more complicated: not all preparations for them are effective, moreover, along with getting rid of fleas, they burn the coat. And this leads to a deterioration in its structure, loss of individual hairs and loss of silkiness.
Worst of all, a single application of a special antiparasitic agent is not enough for fluffy cats to get rid of fleas.

Popular breeds
To the cats beloved by the breeders, endowed with fluffy and long hair, there are several varieties of cat breeds, for example:
- American Curl;

- Turkish Angora;

- Norwegian Forest Cat;

- Maine Coon;

- Persian;

- Himalayan;

- Neva Masquerade;

- Balinese;

- ragdoll;

- Siberian.

Each type of pet has its own characteristics. For example, the American Curl outwardly differs from many furry counterparts in the twisted elven ears. Moreover, these kittens are born with straight ears, and the ears begin to curl up only a week after birth.The curl's coat is dense and silky, it has no undercoat and is pleasant to the touch. The cat's tail is very fluffy, its length is comparable to the length of the body.

The Turkish Angora is often white in color, its fur is not inferior in fluffiness to the American Curl. At the same time, the representative of this breed can boast of a special wool structure. At its high density, it is incredibly soft and delicate to the touch, without any hint of stiffness. A long coat does not prevent the animal from being active and nimble.

The Norwegians have a thick and long coat, which is also located around the pads of the paws. The length of the tail corresponds to the length of the body, the coat on it is long and thick. The fur coat has a dense undercoat, the length of which is different on different parts of the body.
Thanks to the undercoat, these cats are not afraid of water, it does not get on the skin at all.

Maine Coon, or domestic lynx, has tassels on the ears, as well as a rich coat that gives the cat an impressive size. Apart from a huge fluffy tail, these long-haired cats have a chic fur collar. Despite the density of this fur coat, unlike other types, it is easier to care for. It has guard hair and a thick but soft undercoat. Due to this, the Maine Coon is not afraid of either cold or moisture. In females of this breed, the fur coat is softer in comparison with males.

The Persian cat stands out among other brethren in the large number and number of varieties. His coat is much longer than that of many cats of other breeds, and in some individuals it can reach 15-20 cm. He is very sociable, and also clean and tries to get rid of excess hair on his own, which rolls into tangles without proper care. Its hairs are long and thin in themselves; when they get tangled, they must be cut off.

In Himalayan cats, the fur coat is voluminous, which hides the not particularly large dimensions of the animal itself. It has a good undercoat that is thick and warm. The texture of the coat of these animals is soft and delicate. The length of the coat is different: for example, longer hairs grow on the neck, which visually creates the effect of a fur scarf.

The Neva Masquerade Cat can boast of a three-layer coat. Her coat has two different types of undercoat: soft on the belly and dense on the back. The coat of these cats forms the so-called "cloak" of hard outer hair, which is explained by the aboriginal origin of the breed. At one time, this type of wool protected animals from moisture, cold, and contributed to a kind of camouflage.
The fur of these pets goes through its evolution with the growth and development of the animal, and it is the fur coat with its special undercoat that is responsible for the elegant appearance. Balinese is a semi-long-haired fluffy cat with an Asian appearance. In fact, these are varieties of the Siamese with a triangular-shaped muzzle and a fluffy tail.
Representatives of this breed are very talkative, are distinguished by a beautiful color and require a special approach to hair care.

Ragdolls or the so-called pedigree "rag dolls" with blue eyes they literally hang in the hands of a person and adore this state, like any grip. They have an unrealistically beautiful fur coat, a doll-like appearance and a fluffy tail, these cats look like plush toys. These cats appear large only because of the length and bulk of the coat, while its color can be different (with the exception of exclusively smoky, black or red).

The Siberian cat is characterized by a luxurious fluffy fur coat., which perfectly retains heat and does not allow the animal to freeze in harsh cold weather. Unlike other furry brethren, the molt of these cats is not catastrophic. In addition, their fur is not so allergenic, and therefore those who are prone to allergic reactions can afford these pussies.

How to choose a kitten?
The choice of a long-haired fluffy breed kitten must be treated thoroughly. You cannot go on about only emotions, you need to have an accurate idea of the nuances of a pet of a particular breed, the difficulties of keeping and caring for the coat. In addition, you need to know what you will have to face when caring, understand that you will have to take care of the baby every day like a child. It is worth weighing the pros and cons and only after that contact the breeder.
You need to buy an animal in a proven nursery, which eliminates the likelihood of acquiring a non-purebred animal. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to babies with the correct gait, the makings of socialization. It is important to look closely at the kitten's behavior: he should be moderately curious, developed, not lazy, not overfed.
To make sure that you are purebred, you need to demand from the seller the documents for the kitten (pedigree and veterinary passport).

The more ancestors a kitten has, the better. If the seller runs social media, you can take a closer look at the frequency of cat mating. If kittens are born too often, this suggests that the breeder is using the cat as an incubator. As a rule, often giving birth cats do not produce healthy offspring due to the fact that their body cannot recover before the next pregnancy.
You cannot take a kitten up to 2-3 months. It was at this time that he needed the first socialization, communication with brothers and sisters, training to the tray, training in building relationships, the first games. You need to take the baby after vaccination. If the buyer doubts the breeder, you can go to the cattery together with a specialist who will carefully examine the kitten, assess the conditions of its keeping, the state of the mouth cavity, fur coat.
In addition, it is the specialist who can give an independent assessment of the pet's health.

How to care?
Despite the striving of a separate category of newly-born breeders for perfect cleanliness, bathing a kitten, and an adult cat, is too often not recommended. Some of the pets need drying after washing, others are not at all afraid of drafts, preferring to dry naturally after wiping off with a towel. However, experts recommend avoiding the accumulation of dirt: Dust, dirt, and clumped fur are signs that your cat needs an urgent bath.
At the same time, different types of pet shampoos can be used to cleanse the coat. They can be traditional bathing or dry. The second options are distinguished by the absence of the need to soak and rinse off the product. After applying and processing the fur coat, it is removed with special napkins. These remedies are good for pets that are afraid of water.
As for individual pussies, they surprisingly often love to frolic in the water. Some individuals can even swim, splash in it, study it, which is why they often climb into kitchen sinks, swimming pools, and also baths. Detergents should be selected based on the length and type of coat structure.
You should not try to bathe cats with shampoos that people use: these products are completely unsuitable for them and can cause hair loss.

Combing out dead hair is a separate topic. For full-fledged care, the owner will have to buy a comb, a slicker and a furminator. Each device is responsible for its own type of work, and therefore it is useless to try to replace all three with one thing at once. Accessories for wool should be selected based on the density of the wool, the degree of its stiffness, as well as the length.
In other words, not only the length of the teeth is important, but also their frequency. With the wrong choice, the teeth of the device can dig into the cat's skin, get stuck in the fur coat, or even not give any result at all. A comb with a trimmer attachment is a prerequisite for quick and painless removal of dead hair.If you choose the right width and frequency, the owner will be able in a short time to remove dead hairs that are clogged in a fur coat among the living and interfere with their growth.
However, before scratching a fur coat with a furminator, you must use a comb, paying special attention to the areas of the abdomen, armpits, neck and groin.
If the owner starts combing his pet's fur, the fur coat can get lost in felt. And here it is often useless to try to bring it into an attractive aesthetic form: the tangles have to be cut off.

Combing a fluffy fur coat is necessary and often necessary: when it is neglected, pets often suffer from skin diseases, itching, allergies, and eczema. Often this leads to a state of discomfort, some representatives of fluffy breeds refuse food altogether, become depressed and fall ill. During the molting period, attention is paid to the fur coat every day.
Cats, who are being trained for exhibitions, are promptly taken to grooming, which consists in a set of various kinds of grooming procedures. The basis of grooming is grooming the coat, bathing it, trimming it and keeping it under the strict framework of the standard regulated for a pet of a particular breed. In addition, the groomer can include in the complex of caring procedures hygiene of ears, eyes, trimming of claws.

Due to the thick and long hair, the ears must be given special attention. Sulfur accumulations must be removed from the auricles with a damp cloth soaked in warm boiled water. You can also use a special tool for cleansing. The vibrissae should not be allowed to stick together or get dirty.
You cannot wait for the fur coat to become lumpy, because the skin under the mats begins to irritate. Care should also be taken when handling the ears or eyes. If the doctor prescribed treatment and the owner had to treat the pet with a drug, this should be done without spilling the drug all over the fur.
If the pet can reach the lesion and lick it off, this can create a new problem.

When it comes to caring for kittens with very long hair, hygiene training is a key criterion in their upbringing in the first year of life. A kitten should not get used to walking dirty either after a street walk or after using the toilet. Firstly, hygiene will make him feel uncomfortable when contaminated, and secondly, he will not carry filler or urine (feces) residues around the house. The sides of the first tray should be low, preferably inclined, it is better that the tray has a removable frame.
If food debris becomes clogged in the coat, it can also cause hairballs to form. For especially fluffy long-haired cats, this can be a real problem. In order not to torment your pet with frequent bathing, you can purchase a dry pet shampoo and remove such troubles locally using special napkins.
It is also necessary to take into account the degree of cleanliness of the home itself: most fluffy kittens are naturally curious. Therefore, in their research, they will pick up all the dust from the floor, which will immediately settle in the wool. House cleaning should be thorough and regular.
In order to somehow save the upholstery and other things, you do not need to accustom the kitten to the master's bed from childhood. If the baby from the youngest claws understands his place, the owner's hassle will diminish.

How and what to feed?
A cat's fur coat is a kind of health indicator. If the cat is fed a complete and balanced diet, his coat will shine. In addition to essential vitamins, the animal must receive micronutrients from food. In addition, fiber should be in the nutritious diet, which is explained by the tendency of fluffy cats to form trichobezoars, which can cause intestinal obstruction.
The pet can be fed with natural food or industrial food. When choosing a natural "table" in the cat menu, there should be lean meat. Moreover, it can be not only raw, but also boiled.It can be chicken, turkey, beef.
If the animal is fed raw meat, before giving it to the pet, the product is frozen in the freezer for several days in order to destroy foreign organisms.
In addition, pussies need cottage cheese and kefir, eggs, as well as cereals (for example, rice and buckwheat). Minced meat is not good for cats: it quickly passes through the intestines, while the cat does not have time to feel full from food.

When choosing industrial food, you should give preference to premium products, since ordinary cheap food is not only useless for the animal, but can also upset its digestive system. Owners buy fluffy cats special dry food with vitamins for wool. At the same time, regardless of appetite, you cannot give your pet more food than it should by its weight. This will put more pressure on your joints and internal organs, causing liver problems.
The animal must have a special herb. Through it, the cat will be able to get rid of the hair accumulating in the body. When buying a feed, you need to look at its composition: as a rule, the content of the ingredients is indicated in it in descending order of quantity. You need to take the feed in which meat comes first., moreover, the labeling must clearly indicate what kind of meat is included in the product.
For example, it can be rabbit meat, beef, lamb, but not meat flour. If the packaging says "offal", it contains hooves or skin crushed into flour. The feed should contain cereals (for example, rice or ground corn). They are perfectly absorbed by the feline body and help cleanse the stomach from hair.
You can not take the fluffy food with preservatives or artificial colors.

Wet industrial feed can be added to the diet if the diet is correct. Its advantages are the dosage that prevents obesity, as well as the presence of the required amount of protein that saturates the pet. Regardless of the breed of the fluffy handsome, it cannot be fed with industrial dog food. Such a diet is not suitable for them due to the different needs for protein.
In no case should you feed a fluffy cat with food from your table. This is especially true for smoked meats and sausages, as well as legumes that provoke bloating. Fatty food is harmful to cats, as well as chocolate, alcohol, which in rare cases breeders give a joke to their pets. Bad food affects not only health, but also the condition of the coat. In such cases, this makes the fur coat unkempt, rough, it loses its shine and silkiness.
The fluffiest cats in the world in the next video.