Breeds of cats and cats with big ears

There are many breeds of cats in the world. They can be fluffy or smooth-haired, and some are completely hairless. Cats are small and large, hunters and sissies, curious and lazy, in a word, there is a pet for every cat lover. There is a separate subclass of cats, united by such a trait as large ears. Some of them even have huge ears. Moreover, the breeds are very different.
What is the difference between big-eared cats and all the rest? Strange as it may sound, but the ability to quickly cool down. After all, cats with big ears are natives of warm countries. They have very thin skin on their ears, and underneath there are a large number of blood vessels. A breeze is enough to keep them cool. The higher the ambient temperature, the faster the blood circulation, which means that a large amount of blood will flow through the ear capillaries, cooling them.
Big-eared purebred cats have enough fans, because they really look very unusual. However, it is a misconception that these breeds have better hearing than other cats. No, all breeds hear equally well... Even the laziest and most distant-looking in half-asleep twitch their ears, controlling every sound. These animals have excellent hearing - they hear everything that happens within a radius of 500 m around, even the squeak of a mouse. At the same time, neither walls, nor layers of earth, etc., are not an obstacle to them.

Description of breeds
Consider what breeds can be classified as big-eared.
Abyssinian cat
These representatives of the feline are small in size, and their color is incredibly beautiful. The eyes seem to be painted with black eyeliner, the ears are cone-shaped, large in size, but at the same time they look neat.They are short-haired animals with a muscular body. Abyssinians are very active, jumpy, love to play.
The hot summer will not frighten them, they are active and cheerful at any time of the year. The color of Abyssinian cats is called "savannah" or "safari" - since each hair is colored in two or even three shades. With every movement of the cat, its fur "moves", the color plays amazingly on it, creating its different overflows.
The cost of an Abyssinian kitten is from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles, depending on its pedigree.

A variety of Abyssinian cats are Somalis. They have a totally chic semi-long coat in shades of ginger and brown. While it is unclear how the short-haired Abyssinians evolved into the long-haired Somalis, felinologists consider this to be a natural mutation of the breed. The ears of the Somali are large and mobile, and they themselves are agile and very energetic. A Somali kitten, depending on how "stellar" its parents are, costs from 20 to 35 thousand rubles.

There is a rather apt joke about the representatives of this breed that they seem to be drawn by someone who has never seen cats, but represents them only theoretically. They are related to Siamese cats, however, there is no black mask on the muzzle, and the nose is also not always painted dark. Orientals are beautiful, slender and muscular. They are short-haired, have a long graceful neck, an irregular head with an elongated muzzle. They have very long tails, disproportionate to the body. Oriental ears are huge and triangular in shape. The breed standard requires the line of the ears to be in a straight line with the zygomatic line of the cat.
The breed is unusually sociable, loves to be in the spotlight. It easily takes offense at the owner if he is busy with his own business for too long (in the opinion of the cat). Orientalists have great intuition, for example, they sense that the owner is sick. Felinologists note that the nature of these cats is not at all feline, they are more "dogs" in behavior... Oriental kittens are not cheap, their cost varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

Cats with a characteristic feature - their hind legs are much longer than the front ones. Their color is leopard. Obtained as a result of experimental crossing of Bengal, Abyssinian, Libyan steppe and ordinary domestic cats. Kanaani has absorbed the features of all her “ancestors”: she is loyal and flexible, at the same time she is freedom-loving, she has a well-developed hunter instinct.
Kanaani are short-haired, their coat is hard, they do not need careful care, however, they are extremely fond of walking in nature.

The breed was developed in Great Britain in the middle of the 20th century. The goal faced by the breeders was to obtain a dark chocolate Siamese cat, with a uniform color without blotches of a different color. Long-term efforts led to the production of Havana, although originally it was only the color called so.
The breed was named Oriental Chestnut. Breeders in America continued to work with the breed. As a result of crossing the chestnut oriental and American shorthair cats, the Havana was bred. The breed was registered in 1964. Havana cats have natural grace, beauty and sophistication. They are friendly and affectionate, and cannot be alone at all.

Devon rex
As soon as they do not call the Devon Rex! Alien cats, alien cats, and this is no coincidence. The appearance of these representatives of the feline family is so peculiar that it suggests that aliens do exist and have left some legacy on Earth in the form of Devon Rex. These cats have a very colorful look: eyes-saucers, sitting almost on the sides of the head, huge ears, the shape of the head at the same time is both elongated and flattened, the neck is thin and long.
Devon Rexes have a lean body, short and curly hair, reminiscent of a lamb.In addition, Devon Rexes have an unusual habit for cats to wag their tails if something makes them happy. The character of the representatives of the breed is docile, playful. They become attached to their masters, love them, and require very much attention.
Being alone for a long time is boring for them.
The cost of a Devon Rex kitten is from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Turkish angora
These beauties and beauties with multi-colored or sky-blue eyes will captivate the most discerning cat lovers. They are so attractive that the owners turn a blind eye to the abundance of white soft wool on all surfaces in the house, as representatives of this breed shed very much. However, they are affectionate cleverthat these qualities are reconciled with molting. Sad statistics say that about 63% of Angora cats are deaf with either one or both ears.
At risk are cats and cats with two or one blue eyes. Since the Turkish Angora is a non-exotic breed, a kitten costs about 2 thousand rubles.

Canadian sphinx
Another owners of extraordinary appearance: they have eyes (huge and round) and ears (triangular in shape and also huge) on the sides of their heads. Wool can be present in the form of light fluff, or absent altogether. Sphynxes have many skin folds on their bodies. The front legs are set wide apart, as the chest is large.
Sphynxes are very affectionate and loving cats, but caring for them is not easy. In no case should they be in a draft, since they catch colds easily... Warm clothing is needed in late autumn and winter. In addition, you need to take care of the nutrition of the sphinxes - it must be balanced. Skin folds should be cleaned daily.

As for the most unusual shape of the ears, elf cats are in the lead here. Their ear is shaped like a "shell" bent upwards. The elf is a relatively young, new breed. In addition to the ears of an unusual shape, their features are a round belly, skin of increased softness, the absence of a mustache and eyebrows, and wool is also absent. Drafts are categorically contraindicated for elves, they are very susceptible to colds.
Elven cats are affectionate, attached to the owner, love to be in the center of attention and demand it from the owners. Elven kittens are very expensive, one will cost 1-1.5 thousand dollars. It is not easy to get it, only by special order. The waiting list for kittens is scheduled for several years ahead.

Savannah, Serengeti
The breeds are united by the fact that both were bred with the aim of obtaining a domesticated copy of the African serval. But they are not related to each other. The Serengeti was bred from crossing Bengal and Oriental cats. And the savannah came from crossing (perennial) domestic cats with African serval. The breed "Savannah" got its name from the name of the cat, which was the first representative of the breed. Savannah eyes are almond-shaped and large in size. Eyes have black rims, skin with spots reminiscent of serval colors.
Savannahs are short-haired, their fur is coarse. The ears are very elegant and large. In appearance and graceful movements, the savannah is similar to a wild predator, and in character - to a curious and playful domestic cat. Savannah as a breed is still at the initial stage of world recognition. Despite this, savannah kittens are one of the most expensive, their cost is from 4,000 to 7,500 dollars, and kittens of the first generation cost even 20,000.

As for the serengeti, its name comes from the habitat of wild servals. The weight of the representatives of the breed reaches twelve kg, but at the same time they do not look massive. Their bodies are muscular and "dry". To date, the selection of Serengeti is not over, therefore the breed standards are somewhat blurred.
The Serengeti have large, round eyes and open, triangular ears. The height of the ears should be equal to the height of the head. The paws of the serengeti are rather long and powerful.The tail is long, in proportion to the length of the body. Four types of colors are permissible for serengeti today, there is a slight sheen.
The character of the representatives of the breed is active, playful, inquisitive. They are very fond of personally checking all secluded corners, touching unknown objects and surfaces with their paws. There is a strong development of the hunting instinct. If the serengeti lives in a country cottage and has the opportunity to hunt rodents, this is very good. If she lives in an apartment, she will have to take care of a large number of themed toys that will become her "prey".
By temperament, the serengeti is choleric, does not like to sit still for a long time, is agile.
The cost of a serengeti kitten varies from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Siamese cats are colored in a special way, and you cannot confuse them with anyone. Despite the fact that the breed is one of the most ancient, its purity has been preserved to this day. They are cats with great grace, very well proportioned build and muscular. Siamese cats belong to the oriental group, therefore they are characterized by large ears and an elongated muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and slightly slanted.
These animals have a choleric temperament, are very independent, while loyal to the owner. They have a very developed hunter instinct, the games are harmless, however, the Siamese are unusually sensitive and can, offended, kick them well with their paws, or even teeth. In a house where there is a Siamese cat, it is better not to have other pets. Your pet will be worn out from jealousy, besides, he is very stubborn, and you should not forget about this either.

How to choose?
When choosing a big-eared kitten, you should be guided by both its appearance (many, for example, do not tolerate the appearance of cats without hair or are not ready to put up with the molting of the Turkish Angora), and character traits. Families with children need to be careful when choosing breeds such as Savannah, as these cats can be very active and even aggressive. The same applies to Siamese cats, in which the "call of wild ancestors" periodically wakes up, and they can for no reason at all bite or rush at a person, even if it is an adored owner.
Be sure to consider the size of the cat and correlate them with the size of your home. Will an active pet, such as, for example, an Abyssinian cat or a serengeti, be able to run and crawl as much as possible? Will there be enough horizontal surfaces for a havana or angora to gracefully spread out? Are you ready to keep your windows closed all the time so that your adorable Sphynx doesn't catch a cold and sneeze? Will you be able to calmly perceive the manifestations of the irrepressible temperament of the Siamese?
Think carefully about all the questions before purchasing a kitten, because most of them are not cheap. When buying a pet, make sure that he is comfortable with you, but you also should not live in constant restrictions.
You need to find such a cat so that both she and you are happy with your living together.

Content rules
How to keep a cat with big ears depends solely on the breed to which it belongs. If you become the proud owner of a Turkish Angora, you will have to regularly comb out its luxurious wool with a slicker, and after that you still have to clean the horizontal and vertical surfaces from the consequences of its stay. If you have a savannah or a beautiful Abyssinian galloping around your house, know that everything that is possible will be pulled out and studied from every corner of the house, so make sure that there are no beads or sharp objects in its access zone.
Think carefully about the diet for your pet, consult your veterinarian. Get all the necessary vaccinations according to the schedule, and then be sure to go for a routine checkup with your cat at least once every 6 months.If your cat walks on the street, be sure to carry out anti-mite and antiparasitic measures in a timely manner. If it is possible to purchase and wear a tick collar on your animal, do so.

At home, the cat should have its own place to play, sleep and eat. Clean drinking water should always be available. Take care of a hygienic area where the cat can calmly go about his big and small tasks, without disturbing family members.
If his tray is installed in the toilet, provide free access to it, the door should not close tightly so that the cat cannot enter the room.
For safety reasons, install screens on the windows, especially in the summer. Get rid of the habit of opening the windows wide open, because cats do not always measure the height from which they fall, and often suffer from this. Do not leave your pet alone for a long time, they really miss being alone. And, getting bored, they can take offense and arrange a "surprise" for their owner to return.

For information on what breeds of cats with large ears are, see the next video.