Breeds of cats with eyes of different colors and features of their health

Cats with a predominance of white in coat color is an achievement of breeders. The existence of white cats in the wild is a very rare phenomenon. It is in these animals that heterochromia can most often be found. This is a feature of the body in which the iris of the eyes has a different shade. It is not a disease, but acts as a kind of genetic abnormality that does not create problems in the development and life of the organism.

The color of the coat and eyes is genetically determined by the pigment melanin. Different eyes are found in cats not only of white color. The reason for this may be a variety of heterochromia.
- Congenital. The color of the eyes is always the same and is inherited from the offspring.
- Acquired. The iris changed its shade after the injury, including psychological, or long-term drug treatment.
- Partial. With her, the eyes are not evenly colored in different colors, but only some areas.
- Complete. The pigment is evenly distributed over the shell of the eye, while one will be necessarily blue, and the second may have a green, amber-yellow or brown hue.

Multi-colored irises do not affect the animal's vision in any way. This is also not reflected in behavior. However, it has been observed that white-haired cats with heterochromia are more susceptible to developmental disabilities associated with hearing.
The foundational varieties of cats, whose representatives are born with eyes of various shades are rightfully considered:
- Turkish Angora;
- kao mani;
- Turkish van.
Turkish angora
The breed got its name thanks to the Byzantine city of Angora, which is its homeland. These cats came to Europe in the 16th century. There is an opinion that it is her representatives who are most prone to heterochromia. Most Angora cats have white fur, less often of a marble shade or cream. However, you can find individuals of black, red or even blue color.

It is a graceful animal of medium size, weighing about 4 kg. Has long, erect ears. The coat is almost without undercoat, while it is delicate, soft and fluffy. The disadvantage of the breed is its tendency to hearing loss.

The cat has a calm and docile character, gets along well with other pets, is very attached to the owner.
Kao Mani
The breed is originally from Thailand and was bred for the royal family. Even now, not everyone can afford to buy such a kitten because of its high price. The name translates as "diamond eye" or "white pearl". It was believed that a white cat with different eyes attracts happiness, prosperity and good luck to the home. Therefore, in the modern world, kao mani is treated with trepidation and adoration.

Animals are small in size, have a short silky coat. A slightly elongated muzzle, combined with a pink nose, makes the cat funny and cute. Some kao mani kittens are born with multi-colored spots, but as the individual grows up, the marks completely disappear. Cats of this breed are friendly and sociable, require constant attention from the owner and are afraid of loneliness.

Turkish van
The breed is named after the region of Turkey in which it was created. Individuals of this breed are rather large in size. The coat is not very long, but soft and pleasant to the touch. The color can be not only white, there are animals of various colors: tortoiseshell, with red, black, gray markings.

These cats are very playful and agile, they have a well-developed hunting instinct. The Turkish van is distinguished by curiosity and sociability, while the owner considers only one person. Contrary to the well-known opinion that cats do not like to swim, representatives of this breed do it with pleasure.

They are also easy to train and learn simple commands quickly.
There are cat breeds for which heterochromia is not a regularity, but rather occurs as an exception. Animals are born albinos, and a different color of the irises of the eyes is a secondary sign of a genetic disorder. It is extremely rare for heterochromia to occur in these breeds:
- shorthaired British;
- Scottish Scottish or Highlands;
- orientals;
- persian cats;
- Maine Coons;
- canadian sphinxes;
- devon rex;
- Cornish Rex.

It doesn't matter what the breed of your pet is called, multi-colored eyes will give it a special charm and amazing beauty.
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Most often, cats with heterochromia do not require special care or special conditions. They, like cats of any other breed, are taught to regimen and order from early childhood. Eating, resting and outdoor games should take place at a specific time. The kitten gets used to the established rhythm of life, which contributes to a mutual comfortable pastime.
Toilet training is an important factor. Kittens learn this from their mother by observing and inheriting her actions. If you have acquired a very tiny furry, then you will have to take care of its good habits yourself. Pets should be planted in a litter tray immediately after feeding. Pedigree kittens are very smart and clean, so they quickly get used to relieve themselves in a certain place.

It is important that the tray is in an accessible and safe place.
Kittens are naturally active and playful, but there is not always time for fun with them.The consequences of independent cat games can be torn curtains, torn wallpaper or furniture. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to accustom the animal to the correct games. First of all, you need to buy or build a scratching post for your pet yourself. From the many toys in the pet store, you will surely choose something useful and attractive for your cat.

Despite the innate cleanliness and tidiness, the cat will have to be bathed sooner or later. This procedure will be especially relevant for animals with white and long coats. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to water procedures from early childhood, then the habituation process will pass quickly and painlessly. The water should be at a comfortable temperature - about 30 degrees, only a special shampoo can be used as a detergent. For long-haired breeds, it is advisable to use an air conditioner in order to prevent tangling and electrification of the coat.

A cat in a limited habitat needs a proper and balanced diet, which you must provide. It is very convenient to feed the animal with ready-made dry or wet food. For the right choice, it is enough to consult a veterinarian and carefully read the instructions on the package. A prerequisite is compliance with the recommended feed dosage. If you think that your cat is worthy of exclusively fresh and natural products, then get ready to diversify his menu with products such as:
- a fish;
- meat;
- dairy products;
- cereals;
- vegetables.

When composing a pet's diet, one should take into account the breed, age, sex of the animal, health status and even the season and temperature of the food. For comfortable keeping cats at home, you need to take into account their physiological characteristics. If you do not plan to breed animals, then for convenience and your own peace of mind, it is recommended to sterilize them. This simple surgical procedure is performed in a veterinary clinic.

Neutering has a positive effect on the character and behavior of the cat and even helps prevent certain diseases.
Cat health
The well-being of a pet directly depends on its state of health and immunity. White cats with multi-colored eyes are no different from representatives of other breeds. Still, there are statistics that a third of cats with heterochromia are deaf. It has been proven by laboratory studies that deafness develops due to the dominance of the "white" gene, causing abnormalities in the genetic code.
Hearing may be completely absent or partially reduced, affecting one or both ears. As a result, the animal's other senses are sharpened - sight and smell. In general, cats with different eye colors are calm and affectionate creatures with strong immunity. It is necessary to carefully monitor the color of the cat's irises: if the blue eye has acquired a reddish tint, this may indicate a hematoma or a burst vessel. Disruption of the body's production of the hormone melanin can lead to the development of melanoma or a tumor.

Any neoplasms must be promptly and professionally examined and treated.
Healthy cats are active and clean. If the animal looks lethargic and unkempt, this may be a sign of kidney or genitourinary system disease. The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist; self-medication can only aggravate the problem. Cats with heterochromia are more prone to cancer than their counterparts with the same eye color. They are more likely to develop leukemia. For this reason, it is necessary to limit the exposure of the animal to the sun. It has been noticed that individuals of pure white color have a shorter lifespan than cats of a different color.

Some breeds of white cats are pathologically afraid of loneliness. This cannot but affect the health of the animal.His appetite disappears, the cat becomes shy and withdrawn. If it is not possible to constantly be around, then you should think about purchasing another cat, this will help to cope with the situation. To ensure your pet a healthy, happy and long life, you need to regularly conduct veterinary examinations, routine vaccinations and closely monitor his behavior. Subject to these simple conditions, a cute white cat with multi-colored eyes will delight you with its presence for a long time, bringing good luck and prosperity to the house.

For more information on cats with different eyes, see the video below.