Cat breeds with blue eyes

Cats and cats with sky-colored eyes are very popular. This phenomenon is rare, mainly animals have yellow and green eyes. It is the exclusivity of blue-eyed cats that explains their popularity. Representatives of many breeds have this distinctive feature.

What colors of cats have blue eyes?
Eye color is directly related to the color of the coat. This is due to the genetic level. If the coat is white, then the eyes are almost always blue. The nature is quite mysterious, and mestizo cats can also have blue eyes, but non-standard coat colors. If one of the parents of the animal was white and blue-eyed, then the gene can be passed on.

There is another option - acromelanic colors, they are also color-point. Such animals have the main color - white, and the spots can be black, brown, fawn, beige, peach. The muzzle may have spots around the eyes with black arrows. This phenomenon is also explained by genetics.
Blue eyes are found in albino cats.

List of breeds
Animal lovers and experts in the field appreciate blue-eyed animals. Not every purebred white cat is distinguished by this trait, it is rather an exception to the rule. The most beautiful cat is considered to be an animal with snow-white hair and bright blue eyes. Such pets conquer all participants of exhibitions and competitions.
- Turkish angora... The ancestors of the breed were known as early as the 17th century. Combination of attractive appearance and docile nature. Blue eyes are not required for the breed, however, they are quite common. Shades can range from heavenly to sapphire.On the territory of Turkey, the Angora is considered a national treasure. It is noteworthy that the representatives of the breed have white wool and eyes of different colors - one blue, and the second yellow.
It is these cats that are considered the most attractive and expensive. The country has special programs for breeding and preserving such animals.

- Kao mani. For the first time, they wrote about cats in the XIV century. In those days, they lived only with royal families. Many believe that short-haired animals have mystical abilities and attract good luck. Initially, the cat had only blue eyes, but over time, other iris colors became possible. If you decide to take such a pet for yourself, then be prepared for the increased sociability of the handsome man.

- Turkish van. One of the oldest breeds, recognized as aboriginal. The ancestors of pets lived in Turkey near Lake Van, which is why they got this name. Cats are not pure white, but are a prime example of carriers of the spotting gene. Animals have a colored tail and 2 spots on the head, while the body and legs are snow-white. Blue eye color is common, copper, amber and combinations of several are also possible.

- Sphinx. Bald cats are predominantly white in color, so they can have blue eyes just like others. Sphinxes are very fond of people, so they are used even in zootherapy procedures. Such an animal will make a wonderful blue-eyed family member.

A cat with blue eyes does not have to be white. Here are the color-point breeds that boast different shades of blue eyes.
- Siamese and Thai cats. The most ardent representatives of the group of Siamese-oriental breeds. Outwardly, cats are different, however, the color of the coat and eyes are similar. Color point is known to be associated with the blue eye gene. The body of the animal is white, and the legs, tail and muzzle are dark. The eyes are always blue, but may differ in shades.

- Balinese cat. The semi-long coat distinguishes this animal from the Siamese cat. The breed was bred in America. By standards, it completely duplicates the Siamese. Active and noisy cats with a sharp muzzle also differ from the Siamese with their tail, which is more like an ostrich feather in shape.

- Tonkinesis. Crossbreeding of Siamese and Balinese breeds led to the emergence of such animals. The existence of Tonkinesis began in the distant 1960 on the territory of Canada. The color-point color in representatives of the breed can have any shade. Eye color is quite attractive, more like aquamarine, aquamarine.

- Himalayan cat. Felinological organizations, even today, have not come to an exact conclusion about whether to consider this breed as a separate or a kind of Persian. The shade of the iris can be absolutely any. The most common option is pale blue eyes.

- Sacred Burma. A breed with the same color may have eyes not just blue, but even blue. The shade of the iris is always saturated. The coat is semi-long, so the breed is often confused with the Burmese. The latter differ from the sacred Burma in white toes on the front paws and boots on the back.

- Snow shu. The short-haired breed is the result of crossing a Siamese cat with a two-tone American shorthaired cat. The breed in translation means "snow shoe", because the legs, chest and muzzle are white. The iris has an intense deep blue color.

- Ragdoll. The appearance of representatives is similar to Burmese cats, but differs in a more dense physique. The coat is semi-long with a characteristic color-point color. The eyes are wide and expressive, the iris is intense blue, there can be different shades.

- Neva Masquerade or Siberian color point. Not all felinological organizations recognize these animals as a separate breed. There are even those who do not recognize this color in the representatives of the Siberian breed. The breed is especially widespread in Russia.The cats have an attractive mask on their faces, which is typical for this type of color. The iris can be any shade of blue.

White coat and color-point color can be found among representatives of other breeds. Among Scottish, British, bobtails, sphinxes, exotics, rex and many others, there may be blue eyes, it is just less common. Here are some rare breeds with sky-colored eyes.
- Foreign white. Translated from English means "white foreigner". Representatives have common roots with the Siamese breed. Foreign White originated in the UK. Cats have exceptionally white hair and eyes with rich blue irises.

- Ojos azules. The name of the breed is translated from Spanish as "blue-eyed". It is this eye color that is the hallmark of the breed. It is noteworthy that the coat color can be any, except for white and color-point. Only small white spots on the body are possible.
A snow-white color is always present at the tip of the tail. There are cases when the eyes differ in color.

How to choose a kitten?
Choose the right breed. Learn not only about the appearance, but also about the habits, features of caring for the animal. You should not get a Persian snow-white cat if you are rarely at home. Such a pet requires a lot of affection and quality care for hair and eyes. First, decide why you need a blue-eyed cat. Perhaps you want to win at shows, breed a breed, or just want to make a new friend.
Visit cat shows to learn how to visually differentiate representatives of different breeds. Be sure to read about the standards.

To purchase a baby, visit the nursery where the desired breed is bred. There you can see kittens and their parents in their natural habitat. Perhaps, already at the first visit, some baby will choose you. In any case, it is very important to get a kitten live.

You shouldn't make a purchase of a kitten at a pet store or at a poultry market. There you are unlikely to be provided with documents and will not exactly tell you about possible problems with a particular baby. The risk of acquiring a mestizo or a kitten with diseases is too great. Even if you have a baby just as a member of the family, it is not worth the risk.

Features of the content
Experts believe that snow-white cats are the best to participate in exhibitions, but the requirements for them are quite high. It is important that even the short coat requires special care. It is required for pets with blue eyes and white color. Here are some tips for keeping such cats.
- Limit walking down the street... Outside the home, the animal can get very dirty. The quality of the coat can also deteriorate.
- Bathe your pet regularly. The usual regularity is once every 2 months or as soon as it gets dirty.
- The animal needs to be combed out often. Long-haired blue-eyed cats are scratched twice a day during molting.
- When washing, use only quality products from pet stores. Otherwise, not only the coat can deteriorate, but also the state of health.
- Use natural care products. You may need not only simple shampoos, but also powders, pastes for white wool.

It is especially difficult to keep a blue-eyed Persian cat. Frequent bathing and brushing should be taught from childhood. The eyes require a lot of attention from the owners. They need to be washed and wiped regularly, otherwise the animal will start to hurt.
At the same time, you should not use tea leaves, it will stain white wool, spoil the appearance.

You can look at the blue-eyed cat in the next video.