Cat breeds with a flattened muzzle

Many people are in love with adorable cats that have one interesting feature - a flat face. These cute creatures look very interesting and are always eye-catching. This type of cat face was artificially bred. Initially, cats with such a muzzle structure were not found in nature. Today we will take a closer look at the different breeds, representatives of which have such a distinctive feature.

Features, pros and cons
There are many different breeds of cats, and each of them has its own individual characteristics that distinguish them from the rest of the subspecies. Such a non-standard structure of the skull of animals is otherwise called brachycephalic. This is not an intention of nature, but the work of man - cats and cats with similar features were artificially bred. In fact, this design of the animal's muzzle is not normal.
Simply put, this is a kind of pathology. But today animals with such a structure are not treated as defective. On the contrary, charming owners of flattened faces are insanely popular and loved by many people. Representatives of several well-known breeds have a flattened muzzle.

The rest of their characteristics, external data and behavioral features can vary significantly.
It is worth figuring out what are the main pros and cons of cats with flat faces. Let's start with the good - let's get acquainted with the positive aspects.
- The main plus, which is seen for such pets, lies in their original and very interesting appearance.Even in our time, when it is difficult to surprise anyone with cats of various breeds, animals with a brachycephalic skull attract a lot of attention.
- The jaws of such pets are stronger.than in representatives of breeds with a classic structure of the muzzle.
- The lion's share of cats with a similar structure has a very affectionate, friendly character. They are sociable, unobtrusive and behave absolutely calmly in everyday life. These are the qualities many people look for in pets.

Now let's look at what the disadvantages of these unusual pets are.
- For such cats, it is necessary to select not ordinary, but special dishes, from which they will be able to drink and eat comfortably, without unnecessary disturbances.
- Non-standard skull shape these pets become an inevitable cause of noisy sleep, snoring and snorting. Some people do not like these behaviors of animals very much, they cause irritation.
- Cats with a flattened muzzle differ in that that have shortened tear ducts and a nonspecific nose shape. These factors lead to the fact that such pets, experiencing severe stress, can suffer from strong discharge. Similar problems can arise if the cat has been in the cold.
- Some species of animals with a similar skull structure They cannot eat on their own, regardless of the selected food and its consistency. Such animals should be treated like small children - spoon-fed. Not every person agrees to this, so you need to think several times whether you are ready to get such a fluffy fidget.
- The features of thermoregulation in these animals are as follows: that they do not tolerate the influence of low temperatures.
- Due to the above nasal discharge such cats very often suffer from various kinds of infectious diseases. In addition, they are prone to allergic reactions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that These cats have more disadvantages than advantages. Although, many of the disadvantages of such animals are better called their features.
If you properly care for these cats, treat them, taking into account all their individual requirements, then there will be no problems with the content. As a rule, people are satisfied that they have brought such cute creatures.
Brachycephaly is a common trait in some pedigree cats. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.
The history of the luxurious Persian cat goes back more than one hundred years. At all times, representatives of this breed have been insanely popular and in demand.
The nose of the Persians is slightly upturned, and the eyes are large and round. These cats usually have a long and silky coat that is very pleasant to the touch. It is a pleasure to pet these cute creatures. The body of the Persians is squat, paws are short. The coat color of these pets can be very diverse.

There are several subspecies of Persian cats. They differ in the following features:
- the classic type - in such pets, the nose is just below the line of the eyes;
- modern type - in these animals, the edge of the nose is in line with the lower eyelid;
- extreme type - if a cat belongs to this type, then it will have a characteristic concave nose, located at the same level with the inner corners of the eyes.

All these cats are real couch potatoes. They have a calm and level-headed personality. Kittens can be playful, but as they grow up, they become more peaceful and sedate.

These individuals are easy to educate and love to sit in the arms of a person. They very rarely meow or make other sounds, and usually do not show aggression.
Otherwise, this breed is called exotic shorthair. Its representatives are the result of crossing the American Shorthair and Persian cats. Outwardly, these individuals are very similar to the representatives of the Persian breed. They differ only in short hair.
Exots are most like extreme Persians. They, too, have a snub nose, expressive eyes, and a stocky build. The paws of these cats are also not very long. The character of these pets is considered absolutely calm, peaceful and playful.
Exots have always been affectionate pets, for which many fans of cats with a flattened face love them. They rarely give voice and love their master very much... Besides, exotic animals coexist seamlessly on the same territory with other pets.

The Himalayan cat looks gorgeous and unusual. True, so far not all organizations have recognized it as a separate breed. Some experts consider it one of the subspecies of the Persian cat breed.
These adorable animals are distinguished by the same flattened muzzle, expressive blue eyes and long hair. The color of the Himalayan cat is the same as that of the Siamese. These cats behave very calmly, do not get involved in fights and conflicts.

They, without resistance and anxiety, can endure almost any manipulation by a person, so they are very fond of young children.
British Shorthair
These cats are very popular and widespread. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is that their flattened muzzle is broad and rounded with slightly drooping cheeks. The torso of the British is also squat, and the limbs are short. There are many color options for furry pets. Those individuals whose wool has blue, cream, red, black, lilac shades or tabby color.
British Shorthair cats have a docile nature. They behave intelligently and accurately, showing excellent upbringing. These animals tolerate prolonged loneliness without problems. Kittens love to play and behave funny. The British are patient animals and release their claws only in exceptional cases.

Scottish lop-eared
Such animals have a non-standard structure of the auricles - the ears seem to move forward and tilt down. The tighter the ears are in contact with the head, the more valuable the cat is recognized. In animals, the muzzle can also be flattened, but not at all like in exotic animals or Persian beauties. The body of the lop-eared aristocrats is distinguished by a more powerful complexion. They have a short coat that is soft.

Most often, the color of these animals is one-color - blue, beige or chocolate. But you can also find multi-colored individuals or cats with a striped color.
The Scots are unpretentious in matters of caring for them. Their character is balanced, so usually such pets behave absolutely calmly. These individuals quickly become attached to humans. Scottish Fold kittens are big fans of playing enough, but still amenable to training and education. Scots often stand on their hind legs or sleep on their backs - at such moments they look very cute and funny.

How to care?
Seals with flat muzzles need to be properly cared for. Let's take a look at how to take care of these cute pets.
- Take care of your cats' eyes. It is not necessary to constantly wash your eyes with water, especially if you have a Persian cat. It is better not to use cotton wool for processing - its pile can get into the eyes. During the procedure, use a paper napkin or tissue. They are moistened with a weak solution of boric acid or special drops, and then the cat's eyes are cleaned, you can use the "Optic-gel" product.
- Feed the cats dry food to prevent plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. You can buy a chew toy. Brush your pet's teeth with a special paste at least once a month.When doing this, use a special brush purchased from a pet store.
- Check the ears of flat-faced cats regularly. Clean your ears with cotton swabs at least once a month. As soon as your pet's ears are dirty, they should be cleaned immediately.
- Take care of the normal condition of the animal's claws... Buy or make a scratching post. Use a nail clipper to trim your nails once a month. Cut off the excess part evenly and grab no more than 2 mm.
- Brush long-haired pets every day, bathe seals... If the coat is long, then it should be done every 8-12 weeks.
- Feed your pet quality natural food or premium and super premium food. Do not feed salty, smoked, fried, fatty, sweet foods, as well as cheap economy class feed.

Animals with a flattened muzzle are among the most interesting and popular. They are turned on by many people who want to keep a sweet, beautiful and unusual friend in their home.
See below for the peculiarities of exotics.