The cutest cat breeds

Cats are one of the most popular types of pets. Fluffy pets are affectionate, sociable, give the owners a lot of pleasant minutes. At the same time, the beauty and cuteness of the cat breed are incredible. When choosing a cat, you need to take into account not only its external data, even the most spectacular, but also many other nuances - character, size, whimsy.

Therefore, no matter how you would like to immediately acquire a cute creature, you should evaluate all the factors and weigh the decision well.
If the decision to purchase a cat is made, you need to choose the breed of the future pet. Lovely cats come in many varieties. Before dwelling on the appearance, evaluate the characteristics of the breed, some are ideal for a family with children, others will bring comfort and meaning into the life of a single person. Experts advise to buy the following breeds in a house with children:
- Maine Coon;
- Abyssinian;
- ragdoll;
- Siamese cat;
- british shorthair;
- sphinx.

All of them are distinguished by a friendly disposition, patient, get along well with kids. non-aggressive, playful, well socialized. It is very important to consider such a factor as the type of coat. Short-haired cats are not only less troublesome to clean, but also more hygienic in terms of having a small child in the house.

If the house is mostly empty during the day, it is better to choose a breed that is not only cute in appearance, but also self-sufficient in character. You can safely consider:
- the Bombays;
- exotic shorthair;
- Scottish Folds;
- Russian blue;
- American Shorthair.

These cats are able to easily endure loneliness, do not suffer from depressive moods.
Elderly people will love cats with companion characters that not only delight the eye, but also brighten up lonely everyday life. In this case, the following are good:
- Siberians;
- Persians;
- chartreuse;
- Russians are blue;
- Siamese;
- Burmese cats;
- Norwegian forestry.

If any of the family members are allergic to cats, it is better to consider Javanese, Sphynx, Cornish Rex.
List of breeds
There are various ratings, top-lists of the most beautiful and cute cats on the planet. There are a lot of breeds in the world that look like real angels.
- Abyssinian. It is considered one of the oldest in the world, belongs to the exotic, descended from the African species. Caring for her is very simple, the main thing is care, attention and affection.

- Siamese. One of the most original breeds on earth, its representatives are active, love attention, play. These cats cannot be got if you do not like companionship. They really need affection, incredibly affectionate cats.

- Persian. Everything here is as simple as possible - very beautiful, spectacular, super-fluffy cats. Caring for such a handsome man is quite difficult.

- Maine Coon. The most dimensional variety of domestic cats, quite clean, neat, obedient. You do not have to worry about the state of furniture and other things in the house, animals do not spoil them.

- Russian blue. A very old breed, its history dates back to the times of Peter the Great. A beautiful, sociable, cute cat.

- Bengali homemade. Differs in luxurious spotted color and affectionate disposition.

- Mau Egyptian. Very sociable cats, love to be with people, do not tolerate loneliness. Incredible beauty and cuteness.

- Himalayan. The embodiment of tenderness and showiness is a beautiful fluffy breed.

- Munchkins. The short-footed representatives of the feline are very distinguished among all the unusual structure of the limbs.

- Scottish Fold. Incredibly cute cats, distinguished by the original shape of the ears. Calm, not capricious cats.

- Siberian. The variety of colors is amazing and allows you to choose a fluffy handsome man to your taste.

- Toyger. The color is reminiscent of tiger. Very beautiful American animals.

- Turkish Angoras. Moderately fluffy, elegant pets. Distinctive features of the breed - curiosity, well-developed intellect.

- The Manks. A tailless variety, very pretty and charming, with an intelligent look.

- Ragdoll. Differs in a peaceful disposition, patience, tenderly refers to the owners. Gets along well with children. Outwardly - a real miracle.

- Asher. A large breed, its coat does not cause an allergic reaction, quite an expensive cat.

- Ocicats. Energetic, active, playful creatures, incredibly curious and cute, with a beautiful coat pattern.

- Norwegian forestry. Big cats with incredibly cute faces. They love loneliness, independent in character.

- Tonkin. They have different colors, a very elegant breed that stands out from others. Very affectionate to the owners.

- Burmese. Graceful creation, oriental plasticity attracts the eye. An unusually beautiful, elegant breed.

Small cats are very popular. Miniature breeds:
- napoleon;
- bambino;
- lambkin;
- succum;
- Singaporean;
- minskin;
- kinkalow.

The smallest cat in the world is Scythian-tai-don. The weight of the cat may not exceed one kilogram. They are very cute and beautiful due to their small size and pleasant color.

How to choose a kitten?
Choosing a cat is a very responsible event. Remember that by taking an animal, you are completely responsible for its fate. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation when you will be forced to attach an animal, be sure to study the features of each breed that you like outwardly. In no case, do not be guided only by a pretty appearance! Analyze the compliance of a particular breed with your lifestyle, evaluate the conditions that you can provide for your pet.After that, you can study the selection rules, the parameters that you need to be guided by when purchasing a kitten. Consider the recommendations that will help you make the right choice.
- The optimal age for a baby is 12 weeks and older.
- Decide on your gender. Females are more sociable, affectionate, males are more freedom-loving.
- Neutering an animal is cheaper than neutering. If this point is important to you, stop at the male, in addition, leaving after the operation of the female is more difficult.
- Males mark territory more often. To avoid this problem, the cat should be neutered in time.
- Choose kittens that your cat has taught you a lot. If they have mastered the main skills, then there will be no problems with upbringing.
- The most important parameter when choosing is the health of the animal. Do not buy kittens from hands, without vaccinations, documents. If this happens, be sure to arrange for an examination by a veterinarian and vaccinate.
- Training is not only a dog's business. It is possible and necessary to educate and train a cat from the first days of purchase.

Content rules
Before buying, it is worth assessing how ready you are for the arrival of a new family member. Be sure to purchase:
- tray (from the first days, train your pet to the toilet, it is important to choose the correct size of the tray, put it in a comfortable place where the baby can easily reach);
- toilet filler (a special product is better, not sand to avoid unpleasant odors);
- bowls for water and food (you must ensure they are clean);
- scratching post (will save you from damaged furniture);
- a house for cats (you can just build a bed, but a cat needs a place for privacy);
- carrying (in it you will bring the animal home and will carry it to the doctor, carry it to the dacha);
- toys (regardless of age, cats like to actively play with balls and other objects).

One of the most important points to think about in advance is pet feeding. It depends on how beautiful it looks, whether it will develop well, whether it will be healthy. A balanced cat diet is organized as follows:
- the great honor of the menu - lean meat, cereals, vegetables, boiled fish;
- offal, boiled, raw eggs;
- dairy products;
- fruits, vegetables (except potatoes).

Regardless of breed and age, it is prohibited:
- feed from your table;
- give fatty, salty, seasoned;
- change your diet often.
If all this is too difficult for you, the ideal solution is ready-made food, dry and wet. They have already balanced all the substances and additives necessary for the cat. The choice of ready-made food should be based on the age and breed of the cat.

It is best to choose premium food from trusted companies.
Grooming your cats requires consistency and regularity. It is necessary to train the cat to the litter box, change it on time, feed it properly, regularly show it to the doctor, and vaccinate it. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the ears, eyes, care for the coat. Regardless of the breed, you need to comb out the pet, during the molting period - every day. Cats are rarely washed, as they are very clean, nevertheless, these procedures are periodically needed. Carry out them with special detergents. You also need to trim your nails as needed.

In the next video, the cutest cat breeds are waiting for you.