How to put a harness on a cat?

Walking outdoors in fine weather is of great benefit to indoor cats. It is especially important to use harnesses when walking animals who live in an apartment and do not yet know the world outside the window. If such a cat is released without control, he can easily get lost, and then he simply cannot find his way home. A harness with a leash will also come in handy when visiting a veterinarian or at an exhibition.
Wear the accessory correctly so as not to scare or cause discomfort to the animal.

Thin straps twine around the body of the animal in the area of the shoulder blades. The clasp can be located on the stomach, chest, neck or back. A special ring in the area of the shoulder blades allows you to fasten the leash carabiner. The special arrangement of the straps allows you to safely guide the cat without disturbing its breathing by excessive pressure on the neck.
The harness helps to keep the animal under control, increasing the safety of the walk.

General rules
To put on a harness on a cat for the first time, you need to gradually, with preparation. If initially you scare or hurt the animal, then further communication with the ammunition will be very difficult. Act like this.
- Introduce your furry friend to a new item. Let me sniff, inspect and study. Don’t start donning until your cat has accepted the item and made sure it’s safe.
- Put on the harness according to the instructions, depending on its type. Adjust the size of the straps. 2 of your fingers should fit between the structure and the body of the animal. This is a reserve of room for normal breathing. If the cat resists, then postpone the procedure for a while. Otherwise, the animal will think that the ammunition is associated with discomfort.
- If you managed to put a harness on the cat, praise him, give him some kind of treat. Reinforce positive experiences in every way. Let the animal walk around the house a little in new harness.
- For your first harness ride, choose a quiet and peaceful place. The cat should study the world with interest, and not be afraid of screaming children or running dogs.
- If everything is done correctly and calmly, then it will be easy to collect the cat for a walk next time.

The scheme of putting on different types
The simplest are the harness-eight, which consist of two loops. When put on, they are fixed on the neck and body, under the forepaws of the cat. There are varieties without a collar, they are more comfortable for animals.
However, the owners do not really like the latter option, it is more difficult to control the animal. H type harnesses are similar to the previous ones, but there is a bar between the loops. Harness vests are more expensive, but they also have more functionality. The ammunition is similar to clothing and has comfortable fasteners. This is a great option for the off-season. This harness will protect your cat from dirt and cold.

The design is reminiscent of interwoven straps that fasten to the body. The step-by-step instructions for putting on a harness with a collar are as follows.
- Place the first loop around the cat's neck. Make sure the leash ring is on top of the withers. If everything is correct, then the fasteners are at the bottom.
- Expand the large eyelet so that the legs go through. The jumpers should be located on the chest, clearly in the middle.
- Insert the cat's paws one by one into the formed loop.
- Buckle the strap under the legs or on the back.
- Clip the leash to the top of the ring.

The more cat-friendly design does not have a collar. This option is presented in the form of 2 paw loops. Wear it like that.
- Lay the harness on the floor or other surface.
- Place the cat's front legs in the triangles.
- Lift up the strap, fasten at the top on the back. Attach the leash carabiner.

Harness vest
The models are different, the one-piece part can be located both on the stomach and on the back. The first ones are especially important to put on a kitten. Since such ammunition resembles clothing, the donning scheme is similar. Usually there are no straps, Velcro and ties are used as fasteners. Wear a harness with a fabric on the back like this.
- Attach the whole part to the back. The attachment for the leash carabiner must be located clearly on the withers of the animal.
- Slide the feet through the different holes.
- You need to carefully fasten or tie, depending on the type of attachment, ammunition on the neck and abdomen.
- Make sure not to fasten the harness too tight. To do this, insert 2 fingers between the structure and the cat's body, they should fit freely.
- Attach a leash or tape measure to the loop on your back.

Harness vests with a canvas on the chest are less common. Putting them on is much easier than the previous look. Proceed in stages.
- Gently place the canvas on the cat's belly.
- Insert the front paws of the animal one by one into the corresponding holes.
- At the top of the back, connect the parts of the harness. Secure the ammunition with clasps.
- Make sure the straps are not too tight. Otherwise, the animal will have difficulty breathing and may even experience pain.
- Attach the leash to the top ring.

The letter "H"
This model is considered the most reliable and safe for the animal. It is considered to be something in between the two previous options. The instructions for putting on are as follows.
- Choose whichever buttonhole is smaller. Place it around the animal's neck with the leash ring on top.
- Resize the collar to make it comfortable for your cat. Remember the 2 fingers should fit into the gap.
- Place both paws of the cat in the second, large loop.
- Fasten the clasps. If necessary, slightly adjust the size of the strap on the body.
- Make sure all straps are straight. If you notice kinking, correct the situation. Check if the harness is fastened well.
- Attach the leash to the ring on your back.

You can see how to train a cat to use a harness in the next video.