Description and content of white Scottish cats

If a person loves cats and is thinking about purchasing this particular breed as a pet, then you should take a closer look at the white Scottish cats. This is a stunningly beautiful animal with unique traits and habits. It will become a faithful friend, always ready to share both joy and sorrow with the owner. The breed is distinguished by enviable friendliness, inherent in far from all representatives of the feline family, and also gets along great with children. Does not conflict with other pets and very easily makes contact with people.
Varieties and description
There are several different representatives of Scottish cats:
- Scottish fold - Fold shorthair cat;
- Scottish Straight - straight-eared short-haired cat;
- Highland Fold - lop-eared long-haired cat;
- Highland straight - straight-eared long-haired cat

Although cats are quite different, some similar characteristics can be noted. All representatives have a round head with rather large eyes, giving the appearance a very cute expression. The ears are either straight or drooping. Scottish Fold and Straight have a very interesting undercoat that makes them look like plush toys.
Also, it is in this breed that there are most cats with different colors. But most often Scottish cats are white.

All of them are endowed with straight ears at birth, but by 5 months these body parts change position and fit in the head. Folding can be single, double or triple. If the ears are not flat, the kitten will remain straight.
A white Scottish cat, as a rule, weighs from 3 to 5 kg, its height is no more than 30 cm. Life expectancy is about 15 years, but you can often find centenarians who cross even the 20-year threshold.
These are very smart cats, quickly understanding their owners, well accustomed to a scratching post and a litter box. Almost everyone is non-conflicting and open to communication.

Eye and coat color
Any breeder cherishes the dream of acquiring a blue-eyed Scottish kitten. The kitten inherits this eye color, and this can be predetermined by color. The color of the sky can be seen in both albino felines and pure white plaids. Such handsome men can be seen in the representatives of the Scottish Fold. Their white color evokes thoughts of purity and innocence, humility and fragility on the breeder.

The representative of this breed turns out to be boiling white, shimmering, there is no yellowness. Only at birth can you find several bluish spots in kittens, if the parents or ancestors were blue. But sometimes black spots are also found if the ancestors were black. Over time, they disappear, and the fur becomes snow-white.
If it was decided to bring a white Scottish kitten into the house, you need to know everything about proper care.
- You always need to ventilate the room, as Scottish women cannot stand the stuffiness.
- It is necessary to remember about bathing. It should take place at least 3-4 times a year using a special shampoo at a comfortable water temperature (up to 40 degrees Celsius). After the procedure, the pet needs to be gently blotted with a towel, without rubbing, use a hair dryer to dry if the animal is not afraid of the sound of the device, and, of course, comb. Kittens especially dislike water, so in extreme cases you can buy a special dry shampoo or opt for a spray.
- Cats must be combed at least 2 times a week. To do this, you need to use a brush with sparse teeth so as not to injure your pet.
- No matter how fashionable it is to take pets to salons, these cats are not recommended to be sheared, as the wool protects them from hypothermia.
- In sedentary cats that do not leave the house at all, the claws must be processed. A special nail clipper can be purchased and used every two weeks. It is better to take care of buying a scratching post and already teach kittens to use it, observing where they like to sharpen their claws.
- The eyes of kittens can be very watery - this is due to the special structure of the nasolacrimal canals. You should regularly rinse your pet's eyes with gauze, dampening it with water.
- Ears should always be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil. You can also buy special ear solutions from your veterinary pharmacy.
- Toilet. It is easy to train a kitten to the litter box, simply by placing it in the necessary place after sleeping and feeding. Scottish women in this regard quickly get used to and rarely cause trouble for the owners.
- Short-faced cats often have problems with their teeth and gums, so every week it is necessary to hygienically clean their teeth with a cat brush. You can use water or buy a special pet paste.

Caring for a white Scotsman will never be a burden. It is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene, nutrition and care of the pet from the very childhood. In this case, a healthy pet will always be in a great mood and become the best friend for years to come.
For more information on Scottish cats, see the next video.