Fold Scottish cat (Scottish fold)

All about castration and sterilization of Fold Scots

All about castration and sterilization of Fold Scots
  1. Why is the procedure needed?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Suitable age
  4. Care

Sterilization or castration of animals is feared by many owners. Someone does not see the need for an operation, while others are afraid of the procedure itself. And in vain. After all, medical technologies are developing every year more and more, and the field of veterinary medicine also cannot but boast of new developments. Neutering cats and neutering cats is a fairly simple operation that can be performed on any four-legged patient. The need for the procedure often arises not only in outbred animals, but also in purebred ones, for example, in Scottish Fold cats.

Why is the procedure needed?

Castration is necessary for a Scottish cat if the animal constantly marks the territory in the house. As you know, the smell of cat urine has its own characteristics, it is impossible not to notice it, and sometimes even strong alcohol-based detergents cannot cope with this nuisance. If it is not possible to satisfy the sexual need of the cat, then castration is required... After this procedure, the urine of cats has a less pungent odor, moreover, animals stop staining interior items and only visit the litter box. The same applies to females. The Scottish girl is unlikely to aim, but the owners will definitely not like the night screams at the door.

If the animal is not offered a sexual partner, then it has a high risk of developing serious diseases, including oncology. In cats in such a situation, cancer of the mammary glands and ovaries is most often detected, in cats - prostate cancer. Abstinence can cause other ailments of the genitourinary system: infections, inflammation, urethritis, prostatitis. Many owners solve the problem with hormonal pills, however, in fact, the problem is not solved.

The pills reduce the desire of animals, but the risk of the dangerous diseases listed above does not disappear from this.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following will help the owner to decide on an operation for his pet: facts.

  • As noted, sterilization and castration cats significantly reduce the risk of developing serious pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • Spayed cats have been proven to live longer than parous cats. The fact is that during childbirth, the animal loses its health and strength, because the cat has to give birth several times a year, and the average life expectancy of Fold Scots is 10-14 years. Sterilization can prolong the life of a cat by 3-4 years.
  • The risk of losing a pet is reduced. Now the animal that nature calls to the street will not wait at the door for the right moment to escape. This is especially true for residents of the upper floors. Often cats in search of a partner run through windows and balconies, and this can be dangerous for their life and health.
  • If there is no suitable breed partner for the Scottish Fold pet, then you will have to knit a pet with a representative of unsuitable blood. This leads to the production of offspring of no value. It will be difficult to sell or distribute kittens; outbred individuals often end up on the street. Sterilization will reduce the number of stray animals.

Before registering an animal in a veterinary clinic for castration or sterilization, it is worth considering some of the risks that this procedure carries.

  • After the operation, animals, especially cats, begin to gain weight rapidly due to hormonal reasons. Choosing the diet for a castrated cat requires a serious approach. To maintain the health of the animal, you have to buy expensive feed.
  • During neutering, the cat is given anesthesia. If the animal has heart problems, then it may not tolerate the effects of anesthesia. Therefore, a complete medical examination is required prior to the procedure.
  • If an external suture is used during sterilization, then the cat should be in a blanket for the next few days. The owner needs to make sure that the pet does not catch on the bandages, does not take off the blanket and does not lick the seams.

Suitable age

The age of the pet is of great importance when performing the operation. If the procedure is carried out too early, then the overall development of the animal may be somewhat depressed, since sex hormones at a young age affect the growth process of Scottish kittens. Too late procedure does not always relieve the cat from the habit of marking territory, and some cats continue estrus, although they are no longer able to give birth to offspring.

The optimal age of a cat for castration is 10-12 months.

Such a Scotsman is already considered sexually mature, that is, sex hormones by this time have fulfilled their function in the development of the animal, and the elimination of their action will not affect the cat's health in any way. You can carry out the operation later.

Females are sterilized at about the same age. At 10–12 months, the cat has already grown stronger and will now be able to undergo the operation without complications. At a later age, it is possible to perform sterilization, but there are some risks to consider.

  • If the cat has already had sexual intercourse, then the function of the ovaries for the production of hormones is taken over by the pituitary gland, which means that even after sterilization, the hormonal background of the animal may be disturbed.
  • At a later age there is a likelihood of postoperative complications. A young Scotch woman tolerates anesthesia and the procedure more easily, her skin will recover faster, and the risk of infection is reduced.


Do not be alarmed when, after the procedure, the veterinarian gives you a half-asleep animal almost unconscious.In this form, the pet can be up to a day - this is the effect of anesthesia. It is better to leave the sleeping cat on her favorite bed, but always on the floor. Gradually, the cat will begin to come to its senses, at first, its coordination of movements will be impaired, and if it wakes up on a hill, for example, on a window, it can fall to the floor and get injured. By the way, it is not recommended to feed the animals before the operation.

If the owner neglected this rule, then the pet leaving the anesthesia will begin to vomit on the floor, which means that the owner will have a lot of cleaning.

A mandatory rule in the postoperative period is rest and warmth. Never leave a newly spayed cat on the balcony or terrace - this can even lead to death. Make sure that the animal does not lick the area of ​​the wound. If sterilization was carried out with an intradermal suture, then the cat does not need a blanket. If it was an external seam, then a special blanket is put on the animal, and after about 10 days the owner will again have to visit the veterinarian to remove the seams.

If the operation was performed by the laparotomy method, then from the second day it is required to treat the stitches with antiseptics and ointments.

After the operation, each owner is obliged to change the pet's diet. For example, for cats, it is recommended to reduce the daily portion. The menu should be supplemented with fiber and boiled meat. If the owner prefers to feed the pet with special food, then these should be premium and super premium products. It is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian regarding nutritional issues for a specific animal. The doctor will not only advise the products of the most suitable manufacturer, but will also individually calculate the daily feed rate.

For styrylizing your cat, see below.

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