Fold Scottish cat (Scottish fold)

Features of lilac Scottish Fold cats

Features of lilac Scottish Fold cats
  1. Unusual color
  2. Characteristics of the breed
  3. Maintenance and care
The official name of the breed: Scottish Fold Shorthair cat
Country of origin: Scotland
The weight: females 3.5-4.5 kg, males up to 6 kg
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years old

Cats are one of the cutest pets, and there are those who, by their very appearance, make you smile, and you have an irresistible desire to look for them. These cats include the Scottish Fold breed or otherwise - the lilac Scottish Fold cat.

Unusual color

Cats of this breed are very cute and beautiful, the lilac color gives them an exquisite aristocratic look. Even their nose and paw pads are lilac - they cannot mix and appear of any color other than their own, in this case lilac. Another color is unacceptable not only on the animal's fur, but also on the rest of the body (tail, ears, paws). You can find representatives of this breed, in which the shade on the undercoat will be slightly lighter, but still there will not be much difference from the main color.

Kittens up to three weeks of age have a small spot on the body, from which you can see and understand what color the cat was with which the cat was crossed. However, over time, this stain disappears, and the color becomes even and uniform. The eyes of lilac Scottish Fold cats can be gold or orange, and copper eyes are also found, this is permissible, and is considered a sign of the breed.

Characteristics of the breed

These are amazing cats, two different temperaments can be combined in one animal. In childhood, these are energetic and playful kittens, in a more mature age - imposing quiet and calm cats.

Breed standard
Color: All colors are accepted, including colorpoint without white.
Head: round, wide, massive with a strong chin. The nose is short, wide and straight. Profile with transition, but no deep stop. The cheeks are full. The large, round mustache pads give the short muzzle a distinct outline.
Wool: short, very thick, not taut. Due to the dense undercoat, it is separated from the body like a plush. The texture is dense to the touch.
Body: cat is medium to large in size, muscular, stocky. The chest, shoulders and back are broad and massive. The neck is short and powerful. The limbs are low, muscular, the paws are thick and round. The tail is of medium length, thick, with a rounded tip, without bulging or induration, mobile along its entire length.
Ears: small, curved forward, with slightly rounded tips directed towards the middle of the muzzle. Set wide apart, close to the skull, emphasizing the round shape of the head.
Eyes: large, round, set wide apart. The color of the eyes corresponds to the color of the coat.

Representatives of Scottish Fold cats have a medium-long body, proportional and with soft curves, strong paws, wide pads, long and always straight tail. The head has a round shape, cats have thick, pronounced cheeks. The ears are triangular and small, the tips are lowered, the eyes are large, rounded, their color can be different depending on the color of the coat. Mainly due to the head and muzzle, the animals of this breed are easily recognizable.

Animals can weigh up to 6 kilograms, with an average growth of 30 centimeters. Their average life expectancy is 15 years, if disease prevention is carried out and with a good pedigree, then a cat can live up to 20 years.

Like any animals, they have their pros and cons, but at the same time, each cat or cat is individual. Their bad qualities include: rancor, a tendency to obesity, since they do not have a sense of proportion and satiety in food, moreover, they shed heavily.

Their good qualities are that representatives of this breed are intelligent and sociable animals. Their distinctive feature is independence and cleanliness, although they do not require special care.

And most importantly, in adulthood, these are lazy cats, they do not need active games with their owners.

(Rated 3 out of 5)
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(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very friendly
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Scottish lop-eared" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the owners of the cat.

Maintenance and care

Due to their lazy nature, these animals do not require special care, but as noted above, laziness comes to them with age. Kittens, on the contrary, are very mobile and playful, so it is better to prepare the house in advance for their appearance.

  • Purchase a litter tray and bowls for water and food. Determine where you will have them. It is very important from an early age to accustom the kitten to its place in order to avoid problems with an adult pet in the future. Some breeders bring some of the kitten's usual filler with them.
  • Prepare a resting place for the animal and special scratching posts... This will allow him to feel at home and get used to the environment, and thanks to the scratching post, your upholstered furniture and walls will remain intact.
  • Buy toys for the kitten, they are simply necessary for him... Isolate it from all household appliances and their wires, in the best case it will gnaw on the wires, in the worst case, a short circuit may occur and the animal will get hurt.

Caring for animal hair is easy if you regularly monitor it. It is enough to comb the cats once a week, and during the period when the cat will shed - every day.The ears are cleaned and the claws are cut once every 2-3 weeks; it is enough to bathe the animal once every six months.

Visit your veterinarian twice a year for vaccinations and check-ups.

One appearance and lifestyle suggests that these animals love to eat deliciously, but it is important to make sure that they do not overeat. As feed, both dry and wet ready-made feeds, as well as natural products, are suitable. If you and your pet give preference to ready-made feeds, then they should be at least premium and from trusted manufacturers. And there are also specialized feeds for this breed, where all the necessary components are already selected in a special proportion.

When compiling a diet from natural products, it is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeders. The meat should be of a low-fat type, and before feeding, pour boiling water over it, it is advisable to give sea fish in a boiled and deboned form. Fermented milk products and eggs serve as a source of calcium to strengthen the teeth and claws of the animal, of course, milk should be included in the kittens' menu. And be sure to include in the food vitamin and mineral supplements.

Poor nutrition can lead to food allergies or illness, and poor grooming can affect its appearance.

For information on the features of the lilac Scottish Fold cats, see the next video.

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