Straight-eared Scottish cat (Scottish Straight)

Variety of colors of Scottish Straight cats

Variety of colors of Scottish Straight cats
  1. Classic colors
  2. Bicolor colors
  3. Unusual colors
  4. How to choose?
The official name of the breed: Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)
Country of origin: Scotland
The weight: females - up to 4.5 kg, males - up to 7 kg
Life Expectancy: up to 15-20 years old with proper care

The varied, but always impressive colors of the Scottish Straight cats, allow each owner to find a pet to their liking. Animals of this breed have a balanced character, a high level of intelligence, and their fur does not require special care. Black and red, gray and white straight cats have a rather short six, which does not cause much trouble during molting. And for exotic lovers, marble and smoky, blue and striped Scottish stripes will be of interest.

Classic colors

Scottish Straight cats with a classic short or elongated (highland) coat look plush thanks to a well-developed undercoat. The breed is characterized by the presence of 2 basic colors: black and white, mixed giving the most unexpected combinations. And also there are often options for monochromatic (solid) shades.

  • Black. The bright black coat of the Scottish Straight cat has a silky sheen. The standard allows for the presence of several white hairs, but the presence of a tan or brown tan is considered a breeding marriage.
  • White. An unusual beautiful white Scottish straight cat in childhood may have specks of a different color, but adult animals should have a clean color without extraneous inclusions. The eyes of copper or amber are in harmony with a snow-colored fur coat. A different shade of the iris is allowed.In this case, one eye may be orange and the other blue.
  • Chocolate. This color is not very typical for Scottish Straight cats, it is rare. A brown fur coat of a deep shade must necessarily be monochromatic without tan and other characteristic color transitions. The darker the chocolate tone, the more noble it is considered. Genetically inherited brown color suggests the presence of bicolors or color points in the pedigree with a predominance of the color of rich coffee or cinnamon.
  • Lilac... And also this color in Scottish Straight cats is called lavender. It turns out this color color in the presence of lilac color-points or ancestors with a similar solid tone of a fur coat in the pedigree of animals. You can often hear that the lavender color is called "coffee with milk." It is quite delicate, providing a yellow-orange, amber or copper tint to the eyes. The nose is allowed only in a light brown shade.
  • Blue. The most common Scottish Straight cat or cat has the much-touted blue tint of the coat. This color is often referred to by its English name: blue. The hue can range from deep blue, gray to flawless blue. On the surface of the coat in small kittens, it is allowed to have patterns, patterns that disappear as the animal grows. For the first 3 months after birth, copper-colored eyes are acceptable.
  • Gray Scottish Straight cat also most often belongs to the blue type of colors. The intensity of the ashy color of her coat can vary. But the tone must be uniform, pronounced, without extraneous inclusions.
  • Ginger. Red and tan colors are incredibly rare in this breed. The delicate peach background coat is most often paired with brighter guard hair. A tail defect, expressed in an uneven distribution of shades of red and red, is characteristic of both kittens and adult animals. A plain, pronounced background with different color intensities is required.

Patterns can be observed on the forehead, front and hind legs, but they are not included in the mandatory list of inherited traits.

  • Cream. It differs in mutedness, powderiness of the main reddish-red color scheme. The color is rather close to sand, the presence of indistinctly traced ornaments on the legs and in the tail is allowed. A marriage is considered the presence of spots similar to those that cover the skin of a leopard.
  • Cinnamon. A variant of chocolate brown color, close to milk chocolate or toffee. Light delicate tone looks very presentable. Cinnamon color means the presence of beige or pink-brown nose, paw pads. Other shades are not allowed.
  • Faun. A color that is often confused with lilac. It is also called deer. The beige-pink shade of the fur coat is similar to the color of the nose and paw pads, it looks very unusual and attractive. Eye color - orange, copper, amber, rich and bright.

Bicolor colors

Bicolor colors imply the obligatory presence of a white tone. It manifests itself without fail on the following parts of the body:

  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • legs;
  • muzzle and chin;
  • neck.

Among the most common options are both classic and rather exotic combinations.

  • Harlequin. The almost completely white coat of Scottish Straight cats of harlequin color has unusual blotches of black in the area of ​​the tail, ears, and the upper part of the head. Pink nose in combination with such an unusual "outfit" looks very pretty.
  • Wang. In this case, the Scottish Straight cat has a predominantly white color with a contrasting color in the tail area. And also there are spots on the head. The presence of merging spots on the back and legs is considered undesirable for van colors.
  • Ticked. The color is reminiscent of the Abyssinian cats. It is characterized by the alternation of several dark and light stripes on one hair.This creates an original veil effect. In this case, the basic tone of the coat remains white or golden.

The ticked color is considered incredibly rare, and its presence significantly increases the value of kittens.

  • Shaded... Implies that only the tip of the hair is colored. The color can be golden, silver. The undercoat of animals is light. But the most unusual is a rich red with a white undercoat. The darkening of the hair takes up to 1/4 of its length.
  • Tabby. The striped color of Scottish Straight cats is called tabby or tabby. A pronounced pattern may be present in the form of the letter "M" on the forehead. The most common is the brindle-striped version with contrasting lines vertically located on the sides. Less common is spotted or marbled tabby.

Unusual colors

Breeders of Scottish Straight cats recommend paying attention to other color options. Even their names sound rather exotic at times.

  • Chinchilla... The traditional color of the British, manifested in the Scottish Straight cats. The most popular is the golden chinchilla. But it may have other color options. Silver chinchilla and blue gold also look very impressive. This color is inherited only directly from both parents.
  • Tabby. Unusual color combinations make tabby cats very popular. It is enough to see an animal with a marble color on silver or a cameo once, and the issue of purchasing a pet will be resolved. Also, gold tabbies are popular. And the black marble cat has an incredibly noble appearance.
  • Smoky... An unusual smoky color appears in Scottish Straights due to the presence in the pedigree of carriers of the silver gene. Most often, this coat tone is referred to as "black smoke". But modern breeders are rather skeptical about the allocation of smoky color into a separate category.

There is no color in the official list, and animals with such a fur coat are not allowed to the exhibitions.

  • Color point. The color implies a complete repetition of the color of the Siamese cat - the main carrier of this rare combination of tones. A white or creamy base color blends harmoniously with contrasting paws, tail, ears and muzzle. In the classic version, they are chocolate brown. But there are also color-points of lilac and blue tones.
  • Particolor or calico. This unusual color combines tortie or spotted tabby with white. This combination looks incredibly impressive.
  • Classic tortoiseshell. Only cats have a tortoiseshell coat. Usually a color includes 3 or more colors. Shades can be any, but must be evenly distributed. A clear gradation of colors without smooth transitions is highly appreciated by breeders. The tricolor tortoiseshell fur looks elegant and attracts the attention of both connoisseurs and new fans of the breed.

How to choose?

Choosing the optimal color for the Scottish Straight cat can be a challenge for a novice breeder. It is important to remember that the animal always receives its color from the parent individuals. In particular, cats must inherit the maternal coloration. Cats get a color that matches the shades of the fur coats of both parents.

The dominant (predominant) color is always inherited in every generation. These include bicolor, white, tabby, silver, tortoiseshell, black, red. Parents of a cream or blue - recessive - shade cannot have offspring with a rich black or red tone of the coat.

When choosing a kitten, such a moment as the rarity of the color is of great importance. The most valuable of them significantly increase the value of babies.If you are not planning to participate in exhibition activities, you can refuse the most expensive options and choose a pet with a widespread solid - monochromatic - lilac, blue, white coat color. If an animal is selected to participate in an exhibition activity, it should be remembered that the CFA does not recognize such colors as color-point and any splashes of white, purple and chocolate shades.

Better to prefer tabby or tortoiseshell cats, take a veiled pet.

For kittens of the pet category, the purity of the breed characteristics is not too important. They are marketed as pets and are not intended for exhibiting or breeding. If you want to get offspring in the future for the subsequent selection selection, it is better to immediately choose animals of the breed or show categories.

Breed standard
Color: the tail is long and of medium length in proportion to the body (up to the middle of the scapula), mobile at all joints. A long tail is preferred.
Head: round, with a convex skull and forehead, round cheeks and muzzle. The transition to the wide bridge of the nose is slightly bent without a stop and hump. The upper profile line is smooth, the nasal bridge is of moderate length. The cheekbones are round, the cheeks are full. Full cheeks are especially noticeable in cats. The chin is well shaped. round, strong, but not protruding. The width and roundness of the muzzle is emphasized by the round and full pads under the whiskey whiskers. The head descends to the short neck.
Wool: dense, plush, fine texture, double, not tight, medium length, tightly covering the body. The texture of the coat depends on color and season.
Body: of medium size, of moderate length with rounded contours, the same width from the shoulders to the croup. Dense, muscular, of medium bone, on short, firmly standing limbs. Feet with tightly clenched toes. Movement is free and elastic in all joints. Cats are somewhat smaller than cats.
Ears: small and medium in size, narrowly open, erect with slightly pointed tips, but wide at the base, set wide and high. The tips are slightly parted. The outer surfaces of the ears are well pubescent. Inside are dense and lush brushes.
Eyes: large, round, separated by a wide nose, wide open with a cute expression. The color of the eyes corresponds to the color of the coat.
Nose: the nose is short with a soft arch. An easy stop is acceptable. Moderate line profile.
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Need for care
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Very friendly
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* Characteristics of the breed "Scottish Straight" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the owners of the cat.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.

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