Scottish cat

All about gray Scottish cats

All about gray Scottish cats
  1. About breed
  2. About disposition
  3. Health
  4. The diet
  5. Choosing a name

It is known that the gray Scottish breed has long won the hearts of cat lovers. The cats, which look like plush toys with big amber eyes, will not leave anyone indifferent. Let's consider this famous breed in more detail.

About breed

Its first representatives were brought to Europe from China in the 18th century. As a result of crossing with straight cats, a new species was bred: the Scottish Fold. In the 60s, felinologists registered it officially.

The official name of the breed: Scottish Fold Shorthair cat
Country of origin: Scotland
The weight: females 3.5-4.5 kg, males up to 6 kg
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years old
Breed standard
Color: All colors are accepted, including colorpoint without white.
Head: round, wide, massive with a strong chin. The nose is short, wide and straight. Profile with transition, but no deep stop. The cheeks are full. The large, round mustache pads give the short muzzle a distinct outline.
Wool: short, very thick, not taut. Due to the dense undercoat, it is separated from the body like a plush. The texture is dense to the touch.
Body: cat is medium to large in size, muscular, stocky. The chest, shoulders and back are broad and massive. The neck is short and powerful. The limbs are low, muscular, the paws are thick and round. The tail is of medium length, thick, with a rounded tip, without bulging or induration, mobile along its entire length.
Ears: small, curved forward, with slightly rounded tips directed towards the middle of the muzzle. Set wide apart, close to the skull, emphasizing the round shape of the head.
Eyes: large, round, set wide apart. The color of the eyes corresponds to the color of the coat.

There are 2 types of cats of this breed:

  • Scottish Straight - cats with straight erect ears;
  • scottish fold - lop-eared cats.

They are medium-sized animals with a muscular dense body. The shoulders and hips of the beast are equal in width. The body is short and well developed. The limbs are of medium length. The tail is thick. The head is round.

The eyes are large and round, usually amber, yellow, emerald, or blue. The ears of a lop-eared cat are directed forward, the tips hang down. If the ears are upright, they are small in size, the tips are rounded.

The coat is short, thick, like a plush. The gray color is called blue or blue. The color can range from light gray to blue-gray. Small kittens may have fur patterns that fade with age.

The official name of the breed: Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)
Country of origin: Scotland
The weight: females - up to 4.5 kg, males - up to 7 kg
Life Expectancy: up to 15-20 years old with proper care
Breed standard
Color: the tail is long and of medium length in proportion to the body (up to the middle of the scapula), mobile at all joints. A long tail is preferred.
Head: round, with a convex skull and forehead, round cheeks and muzzle. The transition to the wide bridge of the nose is slightly bent without a stop and hump. The upper profile line is smooth, the nasal bridge is of moderate length. The cheekbones are round, the cheeks are full. Full cheeks are especially noticeable in cats. The chin is well shaped. round, strong, but not protruding. The width and roundness of the muzzle is emphasized by the round and full pads under the whiskey whiskers. The head descends to the short neck.
Wool: dense, plush, fine texture, double, not tight, medium length, tightly covering the body. The texture of the coat depends on color and season.
Body: of medium size, of moderate length with rounded contours, the same width from the shoulders to the croup. Dense, muscular, of medium bone, on short, firmly standing limbs. Feet with tightly clenched toes. Movement is free and elastic in all joints. Cats are somewhat smaller than cats.
Ears: small and medium in size, narrowly open, erect with slightly pointed tips, but wide at the base, set wide and high. The tips are slightly parted. The outer surfaces of the ears are well pubescent. Inside are dense and lush brushes.
Eyes: large, round, separated by a wide nose, wide open with a cute expression. The color of the eyes corresponds to the color of the coat.
Nose: the nose is short with a soft arch. An easy stop is acceptable. Moderate line profile.

About disposition

The Scottish cat has a companionable character, benevolent and phlegmatic disposition. Curious and observant, cats do not like noise. They become attached to the owners and to the house. New people are treated with caution, but without anger. They are able to get along with other animals, if they do not show aggression.

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(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Very friendly
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Scottish lop-eared" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the owners of the cat.

Despite the desire for people, for communication, cats are not tame. They do not like to sit on their hands, but this does not mean that they do not allow themselves to be stroked. They can accompany the owner and follow him everywhere, watch him, be overly persistent. Scottish cats and cats have a number of interesting habits:

  • they often stand on their hind legs, mainly at the moment of interest, in order to consider something that is very reminiscent of gophers;
  • they like to lie on their backs, which looks very funny;
  • some cats are observant, show interest in TV;
  • cats are "talkative", their actions are accompanied by different sounds, their voice is often squeaky.

By nature, the Scottish is a companion cat. She doesn't like being alone. Be sure to keep company when watching TV or at dinner.

The playful animal will take part in children's fun if the children handle it properly.


As a result of crossing, the breed received a hereditary ailment: the gene responsible for lop-earedness has a bad effect on the musculoskeletal system and cartilage. Cats are prone to joint problems. The health is checked as follows: a healthy animal has a flexible tail that bends well. If the tail does not bend well, is inactive, this may be a sign of osteochondrodysplasia, a hereditary disease of this breed.

Cats with a shortened head are prone to cardiomyopathy and brachycephalic syndrome: respiratory failure. Due to the structure of the muzzle, the eyes of cats are vulnerable. They often fester and watery.

For prophylaxis, the eyes need to be washed with a cotton pad moistened with water or tea broth. The ears also require care: once a week it is worth examining them and cleaning them with a swab soaked in oil.

Wool requires special attention. It is combed out 2-3 times a week with a large-step comb. This is done so that mats do not form: the wool of this breed of cats is thick and plush. Cats are unpretentious and do not require special care. Prevention of diseases by vaccination according to the schedule, deworming once a year and treatment with drops from external parasites will help keep the pet healthy.

The diet

The cat's diet deserves special attention. The food of the animal should be monitored so as not to disturb the digestive system. Some rules must be followed:

  • bowls use plastic or ceramic;
  • bowls should be placed in a secluded place on an elevation (if the animal has to bend over to the bowl, it may start hiccupping)
  • mixed food upsets the digestive tract, so you need to decide on the food: natural products or commercial food;
  • if the feed is purchased, it is advisable to stick to one manufacturer;
  • the pet is fed 2 times a day at the same time, they are not allowed to overeat;
  • food must be balanced: both soft and hard are needed (coarse food removes plaque, develops jaw muscles);
  • the diet should contain dairy products, which are a source of calcium for the feline body;
  • greens (fresh grass) are welcome to facilitate digestion: they will help clear the stomach of wool.

Choosing a name

The name of the animal should reflect its nature, character traits or appearance. These are usually the main criteria. It is good if the hissing sounds are present in the name: this will help the animal get used to its name faster. Her choice depends solely on the imagination of the owner. The name should be short and easy to pronounce: this will be more convenient for both the owner and the animal. There are a number of suitable nicknames for boys.

  • You can call a cat with a traditional cat name: Fluff, Splash, Iris, Bantik, Busik.
  • Sometimes an animal is called a human name. You can choose a noble name to match your pet: Leopold, Sylvester, Archibald.
  • The nickname Winston, Zorro, Raisin, Marquis is suitable for a purebred cat.

There is also a choice for girls:

  • outwardly, you can give a touching nickname Nochka, Paw;
  • the cat will remember cute words with hissing sounds: Iksi, Christy;
  • the beautiful name of Agrafena (Pear), Taisiya (Tasya) will do.

You will learn more information about the Scottish Fold cat breed in the following video.

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