Fold Scottish cat (Scottish fold)

About Scottish Fold cats with red color

About Scottish Fold cats with red color
  1. Origin story
  2. Description and color feature
  3. Character and behavior
  4. Maintenance and care
  5. Feeding
  6. Health

Representatives of the Scottish Fold breed are distinguished by a special structure of the ears, which have the shape of a triangle bent forward and downward. According to standards, there are many variations in the coat color of Scottish Fold cats. This article will consider the features of cats with a red color.

Origin story

It is believed that fold cats were brought to European countries from China, where the breed was not widespread. This event took place at the end of the 18th century, although such cats appeared in the 17th century. In Northern Europe, work was carried out to cross the introduced animals with representatives of straight breeds, as a result of which the Scottish Fold cat was bred.

The breed was officially recognized in the late 60s of the XX century. There is another version of the appearance of Scottish folds, which says that although fold-eared cats existed in China, they were not brought to Europe. A kitten-girl with the same extraordinary appearance was born in Scotland in the 60s, and she became the main participant in the breeding of the breed.

Description and color feature

One of the main features of this breed is the tips of the ears bent slightly inward. However, kittens are born with the usual erect auricle. Only after three months the appearance of the animal should change.

If the ears remain straight, then the individual belongs to another breed species - Scottish Straight.

If you do not take into account the special shape of the ears, then the Scottish Folds outwardly resemble the British Shorthair cats.The body of Scottish Fold cats is quite powerful. The front and hind legs are as muscular as the body. As for body size, according to international standards, it belongs to the average.

The tail of cats is proportional to the body. It is usually rounded and tapered at the end. The coat of Scottish Fold cats is short and to the touch resembles a soft and smooth fur coat. The hairs fit snugly together.

The head of animals is round. Cats have quite powerful jaws and a strong chin. There are no rough features on the animal's face, and all the lines are smooth and rounded. Scottish Folds have large eyes that are also round and set wide apart. The nose of cats is small and wide.

As for the colors, any palette options are allowed. The red color can also be called red or gold. The color of the iris in ginger cats matches the coat in tone and can be bright orange, amber or copper. Cats of this color have earned love all over the world.

The popularity is primarily due to the unusual and spectacular appearance. It is worth noting that Scottish folds of this color are quite rare, which is why they are even more appreciated.

It is also believed that redheads of this breed have the highest level of intelligence than cats of other colors.

Character and behavior

Scottish folds are characterized by emotional balance and goodwill. Kittens quickly become attached to a person and a home. They are very playful and get along well with children. Animals sit on their hands with pleasure, love affection and attention.

Adults prefer to be at rest rather than to lead an active lifestyle. It is easy to train cats to use a scratching post, and therefore you do not have to worry about the safety of furniture in the house. The Scottish Fold breed has characteristic behavioral characteristics.

Physiologically, it is quite easy for such cats to stand on their hind legs for a long time. They usually take this position when trying to see something interesting ahead. Many representatives of the breed love to sleep on their backs, reminiscent of a person's sleep position.

However, it should be remembered that regardless of breed, each cat is individual... Therefore, the pet may not correspond in character and behavior to the general characteristics of Scottish Fold cats.

There are some popular beliefs that the color of furry pets can say something about their character. Ginger cats are considered daring and cunning. Such animals require increased attention and respect in relation to themselves.

Maintenance and care

Scottish Fold cats love comfort and value a home environment. They are not designed to live outside the home and will not last long on the street. These cats are quite friendly and can make friends with other animals that live in the house.

From a young age, kittens are taught to use a tray, a nickname and a scratching post. It is also necessary to educate the pet so that it does not spoil property and understands the simplest commands of the owner. As for caring for the animal, it will not cause difficulties.

Usually cats themselves monitor the condition of their fur, clean their eyes and ears, and also gnaw off the exfoliated part of the nails. However, this does not mean that the animal should not be watched at all. In case of contamination of the auricles, they must be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs.

Despite the fact that the "Scots" has a rather short coat, it is recommended to periodically brush it. For this, it is better to use soft brushes or a special glove. Periodic combing will remove excess hairs that have fallen out so that the cat does not lick them.

Particular attention should be paid to your pet's teeth. Many domestic cats over the age of three have oral problems. Most often this is due to improper nutrition of the animal.With a small amount or complete absence of solid food, tartar forms on the enamel.

To prevent dental problems, you need to choose the right diet for the animal. If necessary, you should clean the pet's mouth. This can be done with a special brush and paste.


The diet of red "Scots" should be balanced so that the animal receives daily daily intake of components necessary for the body. Most of the diet, one way or another, will be proteins. You can create your own menu, which will include both ready-made feed and natural products.

It is also allowed to feed only ready-made canned food and dry food. In high-quality super-premium and holistic formulations, there will be all the necessary elements in the right amount. The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the animal. Kittens are usually given small amounts of food, and often, four to five times a day.

Over time, the frequency of feeding is reduced to three times a day, and after reaching the age of 8 months - to two. The amount of food depends on the lifestyle of the animal, namely its activity. At the same time, the pet should have access to clean and fresh water regularly.

As for natural products, it is recommended to include raw veal, previously frozen, in the diet. You can give boiled chicken meat and offal. Fish can only be added to complementary foods in small quantities. Otherwise, problems with the urinary system may arise.


Like all domestic cats, red Scottish folds need timely vaccination, as well as treatment against ticks, fleas and worms. Representatives of this breed also have a predisposition to certain diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - most often there are problems with the joints;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes of animals. Due to their large size, a lot of dust or hairs can get on them, which, in turn, provokes inflammation. Special eye drops can be purchased at pet stores and used if necessary.

Many members of the breed are excessive in their food, which can lead to obesity. Being overweight leads to health problems. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the proper nutrition of Scottish Folds. It is also recommended that you visit your veterinarian regularly to check and examine your pet.

As for the life expectancy of Scottish Folds, several factors will influence this indicator at once. First of all, it is the presence or absence of congenital diseases.

A physically weakened kitten will need special care and will most likely not live more than 15 years.

As for healthy and strong individuals, most of the life span will depend on proper nutrition and care. With proper maintenance, cats can easily live up to 20 years or more.

For the features and care of Scottish cats, see below.

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