Siberian cat

Siberian cats of white color: description of the breed and features of care

Siberian cats of white color: description of the breed and features of care
  1. Description of the breed
  2. Care features

Many people want to have an animal in the house. Cats are best suited for these purposes. They are clean and get along well with people due to the fact that they are close to a person for a long time. Some people don't care what breed the pet will be, but other breeders only prefer certain species. For example, Siberian cats. They are smart, beautiful, and in good health.

Description of the breed

This species of animals got its name from the name of the area in which the breed appeared and developed. In the harsh conditions of Siberia, cats have acquired thick, beautiful fur. This breed has long been of interest to breeders far beyond the borders of the Motherland. The Siberian cat is semi-long-haired, has a very rich undercoat. That is why she looks so magnificent. In winter, a magnificent collar is formed on the neck of Siberians, and the legs are overgrown with panties.

Cats are classified as large breeds. They are distinguished by short legs, wide pads on the feet, muscular body, fluffy tail. Do not pay attention to the fact that these animals look more than massive against the background of other breeds. A powerful physique does not prevent them from being active and graceful. In addition, wool gives them a large volume. Therefore, they look presentable.

There are certain breed standards.

  • At the withers, adults reach: 30 cm - cats, 40 cm - cats.
  • Their weight can range from 6 to 10 kg.
  • Animals live for about 15-20 years.
  • They are distinguished by their serious and delicate character. They are loyal to their master and, like toy terriers, they always choose one person whom they love and obey. They will also take affection from other family members, play with children.They can intercede for loved ones, despite the mortal threat.
  • Siberians are distinguished by high intelligence. They are well trained but very independent in nature. Therefore, the cat itself must want to do something. This breed of cats is not particularly sociable. They are unobtrusive. These qualities are manifested when strangers appear in the house.
  • Although the coat is very thick, it is hypoallergenic. The coat is waterproof.
  • There are various colors, but there are basic ones: cream, red, black, white.

Animals of white color with blue eyes stand out from their relatives. Their color was formed by combining different genes: the recessive allele of the Angora albino and the superdominant white W (White) allele. And when mating with an animal with an animal of a different color, we may well get completely white kittens if they inherit the W.

Kittens can have blue, yellow eyes, or have multi-colored eyes (one yellow, the other blue).

White cats with blue eyes are often born deaf. Future owners should take this fact into account: such an animal will not be admitted to the exhibition. The usual requirements at shows: any animal with a solid color must not have additional spots. The same requirements apply to perfectly white Siberians.

Attention: white kittens at birth may have small spots, which disappear as the animal grows older.

Breeders should be aware that in order to achieve a full color, cats must be hybridized with a traditional color with a color-point color.

Care features

It must be remembered that any animal requires attention and care. Young kittens are very active, so your pet at the first opportunity will start running, jumping and playing wherever it wants. To prevent him from destroying your home, try to organize small walks, preferably in the fresh air. This must be done without fail and as often as possible: the cat must burn its energy somewhere and implement its hunting instincts.

Thick coat is the most serious problem. It constantly needs to be combed out. For this, there are special scallops that are sold in pet stores. So that an adult animal does not resist when you run a comb over the body, it must be accustomed to this procedure from a very young age. The kitten needs to be combed out every day for 4-5 minutes. Then this procedure will eventually become a habit and will only be a joy. By the way, cats' hair and down are very good warming.

Use them to treat joint problems.

Remember to treat your kitten like a child. Teach him to behave appropriately and teach him to be hygienic. Clean your ears regularly with cotton swabs soaked in a special solution. You cannot trim the claws yourself. See your veterinarian for help. However, this procedure is not needed if you teach a Siberian to a scratching post. And then he will adjust the length of the claws on his own.

Bathing is obligatory, but it should be done only 1-2 times every six months. Keep in mind that cats can take care of their own hygiene. Siberians hardly get sick. Your veterinarian will tell you how to take preventive measures to eliminate various parasites.

From the first days in the house, train the kitten to the tray and to the bowl. These essentials should be allocated a special space. Also, your pet should have a resting place. Don't let him sleep in your bed. Animals get used to such places very quickly, and it will be difficult to wean them from this.

You need to feed the cat with protein food. It should consist of two-thirds of meat products. Pieces (about 100 g) of lean lamb, rabbit or beef each time pour boiling water over and chop before serving.Fish should be fed only boiled, as it contains many parasites.

If you decide to try to treat the cat with offal, such as liver, then they also need to be boiled.... Train your pet to greens, vegetables and dairy products. Combine and alternate different types of food when forming a diet.

You should not feed your cats cheap food.

If you decide to add high-quality food to your pet's diet, then buy a small pack first and see if the animal will eat it, and also look at the body's reaction. You should be aware that a cat may lose hair from poor-quality food.

If you are feeding your pet dry food, be sure to place a bowl of clean water next to it. Cats cannot do without water. It is better to give specialized food in the morning, when you do not have enough time, and in the evening, be sure to pamper your pet with natural food.

See the video about Siberian cats below.

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