Siberian cat

Siberian cats of gray color: characteristics and features of care

Siberian cats of gray color: characteristics and features of care
  1. Origin
  2. Breed business card
  3. Types of gray color
  4. Cat care and health

The Siberian cat is a uniquely beautiful breed that does not lose popularity among cat lovers all over the world. Luxurious wool and noble appearance tie the hearts of the owners and attract attention at exhibitions. Many breeders consider Siberians a visiting card of Russia, highlighting animals of smoky and gray colors.


Among experts in the field of felinology, disputes about the origin of the breed do not subside. According to one version, the beautiful animal was originally brought from Asia with caravans of merchants in the 16th century. After adaptation and mixing with other representatives of the feline family, a species of "Bukhara" cat appeared, which was repeatedly mentioned by the classics in works about Siberia and the Ural regions.

Research has shown that Siberian cat may have genetic links with Persian and Angora breeds... But the severe frosts of the Siberian climate really influenced the density and beauty of the wool. The first participation of a fluffy beauty in exhibitions dates back to 1871, from which the breed is being observed. A full description of the standard was made only in 1990, when breeders and official clubs appeared.

Breed business card

According to the recognized WCF standard, gray Siberian cats have the following features and characteristics.

  • A large and muscular body, which is distinguished by its power and regular structure. The normal weight of a cat reaches 8–12 kg, and a female rarely exceeds 6–8 kg.
  • At the withers, the animal reaches a height of at least 30–40 cm.
  • It takes several years to develop and gain weight, so breeders are in no hurry to mate animals earlier than 2 years.
  • Trapezoidal shape of the head, corresponding to the large body of the animal. She is surrounded by a luxurious thick wool collar that gives the cat a solid look.
  • The ears are set wide apart, which makes Siberians excellent hunters with an unsurpassed flair.
  • Among the claws on the paws there are small patches of wool that prevent the delicate skin from freezing. The paws are large and in proportion to the body.

Thanks to the formation of the breed in a frosty climate, nature has endowed the gray Siberian cat with amazing hair. This is a real fur coat, consisting of a long pile and dense undercoat. It not only protects the cat from the cold, but also creates amazing volume. Particularly noticeable is the length on the tail, which is incredibly fluffy and graceful.

Among the positive qualities of the Siberian cat is the almost complete absence of enzymes, which, when released onto wool, provoke allergies in humans. This allows the breed to be considered hypoallergenic.

    Cats have a calm and positive disposition, they easily get along with other animals and become favorites of the whole family. But the animal is distinguished by a love of equal treatment: they do not tolerate encroachments on their territory, frequent hugs and compulsion to play.

    Many owners note that the pets have not lost the natural curiosity of the forest hunter. They are happy to explore the premises, are inquisitive and find "adventures" on their fluffy tail. Therefore, breeders recommend from the first days of the appearance of a Siberian breed kitten in the house to raise it, to accustom it to order and a certain regimen.

    Types of gray color

    Among the many colors of Siberian cats, according to the standards of world organizations, the following are distinguished.

    • Solid or solid. The cat's coat is dyed in one tone, has no spots or stripes.
    • Bicolor. The animal has several shades of gray, dyed villi on the tail and on the entire surface of the fur coat.

    Smoke-colored cats are recognized as the most beautiful and noble cats, which have repeatedly occupied leading positions at high-level exhibitions. They have light eyes with a golden or blue tint. The coat is colored smoky gray, darkening towards the tip of the villus. The undercoat remains whitish, glows from the inside, giving additional visual volume.

    The shade of gray is sometimes called "blue" for its unusual shimmer in the light. This is a beautiful species of Siberian cats with bright yellow eyes. The brighter the contrast between the light undercoat and the main pile, the higher the cost of a kitten in a litter. The tone becomes darker over time on the ears, feet and upper tail line.

    An unusual gray color of a Siberian cat is a silver chinchilla. Nature has formed a unique shade due to the presence of specific melatonin in the gene. It only stains the long hairs at the tips, which contrasts with the white undercoat.

    Cat care and health

    To preserve the beautiful appearance of the fur coat, you should comb your pet with a special brush 2-3 times a week. When signs of shedding appear, the procedure is repeated every day, using sprays if necessary to improve the quality of the wool. Siberian cats love water procedures, so they can take a bath with shampoo once every 3-5 months.

    The nutrition of the Siberian cat must be given due attention. The health of the animal and the condition of the coat depend on its quality. The daily menu includes:

    • protein in the form of lean meat and fish, boiled fillets in the range of 120-140 g;
    • fermented milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir;
    • porridge on the water mixed with seafood or meat;
    • boiled vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes or small pieces (zucchini, carrots, cabbage).

    With such a balanced diet, the Siberian cat does not need additional vitamin complexes.

    In small quantities it can be "pampered" with chicken liver, boiled eggs, a piece of fresh cod or crucian carp.

    The gray color of the Siberian cat makes any changes in nutrition noticeable: with a lack of vitamins, the smoky tone fades and becomes faded. During this period, it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables by mixing them with meat. The excellent health of the breed with proper nutrition makes the pets real long-livers, without giving the owners much trouble.

    Interesting facts about Siberian cats can be found in the following video.

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