The cat sheds heavily: causes and solutions to the problem

Molting in cats is a completely natural process: part of the hair falls out so that the animal does not get hot, and sometimes the coat simply changes to a renewed cover. A healthy pet sheds twice a year - usually in spring and autumn, and for cats that constantly live at home without walking, molting is allowed all year round. But sometimes it happens that there is too much hair loss, and this is a reason to think about the health of the cat.

Reasons for a strong molt
There are a variety of reasons for the severe shedding of cats and cats.
- Infection fungal infections or helminths.
- Allergy on the offered food, household chemicals, vitamins, medicines, as well as on insects - in this case, the cat not only sheds, but also itches quite often.
- Incorrectly selected diet, the lack of a balanced feed or the use of low-quality products. As a result, the animal's body is deficient in fatty acids, vitamins A and E - usually wool reacts to the lack of nutrients in the first place, but if measures are taken in time, the risk of further complications is minimal.
- Stress - it can be a strong nervous shock associated with a move, a change of owners, the appearance of another animal in the house and other reasons. As a rule, shedding is accompanied by refusal to eat and loss of body weight.
- Using the wrong shampoo or conditioner - everyone knows that if the detergents for people are chosen incorrectly, then they begin to lose hair. The same thing happens in cats.
- The presence of an inflammatory process - if the animal is sick, then it begins to weaken and spends all its strength on recovery. In such situations, the coat becomes dull and rather sparse.
- Hormonal disruptions - if the cat has problems with the adrenal glands or thyroid gland, then a metabolic disorder occurs. One of the first symptoms of this dangerous phenomenon is hair loss.
- Childbirth and feeding of offspring - after childbirth and a long period of feeding, the body gradually begins to return its hormonal background to the "pre-pregnant level", and this is often accompanied by molting.
- In winter, when heating works in apartments and private houses, the air becomes dry, and the hairs on the animal's body begin to fall out more strongly. Molting is especially pronounced if the cat loves to bask, lying near the battery.
- Childhood - at about six months, the fur of young kittens begins to change to an adult, and this process can take up to a year.

You should be aware that depending on the breed, the cat can shed to varying degrees. So, strongly shedding pets include exotics, Maine Coons, Persians, and also British... These cats have a lot of fluff in the undercoat, and it requires frequent replacement, and the molt is much more intense in the spring than in the fall.
The Balinese, Angora and Somali cats, as well as the British and Scottish Folds are moderately molting animals. Their shedding hair is fairly easy to remove from carpet and furniture. But Siamese, Abyssinian, British and Bengal cats practically do not have an undercoat, therefore they rarely shed, quickly and almost imperceptibly.
Practically non-shedding cats were bred by scientists as a result of long-term selection - they include hairless sphinxes and laperms - overgrown sphinxes that shed only a few times in their life.

How to solve the problem?
Fighting molt at home is possible and necessary. There are several express remedies that can help you get rid of hair loss quite quickly and reduce shedding.
- Regular brushing - normally this should be done every day, especially during the period of seasonal molting. It is best to use special furminator brushes for combing, since ordinary combs with sharp teeth can injure the animal.
- Water procedures - ordinary shampoos, even baby shampoos, are not suitable for bathing pussies. Cats need specialized detergents that can be purchased at any zoo pharmacy, where consultants will help you choose a drug that matches the characteristics of the breed and the state of health of the animal.
- Inclusion of vitamin and mineral complexes in the diet. Cats should be fed with special supplements every six months; when choosing the best remedy, it is better to use the advice of a veterinarian.
- Maintaining normal room humidity - in the heating season, as well as in hot summer weather, the air in the room becomes dry, and it should be regularly humidified, otherwise abundant hair loss cannot be avoided. Air humidifiers and indoor fountains are best suited for this task. If you do not have either one or the other, you should occasionally spray the room with water through a spray bottle.
- Affectionate attitude - as we already mentioned, stress can be the reason for the loss of animal hair. If a pet has undergone major changes in its life, then it needs increased affection and attention from its owner. Stroking, friendly intonation and a respectful attitude will help the cat calm down. At the time of adaptation to new conditions, the veterinarian may decide to prescribe sedatives to the animal.
- Remove flowering plants from the room, minimize the use of household chemicals, promptly clean the room and clean dust from carpets, soft pieces of furniture and children's toys - all this reduces allergic reactions and significantly improves the condition of the pet.
- If cats are fed straight, then during molting, you need to try to include only hypoallergenic products in the menu: rabbit, veal or chicken, it is better to refuse to eat fish.

Please note that all of the above recommendations are nothing more than ways to eliminate symptoms. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to cope with a problem without contacting a veterinarian.
If the reason for the molting of an animal is associated with disturbances in the functioning of its internal organs and systems, then conservative treatment cannot be dispensed with.
If all of the above measures have not improved the condition of the animal, it is necessary to conduct an examination, which can be done at the veterinary clinic. The results may show the presence of parasites, fungus, inflammatory processes or hormonal disorders - in these cases, the doctor will select the necessary drugs and prescribe the necessary manipulations. As a rule, with timely treatment started, the disease quickly stops and soon the molt stops.

How to get rid of wool in an apartment?
The problem of wool in an apartment is always unpleasant for housewives - it not only spoils the appearance of the room, making it unkempt and unsanitary, but also becomes a frequent cause of allergic diseases in children and adults. One way or another, you need to get rid of the hair, and it is best to use a vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush for this. During cleaning, she quickly winds up cat hair, even the smallest, and in order for the process to go even more successfully and faster, you can first sprinkle a thin layer of soda over the surface - this substance tends to soften the hairs and cleaning takes much less time.

Robot vacuum cleaners have proven to be highly effective in cleaning rooms from cat fluff, especially water and vacuum models. Keep in mind that one vacuum cleaner is not enough for effective cleaning - the final step should always be washing the floors and treating the surface of the furniture with a slightly damp cloth.
If you are not the owner of a vacuum cleaner, then the usual one will come to the rescue. baby brush, which you can buy at any hardware store. Good efficiency is also possessed by prubber brush - the fact is that rubber has a pronounced static electricity, and cat hairs from the surface are attracted to the material.

To get rid of pieces of furniture from lint, it is best to purchase a special roller with an adhesive base, you can use the one that is used to clean clothes from pellets.
As an emergency remedy, you can use scotch tape - for this, a piece of adhesive tape is glued to the material and pulled sharply - the villi stick to the adhesive side. Each piece of tape can be used multiple times.

Useful Tips
A special role in the prevention of excessive molting of cats and cats is assigned the use of mineral and vitamin complexes based on taurine and biotin... It has been proven that a deficiency of these elements in the body of an animal causes inflammation of the hair follicles and becomes a frequent cause of hair loss. A large amount of biotin is found in the yolk of a chicken egg, but this product does not recommend giving to fluffy pets more than once a week, and then in a very limited amount. That is why the product cannot satisfy the need for vitamin H in cats in any way.

All this made it necessary to use ready-made complexes.
The use of vitamins helps to normalize the metabolism in the skin of the pet, maintains the natural beauty of the coat, and helps to improve the smoothness of the skin.
Therefore, many breeders of purebred cats necessarily introduce the necessary preparations into the feed of their pets before exhibitions.

In addition, the constant intake of biotin in combination with sulfur has a general strengthening effect on the body of pets and improves immunity, improves tissue regeneration, and accelerates wound healing. The consumption of taurine in combination with biotin normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to the normalization of cardiovascular activity, and has the most beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
The following vitamin complexes are most popular with breeders.
- Kitty and Taurin + Biotin - this is the optimal choice of caring owners, which allows you to maintain the condition of the animal's coat. The presence of biotin among the components makes the hairline beautiful and relieves all skin diseases, and taurine improves the general condition of the pet's body, normalizes the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, gall bladder and brain. At the same time, the product has a rather democratic price, which makes it the number one choice among Russian breeders.
- Cat Felltop Gel - a vitamin complex based on zinc and biotin, effectively nourishes the hair follicles and relieves the onset of skin diseases.
- Cat Fell O. K. - this preparation contains a complex of useful micro- and macroelements, is highly effective and serves as the prevention of many diseases of the hair and skin of cats.
- Laveta Super for Cats - among the main components of the drug are vitamins of group B, also E, this includes taurine and biotin. Thanks to the use of the complex, the shedding takes place quite quickly, the risk of dandruff and hair loss is minimized. Vitamins contribute to the nutrition of the hairs, improve the structure and color of the hairs. This composition is especially popular before cat shows and competitions.
- Derm Caps and Derm Liquid - another biotin-based drug with proven effectiveness. It is noted that when it is used, the appearance of the wool improves, and the skin of the animal is brought back to normal.
- "Felvit" - a complex enriched with calcium, zinc, niacin, biotin and B vitamins. The use of the product allows you to maintain the natural pigmentation of the skin and determines the overall strengthening of the body.
- Gimpet katzentabs - food supplement based on algae with biotin. Taking this agent has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, improves the digestion process and thereby helps to maintain the health of the pet's skin.

Keep in mind that when consuming vitamins, the recommended dosages should be strictly observed - not only a vitamin deficiency is dangerous for an animal, but also an excess of them.
If pets receive overestimated doses of trace elements, then such pathological changes occur as an enlargement of the liver and spleen, calcium deposition in organs and tissues, which causes not only hair loss, but also changes in the composition of the cat's blood.
For the rules of combing cats during molting, see the next video.