Is it possible to feed a cat only dry food and how to do it?
Dry food is a solution for many owners, since it takes less money and time to feed the animal. It is easy to store, has a long shelf life, has a variety of flavors, you can put it in a bowl and go about your business. But before buying this type of product, it is worth figuring out whether it is safe and will not harm the animal.

General information
Most owners have doubts about whether cats can be fed dry food, and whether it is normal if the cat only eats it. In fact, this is not something that is normal, but even useful, since it contains everything you need. But only if you buy super - premium - class or holistic food. Only such a product of proper quality, where meat is really contained, and not substitutes. And if the feed has a good composition, then the development of many diseases will be prevented, which will help maintain excellent condition in animals.
A cat needs to be fed dry food also because its body gets used to one composition of food, and digestion can be disturbed when other foods are added.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each product has its pros and cons, and dry food is no exception. The more different additives, the worse the food affects the health of the cat. But problems may not appear immediately, but after a month or even more, when there is nothing to help the animal.
The negative impact on the body is influenced by such factors as:
- dyes;
- flavors;
- preservatives;
- flavoring additives.

Choice of feed and nutritional norms
They are added to the product not only by economy-class manufacturers, but also by premium-class ones. But everything is not as bad as it might seem. Because there are excellent options among all brands. And it's mostly professional food.
The following components will have a positive impact:
- nutrients;
- vitamin complex;
- probiotics;
- amino acids necessary for animals;
- complex of minerals.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a feed, you need to know some rules. Always remember about the characteristics of the animal, such as pregnancy, castration, age. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the feed. Review the manufacturer's information and understand the components in the composition. Avoid the side of food that has a lot of different artificial additives.
Pay special attention to reviews. Of course, not everyone will be truthful, but the overall picture will emerge.
You can also discuss this issue with your veterinarian. Monitor your pet for how it will react to food. He may have an allergic reaction, an eating disorder, or a change in behavior. And if everything is in order, then there is a high probability that the food came up.

You also need to understand the classification of feed.
- Economy... Cheap feed option. Meat is not used there, but instead, by-products, cereals and plant components are added there. Such components are very poorly absorbed by the body. Such food should not be fed to the animal.
- Premium... This is the middle class. Unlike the first option, it contains a small percentage of meat. This also includes vitamins and minerals, but there are also harmful additives. Their price is not very high.
- Super - premium class. A relatively expensive option, and a very good one. There is a large percentage of meat content, and there are no harmful additives.
- Holistic... The most expensive food. But it contains only natural meat and all the necessary components.

Do not give dry food to animals if they have additional needs.
For example, a cat does not drink the required daily amount of water. Then, in this case, it would be better to give wet food, pate or natural food. The best deal is if your pet will consume 3 times more water than food. The average volume should be approximately 20-30 ml per day, but this may vary slightly. It is also forbidden to feed dry food to animals that have very sensitive digestion, their texture will only harm their health, and can also cause bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden to give pets economy and premium food. Because they contain many different artificial additives that will cause health problems over time. Basically, everything develops for a very long time and imperceptibly. And when they do appear, it is usually too late to do something. Also, on an ongoing basis, cats cannot be fed with various treats, and all because they will not be able to provide the body with everything necessary for its full-fledged work.
In no case should you mix dry food with natural products. Since the body gets used to one composition, and if you add another, then there may be an eating disorder. Also, the combination of foods violates the daily intake of vitamins and nutrients. And in order to digest a different type of food, you need different enzymes, and in this regard, problems with the pancreas may arise.

Dry and wet food also cannot be mixed, it can only be given separately.
And if the animal is weakened for any reason, for example, illness or vaccination, then you can add sauce from wet food to the feed. This will help stimulate the cat's appetite. But the brand should be the same. This will save the pet from gastrointestinal problems, and the balance of nutrients will not be disturbed. But if for some reason you cannot provide wet food from the same manufacturer as dry food, then they must be of the same class. It is forbidden to give Whiskas or Purina One wet food to a cat eating Eukanuba or Royal Canin.

It is categorically impossible to additionally give the animal vitamins, if they have not been prescribed by the veterinarian.
Since there are water-soluble substances that are removed from the body without any problems if there is an excess of them. And there are fat-soluble ones, which can accumulate, and because of this, an excess of various elements and vitamins can occur. Permission to take any supplements is accepted only based on the results of examination and analysis. Also, you can not give medicines for a treat.

The daily rate of the product is selected for each animal in its own way, it is necessary to rely on the weight, age, activity, size of the pet and the calorie content of the feed. Usually, all manufacturers write about the nutritional norm, but still you should not follow their recommendations, because for one cat it will be too little, but too much for another.
Be sure to monitor the physical condition of the animal.

The ribs are not allowed to stick out, but they should be felt. Also, the cat should not be too well-fed or, on the contrary, the hips and chest protruded. Therefore, you always need to calculate the rate yourself, and if you transfer your pet to feed from another manufacturer, you will have to recount everything again. You can also consult your veterinarian. If you are using measuring cups, then it is worth checking the information provided by the manufacturer.

Veterinarian opinion
Almost all veterinarians still recommend the use of dry food, because they are already balanced, have the correct vitamin content that animals require.... The main task here is to choose the right brand of the manufacturer that will not harm the cat's health. Also, veterinarians are sure that the food that a person consumes is not suitable for a full-fledged diet for cats, and can even lead to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, do not spoil your favorites with food from your table.
Perhaps dry foods may not seem as appealing as natural foods. And this can be considered a small disadvantage. But this is easy to fix. It will be enough just to add a little water there, and the food will seem more interesting for the animal. Of course, dry food makes life a lot easier for cat owners, because you don't have to spend time and money preparing food. But this is only if the product is of proper quality. The main thing is not to interfere with different products and give the animal a sufficient amount of water.

Watch the video below for helpful tips on how to properly feed your cat dry food.