Dry shampoo for cats: how to choose and use it?

All furry pet owners know that cats need to be kept clean. Not all animals accept water procedures with joy, so bathing your pet becomes a real torture. Nowadays, there is an alternative solution to replace the unpleasant procedure. This is a dry shampoo for cats. This tool is great for removing dirt and does not cause negative emotions in the furry pet.

What is it needed for?
Many breeders believe that cats are very clean animals and do not need to be bathed. This opinion is undoubtedly erroneous. All breeds, especially long-haired ones, need regular brushing, including to prevent mats.
Dry shampoos for cats are no worse than their liquid counterparts. The composition of the product implies the presence of an antistatic agent that will help to painlessly comb the rolled fur.
Today dry shampoos can be easily purchased at any pet store and even prepared with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages
The tool is a powder (powder). Its main component is talc, special white clay and other substances. It perfectly cleanses the skin of the animal, gently removing dead cells. Dry shampoo perfectly absorbs all impurities without disrupting the work of the sebaceous glands. It can be in the form of a spray, foam, or fragrance-free mousse. Generally, dry shampoos are hypoallergenic.
The advantages of this cosmetic product include the following properties.
- Ease of use. Most animals experience anxiety at the sight of water.In this case, the cat will be pleased with the application of dry shampoo.
- Versatility... Suitable for short-haired and long-haired breeds of different ages.
- Aesthetic effect... Adds extra softness and shine to the coat.
- Medicinal properties... Some dry shampoos strengthen the structure of the coat, promote its active growth, and also eliminate dryness and irritation of the pet's skin. In addition, the special range of products includes substances that destroy parasites (ticks, fleas and lice).

It is allowed to clean the fur of an animal with dry shampoo during illness or after vaccinations. Speaking about the shortcomings, first of all, we note that the remedy will not help from strong pollution. Also, after processing with the powder, its remnants will be visible on the black wool of the animal. In addition, a curious pet could accidentally swallow dry shampoo particles, thus causing an airway spasm.
Subtleties of choice
It is necessary to buy dry shampoo for a pet in proven pet stores and only from a reliable manufacturer. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. The types of dry shampoos differ in their properties and composition.
- Classical... Powder or spray bottle. Has a pleasant smell or the aroma is completely absent. Designed for dry cleaning of cats' hair.

- Shading... This shampoo is widely used before exhibitions. It gives the animal's coat a rich shade and shine.

- Curative... The product is aimed at a wellness effect and is aimed at addressing specific health problems of the pet.

- Antiparasitic... This shampoo “fights” against various parasites. Experienced breeders note that the positive effect will be noticeable immediately after the first use.

How to do it yourself?
Naturally, frequent use of dry shampoos is expensive. Therefore, a self-made product will be an excellent solution for breeders of fluffy pets.
So, take cornstarch, soda (1: 1 ratio) and mix thoroughly. Add a little tea tree oil to the resulting mass (1 drop for every 30 mg of powder). The resulting "shampoo" can be sieved through a sieve and poured into a small plastic container. According to the reviews of breeders, such a tool is not inferior in efficiency to professional products.

Mode of application
It is advisable to use dry shampoos 1-2 times a month. In most cases, washing a pet under water is quite problematic, which cannot be said about cleaning it without moisture. When starting the procedure, pay attention to the recommendations presented.
- We carefully comb the pet with a brush, partially removing dirt.
- Apply dry shampoo in a thin, even layer and rub gently with a soft cloth. "We get" to the skin. For a small kitten, you can apply a little product on the body without rubbing.
- Leave the shampoo for 5-7 minutes and comb out the coat thoroughly again, removing the remnants of the product (you can also use a terry towel).
- After "bathing" we treat the pet with our favorite treat.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the bathroom or in the open air (for example, on the balcony). Since the powder will undoubtedly crumble around and go where it should not. Dry shampoos in the form of a spray, foam and mousse are applied using a spray bottle.
How to store?
This product has a shelf life and requires special storage conditions. Shampoo for cats can be put in the toilet (air temperature - no higher than 25 degrees Celsius). The place should be dark and dry.
In addition, the ingress of water into the product is unacceptable, otherwise its consistency will change. It is highly undesirable to open the shampoo in advance; it must be opened immediately before use. Also, the owner should periodically shake the container with the product.
If the bottle is swollen, and the product itself exudes an unpleasant odor, then the product must be immediately disposed of.

Most of the experiences for cat owners who use dry shampoos are positive. Breeders note the ease of use and excellent results. Pets calmly endure the dry cleaning procedure and quickly get used to it. However, the owners of fluffy pets clarify that this tool is more suitable for short-haired breeds. For individuals with long hair, dry shampoos are suitable only for cleaning certain areas.

How to use dry shampoo - in the next video.