Description of breeds and maintenance of tricolor cats

Tricolor cats have a special charm. These cute pets exude a special energy and positiveness. Tricolor cats are very popular regardless of the specific breed they belong to. Today we will take a closer look at these adorable pets and find out what features distinguish them.

Tricolor cats are a little less common than pets of a different color. These cute and gentle creatures always attract special attention, because they are full of not one, but several contrasting colors. There is an opinion that only cats, that is, females, have this magical color. In fact, cats can also be tricolor, although much less often.
The direct origin of the cute tricolor pets is still an unsolved mystery.
The only reliable fact is that animals with this non-standard color appeared due to a gene mutation and the presence of a special “orange gene”.
Researcher Neil Todd, who has been actively studying the migration of domestic cats in Europe and North Africa, came to the conclusion that tricolor animals originated in French and Italian port cities, where they had previously come from Egypt.
It should be immediately noted that such a non-standard color is not a direct sign of a particular breed. He only singles out its owner from the general mass. Often these baleen pets are called "tortoiseshell". The coat of such pets has characteristic red, white and black spots.

Since the tricolor color is not a distinctive feature of only one particular breed, it is difficult to say about the distinctive features of animals of this color. In most cases, these beautiful and colorful animals show themselves to be quite loyal and devoted to their master.
Moreover, their demeanor is friendly. Tricolor cats are contact and sociable.
The combination of certain genes that make animals tricolor is not only found in females. Genetics can play such a "joke" with the male. From this, cats do not suffer in anything and do not lose standard behavioral traits.
It is worth considering that very often it is tricolor cats and cats that traditionally demonstrate aggression and excessive caution towards people unfamiliar to them. These pets usually do not like it when they are not touched by the owner. Even an examination by a veterinarian can become a serious problem - his touch will cause strong discontent in the pet.
It should be noted that in most situations tricolor cats grow up to be very proud. They love active pastime. If such an animal is in a playful mood, then it will be almost impossible to stop and calm it down. However, this does not prevent them from falling into laziness at times. A tricolor cat can sleep almost all day and start awake at nightfall.

It is believed that tricolor cats are almost impossible to train to a litter box - these are the most unlearned pets in this matter. Such animals prefer not to listen to the owner, but to independently look for a place to relieve themselves. If you are faced with such a problem, then you should take the advice of veterinarians and put the tray in exactly the place that the tricolor cat or kitty likes.
It is recommended to pay a lot of attention to such pets. You should often play with the cat, caress, communicate with her... If you follow such advice, you can count on the fact that during the day the animal will get tired and will sleep sweetly at night, without disturbing anyone with its loud stomping during the next runs around the apartment.
Tricolor cats often want to give some long, elegant and complex name, but in fact, it is recommended to call such animals short and simple nicknames.
If this condition is met, the cat can be expected to quickly understand and remember its own name, and will respond better to it.
There are many tricolor options. Each of them has its own distinctive features and external signs. In addition, this color is subdivided into solid and patterned... If the cat is the owner of a solid color, then all the colored spots on it will be confused and mixed. If the animal wears a patterned tricolor color, then the borders of the specks will always be clearly visible and distinguishable.

As mentioned above, the original color, which combines three different colors, is not a characteristic of any particular breed. Representatives of various breeds can have this color. In some cases, this color is more common, and in others - only in exceptional cases. It all depends on how the genes will be formed. Tricolor is especially common among these popular cat breeds:
- aegean;
- Japanese (or Kurilian) bobtail;
- Maine Coon;
- shorthaired European or American;
- Siberian;
- Persian.
It should be noted that in the British cat breed, the tricolor color is almost never found.
But many individuals can boast of such a color, which do not belong to any recognized breed at all. It was on outbred cats that the game of genetics roamed especially widely.
The largest cats are representatives of the Maine Coon breed. Individual animals can reach 10 kg in weight and 40 centimeters at the withers.There are rumors that there are truly giant "monsters" whose weight is close to the shocking 30 kilogram mark. But in most cases, these bikes remain bikes.

The Maine Coon is a popular breed of American origin. Its fluffy representatives are popular not only for their extraordinary dimensions, but also for other significant advantages. The latter include:
- the ability to adapt to any conditions in the shortest possible time;
- friendly character;
- high level of intelligence;
- natural intelligence in behavior;
- good learning ability.
Tricolor cats of this breed look especially elegant and rich. If you keep such a spectacular pet at home, then the guests who visit you will definitely not ignore it. The tricolor on such representatives of the breed is striking in its beauty.

A charming Japanese bobtail is medium in size. This pet is especially graceful and has a very short tail. Bobtail just loves to dive and swim. He loves to eat fish and bring a thrown ball to his owner. Many of the characteristic qualities of a bobtail are truly unique.
The Japanese bobtail is very contact, thinks and reacts quickly, has a calm and non-aggressive disposition, easily learns new tricks and is always interested in its own owner

Representatives of the Aegean breed look simple and discreet. Such cats can be seen in every yard - nothing unusual in their appearance is observed. However, these animals only look simple. In fact, the Aegean cat is very expensive, although it has not yet received worldwide recognition.
It is incredibly difficult to buy a real Aegean kitten without cheating and it will be possible to do this only in the country of origin of this breed - in Greece.
It is there that professional nurseries are seriously engaged in breeding work.
The Greeks simply adore the Aegean cat. This animal is very handsome and has many positive traits, for example:
- surprisingly strong and stable immunity;
- cats of this breed are not susceptible to all sorts of genetic diseases;
- the Aegean cat has excellent working qualities - she is a good hunter and fisherman;
- these animals are incredibly quick-witted and intelligent;
- playful and very attached to their owners.
Tricolor smooth-haired Aegean kitty looks very cute and gentle. A similar color is often found in such representatives of an expensive breed.

The most famous and beloved in Russia is the Siberian breed. Its representatives are quite large in size. They are strong and have a luxurious coat. Siberian cats can weigh over 10 kg.
Representatives of this popular long-haired breed have something to be proud of, but, unfortunately, they are little known all over the world. There has never been any noticeable "fashion" for them, but this does not mean at all that such animals do not have positive qualities. The latter include:
- a surprisingly strong immune system;
- strong and balanced character;
- remarkable level of learning;
- attachment to a person;
- well-developed hunter instinct.
Thoroughbred Siberians, distinguished by their tricolor color, look very magnificent and elegant. This is due to the fact that the representatives of this breed have a very good and naturally voluminous coat.

Luxurious Persian cats are often tricolor. This breed is considered one of the oldest in the world. Its representatives are distinguished by solid long hair. Often, the hair length of these individuals reaches 12 cm.
It should be borne in mind that the character of beautiful Persian cats is not sugar. Despite this, such pets are very attached to humans and cannot live normally without human care. The colors of the Persians are very diverse. The tortoiseshell color on such representatives of the breed can be very different.

How to choose a kitten?
Many people want to have a tricolor kitten in their home. It should be chosen in the same way as a pet of any other natural color. You should definitely like the kid... Ideally, your sympathies should be mutual. Only in this case can we talk about a comfortable and pleasant coexistence of you and your pet on the same territory.
It is equally important to make sure that the baby, like his parents, are strong and healthy enough. Their nervous system should not be flawed or flawed. The upbringing of a pet should also be good - it is this criterion that will allow you not to face many common problems later.
It is not recommended to buy a tricolor kitten from a random seller, for example, at the “bird” market.
It is advisable to contact reliable breeders for the purchase, especially if you are choosing a purebred baby.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is another plush breed that can be born with a tricolor. Such pets are distinguished by a kind and friendly disposition. In addition, their strengths are excellent intelligence, courage and playfulness. A healthy Norwegian cat can easily find a common language with the owner and other animals in the house.
Norwegian cats are also distinguished by their special curiosity. They love to look out the window at the birds all day long or to investigate in detail what is happening on the tallest cabinets in the house.... As for the attitude towards strangers - here the Norwegian cat demonstrates coldness and restraint. He will not run and sit on handles to your guests, especially if the pet sees them for the first time.
For a cat of this breed to begin to trust a person, you need to spend a lot of free time. However, a healthy and active pet can easily find a common language not only with one, but with all household members.

The main feature of the representatives of the described breed is that they do not like at all when they are squeezed or hugged with them. The ideal demonstration of your love in this case will be if you pet the cat or scratch in her favorite places. Perhaps, after some time, the Norwegian cat will let you sit on its knees, but no one will give you such guarantees.
Another characteristic feature of the Norwegian cat is that it adapts very easily to new conditions of keeping.
This pet is not afraid of a sudden change of scenery, unlike most other types of cats and cats.
But if a small tricolor miracle itself came to your door or nailed to you on the street, then you cannot drive it away under any circumstances, because such an event is considered a very good sign. If you picked up such an interesting baby on the street, then after that he should immediately be taken to an appointment with the veterinarian. There will be an inspection of the animal. If necessary, the kitten will be treated in the veterinarian's office.

If you are selecting a kitten for subsequent participation in exhibitions, but you just need to familiarize yourself with its pedigree. It is equally important to make sure that the chosen baby meets all the declared standards that apply to representatives of a certain breed.
It is also important to make sure that the baby's ears are always clean, like the eyes. The coat should also be in perfect condition. The breathing of a healthy baby will always be even. The gums should be pale pink. There should be no redness or inflammation in the mouth.
Never be silent if you have any questions about the kitten you are choosing. This is especially true of those cases when an expensive thoroughbred baby is selected... You can also consult the breeder about the peculiarities of keeping a kitten of a certain breed.

How to name?
A tricolor cat should be given a suitable nickname. A variety of names are suitable for such pets.There are times when people called these pets with long and intricate names, but tricolor individuals are more likely to have short and understandable nicknames, which they easily and quickly remember.
So, a girl with a tricolor color can be called:
- Moore;
- Masya;
- Murka;
- Marie;
- Manya;
- Asya;
- Bonya;
- Lynx;
- Busya;
- Chucha;
- Peace;
- Lucky;
- Elka;
- Hera;
- Audrey;
- Dunya;
- Oxy;
- Puzya.

Tricolor boys can be called such interesting and simple names:
- Arnie;
- Ike;
- Volt;
- Brutus;
- Byte;
- Bali;
- Hans;
- Glen;
- Jet;
- Hyde;
- Jazz;
- Jet;
- Iris;
- Kai;
- Fax.
Of course, you can choose a completely different nickname. How to name your pet is solely for its owner. It is not forbidden to give cats with a tricolor color more complex and longer names, if you so desire.

Content rules
Tricolor cats, like any other representatives of different breeds and different colors, need proper care and competent maintenance. Only if this requirement is met can we talk about the health and beauty of the pet.
Each breed has its own specific characteristics and nuances regarding the care of the pet's fur. Other aspects of keeping mustachioed hooligans may also differ significantly. In all cases, it is recommended to use high quality animal hair care products. They should make the tricolor brighter and more saturated.
It is permissible to use a special shampoo designed specifically for white coats. Such a tool will emphasize not only the white color, but also the colored spots on it.
Of course, it is necessary to always keep such an animal clean, otherwise ugly spots, for example, yellowish ones, may appear on a light coat. It is also very important to feed the animal correctly and provide it with the most comfortable living conditions.

Interesting Facts
Tricolor cats are believed to bring good luck. And this applies to a variety of cases. For example, in Japan, small talismans called maneki-neko, made in the form of tricolor cats, are insanely popular. It is believed that such souvenirs help in business negotiations.
There are a lot of different signs revolving around tricolor pets. So, it is believed that if suddenly such a cat has nailed to the house, then soon there will be a wedding. If on the street such a beauty has got used to your leg, it means that good news awaits you.
In the United States, tricolor cats are considered to be monetary. People believe that such beautiful pets can bring wealth and success to the home.

Cats of this color are especially appreciated by fishermen and sailors. This fact is explained by the fact that they can save the ship from wrecks and strong storms. It is believed that a ship with a tricolor cat on board will definitely return home.
The most famous tricolor cat in Russia is the Old Slavic Bayun... This is a very old and famous character from folklore. The tricolor scientist cat, which is mentioned in the work of A.S. Pushkin, is rightfully recognized as the second most famous and popular.
It is worth mentioning the scandalous political figure - Cardinal Richelieu. He had a large number of colored favorites and was very kind to them.
The Vikings took tricolor cats with them on long voyages. It was believed that these animals were able to predict a storm or storm.
Few people know, but a cat with a natural tricolor color is the official animal of the state of Maryland in the United States.

In Japan, this beautiful animal was able to keep the subway from closing. The authorities appointed the three-colored kitty Micae as the head of the metro, hoping that the latter will inevitably close soon. However, the fluffy girl liked the passengers so much that their influx increased even more. For this reason, there was no more talk about the closure of the metro.
Muslims believe that the presence of a tricolor cat in a house helps to protect it from fire.
It is believed that if a cat with an interesting tricolor color purred while next to a sleeping child, then in this way she drives away evil spirits and spoilage from him.
Especially lucky for those people whose beautiful tricolor kitten will give birth to a black and red kitten. A baby of a red color should be given as a gift to a good person, and a black cat should be kept for himself, not given to anyone. The dark son of a tricolor cat is considered a very strong and effective talisman against any troubles, ailments and misfortunes.

The signs associated with tricolor cats are described in the next video.