The smartest cat breeds in the world

All cat owners love their pets, and therefore endow them with intelligence and ingenuity. Nevertheless, the experts single out the breeds that are the most successful in teaching teams and are especially sensitive to their owners. There are other traits that characterize the feline mind: dexterity, cunning, reaction to the words of a person, the ability not to bother household members when they are busy with business. Considering all these extraordinary abilities, cat connoisseurs have identified the smartest breeds. Below we will tell you about the most intelligent cats in the world and what you need to do to develop the potential of your murka.
Signs of intelligence
People who have never kept a purr at home consider them stupid and useless creatures that cannot be trained or at least taught the rules of good form. What to do, they walk on their own and decide for themselves how to behave. But these statements are nothing more than stereotypes. Cat lovers can give many arguments in favor of their pets, confirming their intelligence and other positive qualities.

In fact, a cat, like any predator, simply would not survive being stupid. After all, these animals have long had to hunt down prey, calculate the moves for a more successful attack and be patient in ambush. Their brains helped them determine the best places to track birds or rodents.
Cats have always had to run away from larger animals that could harm them, and this requires a lot of cunning and dexterity.
In addition, at all times, these animals had to demonstrate considerable resourcefulness in order to win the love of humans, because, apart from fighting rodents, they did not carry any practical benefit. Purrs know how to charm people, attract their attention and win them over. Sometimes you get the impression that they are overplaying - so theatrically these cats are "making eyes" or fawning to get what they want. There is a saying: "It is not known who else has tamed whom - I am a cat or she has me", and it has a real basis under it.

How to determine the level of development?
The curiosity of these animals allows them to acquire all new skills even in an apartment. So, observing the owner, the cat can repeat some actions after him. For example, paw open doors, refrigerators or cabinets, watch TV, do dance moves, go to the toilet, and even flush after themselves.
If the owner is especially patient and begins to devote enough time to training the four-legged pet, then she will be able to drag objects in her teeth or execute commands, thereby bringing real benefits.

Not everyone knows that there are IQ tests for mustachioed clever girls that assess their mental abilities. They have tasks for both cats and their owners. True, it is difficult to say how objective the results of these "studies" are, since the tasks in them are very simple.
In any case, you can try to pass a similar test to have fun with your adorable cat.
When drawing conclusions about the mind of cats, in any case do not compare them with dogs. They are less trainable and need more repetitions of the same exercise or trick than dogs. But this happens not because of a lack of intelligence, but for other reasons: because of natural love of freedom, lack of motivation. In fact, they fully understand what they want from them, they just do not consider it necessary to do it.

By the way, the claims that cats are smarter than cats are not confirmed by scientists. Their observations indicate that this parameter does not affect the ability to cognize. This quality may depend on the individual abilities of the individual, on the breed, but not on sexual characteristics.
Consider the criteria for judging the presence of mental abilities in your four-legged girlfriend or boyfriend. Here are the main indicators of feline intelligence:
- ability to habituate to the litter box;
- response to your nickname;
- the ability to comply with the rules established in the house;
- the ability to establish contact with a person;
- non-aggressiveness.

Rating of smart breeds
It is believed that the smarter cats of ancient breeds, which in the process of centuries of history have acquired many skills of survival and communication with humans. As a rule, these are Asian and other oriental breeds. But there is an opinion that young breeds are able to demonstrate remarkable abilities. Different experts give different assessments of the intelligence of certain breeds, so it is very difficult to make a clear rating of the smartest moons.
Let's list the cats that are most often included in the top of the smartest in terms of their various abilities.
Canadian sphinx
This breed is only a few decades old, but people have already appreciated the merits of these cats. The hairless cats from which they descended have been known since ancient Egypt, which is probably why they tend to show wisdom. Sphynx owners note that these purrs behave very friendly, perfectly capture the mood of the household and are able to get along even with dogs. For all its human orientation they love independence, quickly remember what the tray is for and use it carefully, master simple commands and rules of conduct in the house.
With them, you should be careful in your statements and do not scold them without a significant reason.They, of course, do not distinguish all the words, but they understand intonation perfectly - if the cat is scolded for nothing, it will be very upset, it may fall into a blues and lose its appetite.

Siamese cat
Blue-eyed beauties with a cream or almost white fur coat and a dark mask on their face are not at all like sphinxes: they like to show character, and sometimes aggression, but, nevertheless, they are also often included among the smartest cats. Dexterous and cunning hunters love to hunt down prey, they can learn tricks, the main thing is to be patient and deal with the animal regularly, otherwise it will relax and begin to show its freedom-loving character.
They can remember grievances, so if the owner of such a murka wants to find a faithful friend in her, he must treat her with respect and not allow unfair punishments.

This closest relative of the Siamese cat is also appreciated for its extraordinary mental abilities. Orientals have gained fame as biotherapists and telepaths who very subtly capture the mood of the owner and almost read his thoughts. Animals of this breed are often introverts, they gradually get used to their owner, but build a truly close relationship with him and become devoted friends.
The main thing is to earn the trust of this cat and not betray her.

This breed has been known for several thousand years. Very easy to learn, able to bring toys and things at the request of the owner. Because of his increased curiosity, he tries to participate in all household chores. Can remember many master's words and sentences, responds well to commands.
These purrs are kind to everyone who lives in their home, they adore the company of people and other pets. They are usually not afraid of dogs and may even start to dominate them. Such a mustachioed and energetic clever girl cannot be called a decoration of a sofa - she will run like lightning around your house and participate in all family affairs.

Norwegian forest
From wild forest ancestors she got to become, endurance and intelligence, which allowed the animal to get its own food. Large and strong, she has a completely livable character, is able to show patience if the owner is not at home for a long time and does not spend this time in melancholy. Such a cat will find its own entertainment, will play with any objects that caught the eye, or simply rush around the rooms merrily. When the household is very busy or tired, and cannot pay attention to the Norwegian cat, she will not bother - it is not typical for her to be annoying.
Just do not pretend violent activity in order to get rid of it, the cat recognizes the cunning and will look expectantly at the owner who tried to deceive her.

Maine Coon
Little "lynxes" are huge in size and weigh under 12 kg, however, they do not use their physical superiority unnecessarily, they never offend children or smaller animals. Cats of this breed gladly accept the rules set by the owner of the house. Maine Coon tries to make friends with the whole family and become everyone's favorite. They are not typical of typical feline mischief: they do not seek to steal a tidbit from the table, ruin furniture or go to the toilet in an inappropriate place.
Animals are confident in themselves and love to walk on a leash like dogs.

Despite the fact that their paws are shorter than usual, munchkins are quite mobile and playful. The owners of these babies note that they rarely give voice, so they do not have to listen to endless meows. Also, these short-legged cats remember well where certain objects lie, they like to find them and hide them.... Contact and kind, they love to communicate with owners, including children.
Cats love to be literally carried in their arms, and they resemble children in this.

Bengalis are born hunters, and they strive to play active, outdoor games, however, do not worry about children - they do not offend them, and may even protect them. In caring hands, they grow up very affectionate, and demonstrate their love with enthusiasm. If time was lost, and due to circumstances, the cat grew up with a lack of communication with a person, it may run a little wild. Then contact with people will not be so desirable for her.
Bengal owners note their love of freedom and the presence of self-esteem in these beautiful animals. They don't allow themselves to be mistreated.
The lively temperament of the "leopards" allows them to study well.

Some owners say that these animals have a guardian instinct. There are cases when they called for help from their parents if their child was in danger or woke up the owners in case of fire. They have an excellent memory, they quickly remember their names and simple commands. If necessary, Siberians show remarkable cunning: they find what is hidden, discover the shortest paths, return home, finding themselves kilometers away from their native nest.

The British are believed to have inherited a detached and cold character from their nation. This is expressed in the fact that purrs do not like familiarity, protest when they touch their things, only allowing their beloved owner to do so. They become attached to their person and may even lose weight due to a long separation from him. Peace-loving, calm, balanced British people love the attention of their household. They do not stoop to stealing food from the table, and with dignity accept the requirements of the owner regarding behavior in the house.
For all the apparent alienation, the British cannot be called cold in the manifestation of feelings, they just show them not to everyone, but only to the closest people.

Recommendations for education
As you know, the brain works worse without constant training. He, like muscles, needs regular workouts. This means that you need to be patient and constantly repeat activities, even if they seem monotonous to you.
When trying to develop the mental faculties of a cat, do not compare it to a dog. If a dog can be trained according to a certain universal scheme, which has long been worked out and tested on numerous animals, then cats are more inclined to show their character, and need an individual approach.
We'll have to build our own system of classes, which can only be based on other people's best practices.
Pay attention to how the cat loves to play and spend time. She may not be performing tricky tricks to brag to guests, but she certainly has her own interesting inclinations. For example, some cats love to carry various objects in their teeth, others - to jump over obstacles. Based on these nuances, come up with the first tricks that she will need to master. Accept her for who she is, equip her with unique features, and she will show you what she is capable of.

The optimal age for training a cat is considered to be a period of 3-4 months.... At this time, the animal is already well aware of what a person wants to achieve from it. For the good is the factor that at this stage of development the animal has not yet acquired individual habits and is a "blank slate". This means that it will be easier to work with him, and you will not have to change the current character of your pet.
Determine which food your cat loves the most. This can be a variety of meat, fish, seafood, feed brand, dairy products, etc.
The selected delicacy will become a positive reinforcement and an incentive prize for successfully completed tasks.
Study the cat's daily routine, determine what hours it is most physically active. In some individuals, the peak of activity occurs in the morning or afternoon hours, in others - in the evening. Most often, the first half of the day is chosen for training, when the cat is full of strength and energy. You also need to roughly measure the time that she spends on games.

For better learning outcomes, follow the tips below:
- study with her in a relaxed atmosphere, when she is not distracted and unnerved by anything;
- do not be rude and do not force her to do something to which she is not at all inclined;
- speak in a kind, calm tone, regularly repeating commands, and do not forget to take breaks to better absorb the information;
- train the animal in a playful way.
To summarize, let's say the following: to unleash the intellectual potential of a cat, it is imperative to work with it. Regular training can "pump" her brain in the same way that physical training helps to develop the body. Otherwise, even a representative of the smartest, according to experts, breed will not show you her mental abilities and will become an ordinary sloth who wakes up only to eat and observe the life of the household.

Each owner has his own criteria for assessing the mind of a cat. For many, they simply do not matter, since everything that the beloved murka does is beautiful and ingenious. If you want the animal to develop and learn with you, then by choosing representatives of the breeds indicated in the article, your chances of success will be higher. Practice with your pet regularly, and she will certainly delight you with her achievements.
The smartest cat breeds are detailed in the video below.