Cat food and supplements

Premium wet cat food: ingredients, brands, choices

Premium wet cat food: ingredients, brands, choices
  1. Features of the composition
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Rating of the best brands
  5. How to choose?

Today, it is wet food for cats, especially premium-class ones, that are considered the best option for feeding pets. Such feeds have a convenient dosage, optimal consistency and, most importantly, the most natural composition. This food option is suitable for animals of all ages and breeds. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and purchase a truly balanced food of the highest quality, we will study the rating of the best brands, customer reviews, as well as the features of each specific product.

Features of the composition

Liquid cat food has some characteristics. When it comes to premium blends, the main feature lies in the consistency and ingredients. Wet food is the preferred food for domestic cats. And although many owners of these animals believe that it is better to choose dry mixes, veterinarians disagree with them. According to experts, the consistency of such mixtures, especially with pieces of jelly or meat, is most preferable for pets.

In addition, their composition is carefully controlled and is completely natural. They do not contain additives such as artificial colors, preservatives or flavors.

The main components of the composition of wet feed are:

  • meat;
  • bird;
  • offal;
  • pieces of vegetables;
  • mineral supplements and vitamin complexes;

Some manufacturers also include cereals in small quantities in their products.

Wet food is an excellent ready-to-eat food option. They have a balanced composition, the right calorie content and make it easier for cat owners to keep animals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other food, wet food has its drawbacks. The following points can be distinguished as the main ones.

  • Mass fraction of each ingredient is approximate. In some cases, this is not enough, especially when it comes to feeding a large animal, whose diet must be completely balanced in an exact ratio, and not approximately.
  • The food is soft, which means that it does not help the animal to prevent the formation of tartar. Therefore, the pet owner should take care of additional protection of his pet's oral cavity.
  • Experts point out that the composition of the products of some brands is too high in vegetable protein and low in animal protein. This means that in order to receive the daily dose of all the necessary substances, the cat will have to eat a larger portion than is recommended.

But it should be noted right away that these disadvantages do not apply to all brands offering premium products.

If we talk about the advantages of such a ready-made balanced diet, then there are much more of them and they are more significant than its disadvantages.

  • Affordable cost. The price of premium food is not too high and almost every owner of a cat or cat has the opportunity to purchase it, and given the economical metered consumption of food, such food is also profitable.
  • Balanced and safe composition. There is no need to give your pet any additional vitamin or mineral supplements. And you don't have to worry about the safety of the composition of such a liquid feed.
  • High in meat and therefore essential protein. Compared to analogues in a more affordable price category, premium food is more meaty and satisfying for cats.
  • Many manufacturers produce entire lines of liquid feeds designed for a specific category of animals. That is, their products are presented on the market in a wide range.


This product is now presented in a wide range, which can be conditionally divided into several groups.


According to this criterion, all premium wet food is divided into two large groups.

  • Sold in cans. These types of food for cats also belong to the category of liquid, since the percentage of moisture in them is 50-70% of the total mass. Such canned food is intended for a single meal - 1 can per meal.
  • Produced in soft packs. As a rule, such feed has a more budgetary cost, and its consistency is thinner than in the first variant. On the shelves, you can find packs designed for one feed and several, but veterinarians advise choosing the first option.

There is no significant difference between these two types, with the exception of the density and consistency of their contents. In the first case, the food is more compressed, but the second is soft, as if spreading, with solid food particles. Which one to choose, each pet owner decides for himself.

The purpose

Today, some manufacturers produce entire lines of premium wet cat foods for a specific age category and purpose. Most often, the following feeds can be seen on store shelves:

  • kitten food for daily feeding;
  • standard food for adult cats;
  • dietary food for pets prone to overweight;
  • food for sterilized animals;
  • food for cats over 7 years old;
  • food intended for pets with short or long hair;
  • medical liquid food for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • food for better cleaning of tartar;
  • hypoallergenic wet food.

Not every manufacturer has all of the premium liquid feeds described above. Some companies have only 3 such names:

  • for kittens;
  • for common animals;
  • for neutered cats.

However, experts still advise choosing the food that is most suitable for the pet in terms of age, sex and health status, if possible. This way, the owner can be sure that the cat will receive all the necessary nutrients and will feel great.

Frequency of use

Before buying, you should carefully study the packaging of the product, since it is on it that the manufacturer indicates information regarding how often the cat can be fed with this particular product. On this basis, all premium wet food is divided into two large groups.

  • Designed for daily pet feeding. In such products, the composition is ideally balanced, as is the consistency. When receiving such nutrition, there is no need to search for additional sources of nutrients.
  • Wet food treats... This food option is a novelty even for many experienced breeders. Such products have a unique composition and it is not recommended to feed the cat with such food every day, but giving it 1-2 times a week as a treat for a change is quite acceptable.

Premium wet food for cats today is produced not only in a wide range, but also by various manufacturers, and sometimes the owners cannot decide on the brand that should really be preferred. To facilitate this choice, we suggest that you explore the list of the best manufacturers of premium wet cat food.

Rating of the best brands

The variety of manufacturers of this type of ready-made food for domestic cats is great today. Our top includes only the best of them, the quality of products of which is confirmed not only by the necessary certificates, but also by customer reviews.

  • Brit Premium is the Czech Republic. This feed can only be purchased in specialized stores. It is characterized by a high content of natural meat protein in its composition, a wide range of vitamin and mineral supplements and an affordable price that fully justifies its high quality.
  • Hill's Is a popular line of wet food for cats. Today, the brand's assortment includes more than 15 different types of this product, which allows you to choose the ideal diet for an animal of any age and with any health condition. A balanced composition, single-use packs and a reasonable price available to everyone are what characterize Hill's products.
  • Pro Plan Is an excellent wet food, which consists of a whole series of different types of medicinal, dietetic and normal food for animals of all ages. It is sold almost everywhere, and not only in specialized stores. The composition is balanced, low content of natural preservatives and complete safety for the pet.

The products of these 3 brands are the most demanded and the best today. Its quality is confirmed by both veterinarians and ordinary cat owners, who note that their pets have become stronger, more active and healthier.

How to choose?

Having decided to feed their kitten or adult cat with premium wet food, her owner makes the right decision. But in order not to be disappointed in him later, you should adhere to some recommendations.

  • You should choose food that is suitable for a particular animal, taking into account its age, health status and gender.
  • It is better to purchase liquid feed in specialized stores and retail outlets, which can confirm the quality of their goods with appropriate certificates.
  • You should not chase the cheapness of such food. You should purchase products that are time-tested and approved by specialists, this is the only way to be sure of its quality.
  • Before buying, you should check the integrity of the packaging: if it is broken, you should refuse such food. Inside, pathogenic microbes can already begin to develop, which will spoil the quality of the feed and harm the animal.

Premium wet food for cats is the best option for daily feeding. By choosing and using them in accordance with the above recommendations, every owner of these animals can be convinced of this.

In the next video, you can watch an overview of different classes of food for cats.

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