Celandine oil: properties, preparation and application

Natural oils can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment of many pathologies. We will tell you more about the properties, preparation and use of celandine oil.

Features and composition
Celandine oil products contain many substances that can affect the functioning of the body. The plant from which such funds are made belongs to the poppy family. The first mentions of the benefits of this plant are found even in ancient Greek historical documents. Also, even the famous ancient physician Avicenna knew about the benefits of celandine.
Essential oil is a source of nutrients that can cope with the adverse symptoms of various diseases. The use of such cosmetic and medical products should be done with caution, as if used incorrectly, adverse symptoms may appear.
Celandine-based oil products can either be bought at a pharmacy or made on your own. You should choose only high-quality products, since they contain more active ingredients. It is quite difficult to make oil from celandine. For people who do not have enough time to prepare an oil product, it is better to get one at the pharmacy.

The oil made from celandine contains many active ingredients. So, it contains:
- vegetable alkaloids;
- natural vitamin C;
- beta carotene;
- organic acids;
- saponins.
The oil is also rich in various flavonoids. The content of these substances contributes to the special flavoring properties of the oil product.A quality oil product made from this medicinal plant tends to have a rather bitter taste. The smell of the oil product is also quite specific.

Beneficial features
The active ingredients that make up the product capable of providing many useful actions:
- have a negative effect on the vital processes of pathogenic microbes;
- accelerate the regeneration and restoration of damaged cellular structures;
- reduce inflammation;
- have an analgesic effect;
- have a detrimental effect on the growth of pathogenic fungi;
- accelerate the healing of damaged skin.

To ensure that the oil product does not cause harm, it should be used with extreme caution. Supporters of natural medicine recommend using this remedy as a course. Excessive use is fraught with the development of adverse symptoms.
In order to minimize the risk of negative symptoms, the recommended dosages for using the product should be carefully monitored. So, a large amount of oil can lead to a chemical burn of the skin.

Celandine oil is not suitable for people who are allergic to this plant. Allergic pathology can also manifest itself with the first use of such a remedy in a person who has an increased individual sensitivity to celandine. Identifying allergy skin symptoms is fairly straightforward. If itchy red blisters appear on the skin after using the oil product, then in this case it should be discarded and be sure to consult a doctor.
An oil remedy made from celandine contains quite a few active substances.that can affect the condition of the skin. These components can contribute to a deterioration in the well-being of people who have chronic skin diseases. This oil product should be used by people suffering from severe dermatoses only after consulting a dermatologist.

Use cases
An oil product based on celandine is used in cosmetology to solve many problems. For example, this remedy can help treat the adverse symptoms of acne and pimples. To eliminate the resulting rashes, a small amount of oil should be applied to the inflamed element and maintained for about 10 minutes. After that, the remnants of the oily product should be well washed off with water.
Traditional medicine experts note that this product is suitable even for eliminating age-related skin problems. They recommend using this remedy for owners of mature skin. The active substances contained in this product help to reduce the first signs of biological aging of the skin.
In order to improve complexion and skin tone, a few drops of celandine oil should be added to your regular caring cream.

When using this oil product, be sure to remember that the recommendations specified in the instructions for use must in no case be violated. Otherwise, the risk of developing adverse symptoms increases significantly.
A celandine-based oil product is great for eliminating papillomas. This pathology occurs in both men and women. In order to clear the skin of these skin growths, simply apply the oil in a dotted manner. The oil product should be applied to the base of the papilloma. After a while, the formation will simply begin to dry out, and then gradually disappear.
Celandine oil is widely used for the preparation of cosmetics. This product is used in the preparation of various skin care creams and lotions, as well as hair products. Such cosmetics have a caring effect. After their application, as a rule, the skin tone improves and the complexion is evened out.

It should be noted that the celandine-based oil product is used not only for cosmetic purposes. This remedy is also excellent for the treatment of onychomycosis (fungus) of the nails. For the best therapeutic effect, it is better to choose a pharmaceutical remedy. However, if you wish, you can also use an oil product prepared yourself.
It is quite simple to use an oil product for the treatment of onychomycosis. In order to achieve the best effect, nails should be prepared before using the product. A hygienic bath is best suited for this. To steam your nails, you can add a little baking soda or sea salt to the water when preparing the bath.

After this preparation, the nails should be thoroughly dried and treated with an antiseptic. Ordinary hydrogen peroxide is great as an antiseptic. Each nail should be treated with a cotton pad, where the medicated oil product will be applied.
After the nails have been prepared in this way, a little medicated natural product should be applied to them. The oil product must be left on the nails for 16-18 minutes. After that, it should be removed with a paper towel or cotton pad. In order to achieve a visible result, this procedure should be done in a course.

Another method can be used to treat a fungal infection. To do this, put a few drops of celandine oil on a cotton pad, and then wrap it with polyethylene film. This medical compress should be kept for 2.5 hours. The remaining oil after the treatment procedure should be removed in any way possible. You can carry out this procedure at any time of the day. To achieve a therapeutic result, several procedures are required.
The use of this remedy is most effective in the initial stages of the disease. If onychomycosis proceeds in a chronic neglected form, then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of the unfavorable symptoms of this disease only with the help of celandine oil. In a severe course of pathology, drug treatment is already required, a plan for which should be drawn up by a qualified doctor.

How to do it at home?
To make oil from celandine at home, you need to stock up on free time. A high-quality product should be made from plant materials that were collected in ecologically clean places. To prepare a medicinal oil product, you will need a sufficient amount of celandine.
Traditional medicine experts recommend harvesting plant materials in early summer. The best time is the flowering period. As a rule, the first flowers appear on the stems of the plant in mid-May.

Care must be taken when collecting plant materials. When flowers and leaves are plucked from the stem, sap is released. It contains a whole complex of various substances that can provoke a chemical burn on the skin. Also, after collecting such plant materials, dark areas may appear on the skin.
To keep your hands clean, pick the plant with protective gloves. In this simple way, you can protect yourself from chemical burns. It is better to collect plant materials without using metal devices.

You can make an oily product both from fresh, just harvested celandine, and from pre-dried. It is better to dry the collected raw materials in a dark, well-ventilated area. In this case, it is better that celandine does not come into contact with other plants. The process of harvesting and drying this plant is a rather difficult task. For people who do not have enough time to make such oil at home, it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy.
Each part of the plant contains nutrients. So, both roots and leaves and even celandine flowers are suitable for drying. However, to prepare a good oil, it is better to take the top leaves of young plants. The base oil for preparing this oil product can be anything. However, it is better to use olive oil or almond oil when preparing a cosmetic product for the face.

You can also prepare an oil remedy with celandine from sunflower oil. The maximum of vitamins is contained in the unrefined product.
Before preparing an oily product from celandine, the base oil should be heated in a water bath for 30 minutes.
The oil product is stored for a long time. Foods that are practically free of air bubbles are stored better. So that they do not appear in the product during its manufacture, it should be mixed well with a spoon made of wood.

To make oil from dried raw materials, you will need:
- dried celandine - 240-260 g;
- vegetable oil - 500 ml.
Fold the cut parts of the plant into a prepared glass container, then fill them with oil. It should cover the cut parts of the plant by about 1.5-2 cm. After that, the mixture should be heated in a water bath for 25-30 minutes.
After this, the agent must be left to infuse. A dark and fairly cool place with good ventilation is best suited for this. The oil product should be infused for 2.5-3 weeks. After this time, the product will be ready.

Before use, the finished oil product should be well filtered. This is necessary in order to get rid of unnecessary parts of the plant. The color of the finished product varies and depends largely on the original base oil used to prepare the product.
If stored properly, this product can last for several months, and in some cases even a year. In order for the remedy not to lose its medicinal properties, it is better to keep it in a cool place at all times. It also stores better in a dark glass container.

You can also prepare an oil product from fresh leaves. To do this, take the leaves that have just been collected. To prepare a remedy, you will need:
celandine - 700 g;
vegetable oil - 500 ml.
The collected leaves of the plant should be thoroughly washed, then dried and chopped. A great way to grind a plant is to grind it in a wooden mortar. It is better not to use metal mortars for grinding plant leaves.
After that, the plants crushed in this way should be transferred to a previously prepared glass container. Further, oil is poured into the container. The mixture is also heated in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the agent should be filtered and poured into a container for further storage. Store such an oily product in a cool place as well.

Many women who have tried this product report that it has helped them cope with age-related skin changes. So, after several applications of this oil, the skin color and its tone improved. However, almost all of the fair sex noted that they failed to completely get rid of mimic wrinkles with the help of this oil product.
Many women noted that this oil product helped them reduce the intensity of age spots. Many reviews also indicate that this remedy is quite effective in the treatment of warts, various papillomas and corns.
Note that the oil product is used not only for the treatment of some pathological conditions, but also for their prevention. For example, it can be applied to dehydrated skin in hot weather after being on the beach.
You will learn more about how to treat skin diseases with celandine in the following video.