Oils for the ends of the hair: what are there and which is the best to choose?

In the modern world, almost everyone has hair problems. The reason for this is the weather conditions, and the environment, and dietary habits, and, of course, age-related changes. Because of this, they come up with a huge number of ways to deal with these shortcomings. The simplest and most common among them are oils.

Why are oils needed?
If the body does not receive a sufficient amount of water or there is no fatty secretion in the hair, which should cover each hair from the roots to the ends, then they immediately lose their attractiveness - they become fragile and brittle, lose their elasticity. The most common hair problem is split ends.
To restore them, it is better to use vegetable or essential oils or a mixture of them. They will help moisturize the strands and get rid of split ends, as well as give them shine.

Vegetable oils are usually obtained from seeds or seeds of plants. Each of them has certain properties. Some are for moisturizing hair, others are good for brittle strands, and still others are only suitable for the ends. The most effective among them are those that were obtained as a result of cold pressing. Indeed, in this case, a maximum of useful substances remains in the product.
The oils must be applied over the entire length of the hair. It is best to do this just before bed, so that the hair can be well saturated.

Species overview
Before starting hair treatment, you need to know that oils are different: industrial, basic, and essential.
Commercial cosmetic products containing one or more oils are suitable for hair care. They are similar in efficiency to natural oils. However, they may contain, among other things, some preservatives or colorants. Quite often vitamins or glycerin are added to such liquids. They are usually indelible.

If we talk about base oils, then their list is quite large. These include burdock, olive, almond, and many other equally effective oils. All of them are applied to the hair only in pure form.
As for essential oils, they can be used in a certain amount. After all, they are highly concentrated substances. Therefore, they are used as additional elements. For example, essential oils can be mixed with creams or shampoos, or a base.

It ranks first in the list of useful products for curls. And this is not in vain, because it has a rather heavy structure, and is also quickly absorbed, strengthens the middle layer of the hair shaft.
For use, this oil must be warmed up in a water bath, and only then applied to the ends of the hair. Then the head must be insulated with a bandage made of any material, and all this must be kept on the hair for at least one hour. After such a procedure, the hair must be thoroughly washed, washing off the greasy layer from it.

This product is high in fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. It has been used for many years for the treatment of various ailments, including the fight against split hair ends. Thanks to the large amount of vitamins in its composition, the curls are nourished from the inside.
It is necessary to apply olive oil on the scalp, as well as on the hair, because unlike other types of oils, it does not completely clog the pores.
With it, you can moisturize your hair, as well as get rid of the split ends.

The composition of this tool includes vitamins such as A, B, E. With its help, you can resume the work of the sebaceous glands, speed up blood circulation, and get rid of dandruff. It is very quickly absorbed into the skin, but does not leave an oily sheen on the hair.
Experts recommend keeping this natural remedy on your hair for no more than 2 hours.
It is worth noting the advantages of this product. First of all, this is protection from ultraviolet rays, low cost, and also low consumption.

This oil is very useful. Plus, it not only helps fight dry or brittle hair, but also makes it shinier.
You need to apply peach oil to the ends of the curls before bed, because it is not necessary to rinse it off.

It is one of the best oils used for regular hair care. It has a rather viscous structure and for this reason it is poorly absorbed into the skin.
It can be applied along the entire length of the strands. It is not very suitable for the ends of the hair.
Castor oil can easily help fight fungal diseases. In addition, it softens the scalp and makes curls beautiful and shiny.

It is obtained from the ripe fruits of an evergreen plant called simmondsia. Its texture is light enough. But in the event that if you put it in the refrigerator, it will quickly harden and become like wax. On this basis, its naturalness is determined.
The ingredients in jojoba oil are a bit like sebum. Therefore, it can delay the appearance of gray hair, as well as restore the hair structure. In addition, it protects the strands from exposure to ultraviolet rays, is easily washed off, and is also quite economically consumed. The only drawback of the tool is considered to be too high a price.

This oil can be applied either in pure form or by adding it to shampoos or hair masks.This product protects hair from ultraviolet radiation, significantly accelerates hair growth, eliminates dandruff, nourishes the skin and moisturizes it.

Sea buckthorn
Dry hair ends can be softened with this product.
However, blondes should not use it, because after it the hair will acquire an orange-yellow tint.

This oil is considered one of the most ancient remedies used for body and hair care by many oriental women. Today it is used almost all over the world.
By its structure, coconut oil is solid, but when the temperature rises above 24 degrees, it begins to melt. With it, you can moisturize your hair well, as well as protect its ends from dryness. When applied to hair, it is quickly absorbed, creating a protective film on it. It is best to carry out such a procedure at night, having well warmed the head.

Popular brands
Many companies are engaged in the production of oils. It is worth noting the most popular among them.
Siberica Natura
The series of this company includes a complex of oils. Its composition, in addition to Altai sea buckthorn oil, also includes argan oil, as well as white Siberian flax and pine nuts.
The ingredients not only nourish the hair, but also fill it with moisture and vitamins. Such a tool does not contain any parabens or sodium lauryl sulfate. The bottle contains only 50 milliliters of liquid, but the cost of such a product is completely low. You can buy this product not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized cosmetic stores.

Wella Professionals Oil Reflections
This product contains avocado oil and macadamia oil. In addition, it also contains vitamin E. Thanks to a special formula, the product from this company will help moisturize the hair, as well as make it soft and manageable.

Garnier Fructis Indelible Oil
Thanks to the argan oil in this product, the hair is immediately healthy and beautiful. In addition, it is worth noting the not too high price of this product.
You can apply it at any time: both in the morning and in the evening. You don't have to do this before washing your hair. It makes your hair much easier to style.

Which one is better to choose?
If you believe the words of experts, then this product is suitable for all people, without exception. The only thing that needs to be done is to find the composition that can suit a certain type of hair. In addition, it is imperative to decide whether it will be synthetic or vegetable oil.
Those who want beautiful and luxurious hair with healthy ends should opt for burdock oil. But those with dry hair should get coconut. To restore the hair structure, mango is suitable.

It is best to buy such products at a pharmacy. Such a product must be accompanied by a quality certificate. The packaging should be convenient so that the product can be used easily.
Application methods
There are several options for using such a product.
- In the first case, vegetable oils are applied in their pure form. Such a product should be rubbed into the ends and along the entire length immediately before washing your hair. The oil is then left on the hair for at least one hour for it to work more effectively. It is better if the curls are slightly moisturized. This will allow the oil to be absorbed much faster. The product temperature should be within 40 degrees. After application, you must put on either a plastic cap or a terry towel. After an hour, the oil can be washed off with shampoo.
- The second option for using oil at home is a mixture of essential and herbal products. This method allows you to very quickly restore damaged hair ends. At the same time, you need to know how to mix them correctly. First, you need to add ether to the vegetable.Experts do not recommend using such a mixture more than once a week.
- Another way to use oils is to lubricate your hair immediately after shampooing. In this case, you can use almond or jojoba oil.

To summarize, there are a large number of hair tip oils that are suitable for certain types of curls. But these products don't work the same way. Therefore, the main thing is to choose the right tool that will help solve a specific person's problem.

For more information on hair end oil - watch the video.