Which massage oil is better and can you make it yourself?

The massage oil not only makes it easier for the hands to slide over the body, but also enhances the pleasant sensations from the process. The properties of the oil have been noticed for a long time and now on sale you can find a wide variety of mixtures for the body, face, cellulite, etc.

Massage oil is:
- baby - hypoallergenic, suitable for children and people with sensitive skin or allergy sufferers;
- anti-cellulite - differs from other types of lipolytic and irritating effects, which increase blood flow to the site of exposure;
- warming - recommended for increased muscular load, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- cooling - used for pinching nerves, pain;
- regenerating - relieves inflammation, heals;
- edible - for erotic massage, has a pleasant taste and aroma, harmless if swallowed, relaxing effect allows partners to achieve maximum pleasure;
- solid - on contact with the skin begins to melt, nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
- professional - a ready-made composition with various directions of influence.

Essential oil helps to relieve pain, relieve spasms, strengthen immunity, and soothe. In addition to general and local massages, there are other types.
- Relaxing - A mixture of sage, mint and lavender oils will do. Adding citrus aromas will not only help relieve stress, but also lift your mood.
- Anesthetic - use mint, coniferous, clove, jasmine, thyme oil.
- Erotic - helps to strengthen desire, makes the sensations more acute.In this case, aphrodisiacs are used - jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium, patchouli, sage.
- To improve memory and performance - massage of active points (whiskey, near the ears, on the back of the head, etc.) with aromatic oils of rosemary, mint, bergamot, lemon stimulates the central nervous system and has an exciting effect.
- Anti-cellulite - eliminates the "orange" peel, has a warming effect, increases blood flow to problem areas. Oil of juniper, patchouli, citrus, geranium will help make the skin smoother and more beautiful. A mixture of oils gives the maximum effect.
- Rejuvenating - used oils of rose, jasmine, rosewood, sage, which can be added to cosmetics.
- Head massage - recommended for scalp and hair problems. When dry, use rosemary, orange and sandalwood, with oily hair - lemon, tea tree and cypress, for growth - rosemary and thyme.

There is another direction of massage - Ayurvedic, this massage has a relaxing effect on the body, and also allows you to achieve emotional peace. It differs from what we are used to in that, in addition to the body or face, the internal organs and respiratory tract are massaged. The composition of mixtures for massage consists entirely of natural ingredients.

The most popular is abhyanga, which must be performed daily to improve overall well-being, muscle tone, sleep, and brain activity. The massage oil is selected according to the constitution (Kapha, Pitta or Vata).

Shirodhara is an unusual type of massage in which the head and the area of the "third" eye are massaged with a warm oil jet. This allows you to get rid of headaches, nervousness, overexertion, insomnia, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Panchakarma - internal cleansing of organs with oil. Eliminates toxins, improves the functioning of the digestive system, heart, liver. Recommended to be held once a year.

Which one to choose?
What to look for:
- package - natural oils retain their properties better in dark packaging (plastic or glass);
- consistency - the oil should not have sediment or granules;
- composition - it is better to choose with healthy additives.

It is important that the oil is suitable for the skin type, otherwise dryness, rashes, and irritation may appear. Natural and aromatic oils can cause unpleasant sensations (itching, burning) in case of individual intolerance, therefore, before use, you need to test it on the bend of the elbow, especially if several oils are mixed. Mineral oils are completely hypoallergenic.

Massage oils are divided into fatty (base) and essential oils. The base is used as a base, to which one or more aromatic oils are added to enhance the effect. Which base to choose depends on the type of skin.
Usually the oils below are taken as a basis.
- Jojoba - well absorbed, does not leave a greasy feeling on the body, suitable for all skin types, with a neutral odor. They are used only in combination with other types.
- Macadamia - tightens and moisturizes the skin, not suitable for nut intolerance.
- Apricot kernels - smoothes, tones, is used for infants, has a light aroma.

- Almond - enhances blood flow, warms up tissues, is used more often to treat cellulite.
- Coconut - penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, protects against external negative factors, it is recommended for dry, irritated skin, not suitable for the face and neck.
- Shea or shea - recommended for aging skin, warms, moisturizes, nourishes.
- Olive - softens, nourishes, can relieve joint pain. It is best used in combination with aromatic oils. Can be used on both body and face.

- Wheat germ - activates blood circulation, is well absorbed, suitable for dry, sensitive skin, mature skin.
- Avocado - rich in vitamins, protects against ultraviolet radiation, relieves inflammation, is suitable for all skin types and can be applied independently.
- Peanut - restores, nourishes, tones, is suitable for dehydrated or sensitive skin, helps with hemorrhagic diathesis in children.

Aromatic oils are concentrated, they are not suitable for independent use. Usually they are added in a few drops to the base. The choice of aromatic oil depends on the type of massage you need.
For weight loss and anti-cellulite massage:
- grapefruit - in addition to breaking down fat, the citrus aroma will help strengthen the immune system;
- geranium oil - smoothes the skin, the aroma has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- orange or tangerine - increase blood flow to tissues, increase skin elasticity, suitable for cupping massage;
- juniper - soothes, removes toxins, improves skin structure.

For the base, you can choose lemon, lavender, clove, cypress, rosemary oils.
For a soothing massage:
- lavender - eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, fights stress;
- orange - relieves stress, improves mood, suitable for children, after the massage, avoid direct sunlight;
- mint - helps with fatigue, drowsiness, increased excitability;
- bergamot - eliminates emotional excitement, anxiety;
- ylang-ylanga - helps with nervous overexcitation, improves sleep;
- tangerine - used for overwork, depression, bad mood, improves sleep;
- pink - will help to cheer up, relieve fear, nervousness.

For a rejuvenating massage:
- linseed - helps with peeling, minor damage, puffiness, restores the lipid barrier, suitable for vacuum massage;
- almond - increases elasticity, smoothes, moisturizes;
- shi (karite) - softens, nourishes, tones and smoothes the skin, has the ability to synthesize collagen;
- olive - contains vitamins A and E, it is used mainly for dry skin;

- wheat germ - smoothes and moisturizes;
- jojoba - restores and heals microdamages;
- macadamia - relieves peeling;
- grape seed - contains antioxidants, softens, smoothes;

- avocado - removes fine wrinkles around the eyes;
- apricot kernels, coconut - moisturize, nourish, make the skin more elastic;
- palm, sea buckthorn, castor - smooth, moisturize, retain moisture in the cells.

For the breast (tightens, smoothes, makes the skin elastic, helps to eliminate stretch marks):
- linseed - well suited for the base due to its high density, it can also be added to cream and other cosmetics;
- olive - moisturizes, nourishes;
- almond - makes the skin of the breast moisturized, rejuvenates, tones;
- hops - the composition contains lupulin and vitamins, tightens and enlarges the breast;
- wheat germ - renews skin cells.

Therapeutic massage with aromatic oil enhances the effect of the procedure:
- for back pain - shea;
- inflammation - cloves, chamomile;
- colds - cedar, lemon;
- headaches - lavender, mint, lemon;
- muscle pain - rosemary;
- sprain - almonds.

Aromatic oils are also used for intimate massage, they increase desire, help to tune in to a romantic mood, and relax. To prepare a body mixture, you need to take a base with a light smell and add one or more aromatic oils, depending on personal preference.
Olive, apricot, almond, grape seed are well suited for the base. For women, the aromas of rose, geranium are recommended, the aroma of ginger and vitiver is considered masculine. Cinnamon and ginger warms the skin, which enhances the massage effect. Ylang-ylang is considered the most suitable for intimate massage, its aroma enhances desire, gives confidence.

Selection rules.
- Absorbability - Rub a little oil on the back of your hand.If the absorbency is weak, then a greasy film will form on the skin, if it is absorbed quickly and without traces - with frequent use, the pores can clog and inflammation and acne will begin. Ideal when the oil is moderately absorbent.
- The degree of spreading - it should lie on the skin evenly.
- Aroma - it should be light and pleasant, if bitter notes are present, perhaps the oil is expired or was stored under inappropriate conditions.
- The method of production is first or cold pressing, in this case the maximum of useful substances is preserved.
- Sensitivity test - apply a small amount of the massage product to the skin, if no discomfort appears, it is suitable for further use.

Which is better - cream or oil?
In specialized salons, tools are used that are convenient for the master to work with. You can choose a massage tool on your own taking into account your preferences, since everything has its pros and cons.
- The oil can be used on damp skin (in a bath or bath), it makes it easier to glide over the body, but after massage, especially with excessive application, there may be a greasy feeling. It will take some experience to dose correctly.
- The cream does not spread, but it should be applied to clean, dry skin; it also makes it easier to slide, you can find products with different effects on sale (anti-cellulite, analgesic, etc.).

In comparison with the cream, the oil glide is better, which ensures the protection of the upper layer of the skin from microdamages during the intensive massage (anti-cellulite or therapeutic). A well-chosen composition makes the skin soft, soft, saturates it with useful substances. The composition does not contain preservatives, fragrances, etc. Massage with oil effectively helps with stretch marks, cellulite, in the fight against excess weight, and also helps with a breakdown and bad mood. This massage allows you to relax not only the body but also the soul.
The disadvantages of the oil include a short shelf life, especially under unsuitable conditions, the likelihood of allergies, rashes, skin irritations, and a film remains on the skin, which contributes to the clogging of pores.

Manufacturers rating
For infants:
- Mustela - nourishes the deep layers of the skin;
- Bubchen - has the most optimal composition for delicate baby skin;
- Johnson's Baby - Affordable.

For face:
- Huilargan - effectively fights wrinkles;
- L'Oreal Paris - regenerates and nourishes the skin.

For body:
- Natura Siberika - completely natural composition;
- Siberian health - helps in losing weight due to a good warming effect.

For anti-cellulite massage:
- Weleda - removes the "orange" peel, smoothes the skin, makes it firm and taut;
- Planeta Organika is a safe and effective remedy;
- Floresan - the action is based on deep drainage.

L'oreal Paris (France) has a regenerating effect. It contains eight essential oils, rosehip extract and shea butter.
Huilargan is produced in Morocco and is recognized as the best anti-wrinkle and anti-aging treatment. At the heart of the rice bran, which contribute to the deep penetration of active substances. Helps to activate the production of hyaluronic acid, which makes the skin firm and elastic.
The massage oil of the Russian manufacturer Siberian Health is considered one of the best, has a warming effect, contains natural ingredients and herbs, relieves puffiness, makes the skin smooth and smoothes wrinkles.
Natura Siberika is another product from a Russian manufacturer with a natural composition that cleanses and restores skin cells. The effect is especially noticeable in the sauna.

Planeta Organika for anti-cellulite massage is recognized as the safest remedy. In the composition of shea, avocado, green coffee, plant extracts. The consistency is hard, very greasy and is consumed economically, does not cause allergies or irritations.
Floresan has a deep drainage effect. The composition contains pepper, minerals, citrus extracts, vitamin E, which penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, warm tissues, remove excess fluid and help to eliminate the "orange" peel.
Weleda contains jojoba, rosemary, apricot, wheat germ. At the intracellular level, it helps to get rid of cellulite, visibly reducing unevenness.
Special attention should be paid to oil mixtures from Thailand, which are produced according to ancient secret recipes, but using modern equipment for various types of massage - relaxing, therapeutic, erotic, anti-cellulite, etc.

How to do it at home?
When preparing an oil mixture for do-it-yourself massage, it is important to accurately observe the dosage. According to the standard recipe for 50 ml of the base, you need to take 10-15 drops of aromatic oils. For the mixture, it is best to choose 5 aromas, taking into account which massage you need aroma oil for and what type of person's skin. The composition should contain a scent to improve the emotional state.
It is not recommended to cook large quantities as the shelf life of the oil mixture is short. If there are leftovers after the massage, store them in a cool and dark place. Aromatic oils are not used in their pure form, as they are concentrated and can provoke negative reactions.
Recipe for a relaxing massage: 30 ml of base, 5 drops of chamomile and orange, 6 of lavender.
For erotic massage: 30 ml base, 4 drops - sage, 5 - jasmine, 6 - sandalwood.
After adding all the components, the mixture must be poured into a glass bottle and mixed well so that the aromatic oils are completely combined with the base.

The massage oil has a lot of positive reviews. Many people note that after several massage sessions, the skin becomes soft, moisturized, and more elastic. Some talk about the appearance of redness, rashes, irritation on the skin. A possible cause of such a reaction may be frequent use or an inappropriate composition for the type of skin.
The aroma is especially noted, which helps to relax and get the most pleasant sensations from the session. The oil provides good sliding of the masseur's hands over the body and does not cause discomfort or discomfort.
Good reviews have tools for intimate massage, especially with a warming effect, which enhances the effect of touching and stroking. An important role is played by the aroma, which really sets you in a romantic mood and helps you to really relax. As for the smell, everyone here recommends choosing the one that both partners like.

The same oil mixture can act differently on different people. It is best to use a homemade mixture at home. As a basis, you can take olive oil, wheat germ oil, linseed oil and add a few drops of the desired aromatic oil to it. When choosing a scent, you need to focus on your feelings - it must be pleasant, otherwise you will not be able to relax and achieve the desired result.
You need to apply only to the part of the body where the massage is being carried out, an excessive amount of the mixture will make the session unpleasant. It is better to pick up the mixture in your hands in small portions and, having rubbed well, start the massage, you can add it as needed.

For information on how to make massage oil with your own hands, see the next video.