How to choose and use the right oil for oily skin?

Owners of oily skin type are afraid to use various oils, thinking that the skin will become even more shiny. But in reality, this is not entirely true. The point is that there are certain cosmetic oils that are great for this type of face. Which ones - we'll tell you about this right now.
The principle of action of the tool
Most women use a variety of oils to moisturize and nourish the skin with the beneficial substances found in such products. As a rule, such cosmetics are used by owners of dry or normal skin. Owners of oily skin types do not need additional hydration. However, certain types of oils can also be beneficial for oily skin. The main thing is to choose the right tool for yourself.

Since the oil is a natural product without any harmful additives, it may well have a positive effect on oily skin. Such a cosmetic product contains many useful substances, including acids, which are so necessary for a skin prone to oily content. For example, this is linoleic acid. The product that contains this component helps to normalize the pH of the skin, thereby preventing the appearance of acne and other inflammations.
Correctly selected oils help to restore the balance of the skin of the face, thereby eliminating oily gloss and other problems. And also natural products help to smooth the skin, moisturize it, saturating it with useful substances, and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.
Some remedies have not only nutritional properties, but also healing properties. As a rule, oily skin is more prone to breakouts, so regular use of these oils will help get rid of acne and your complexion will become more even.
If we continue to talk about the benefits of this type of cosmetic product for oily skin, then it is worth noting the fact that these natural products help to remove toxins, protect against the negative effects of sunlight, thereby preventing the first signs of aging, and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Which oil to choose?
Today you can find various oils. It can be cosmetic or essential. Which one is right for oily skin? First, you need to figure out what is the difference between these types. Essential oils tend to be concentrated and are therefore ideal for aromatherapy or for treating problem skin. It is best to dilute such a product with other oils before use. It is not recommended to apply such a concentrate to the skin, as it can seriously harm the skin.
The cosmetic product no longer needs to be diluted. Such a tool can be safely used immediately. As a rule, cosmetic oils are a base product, which contains several oils, various extracts, glycerin and other additives. Such a finished product can be bought in any department of goods with cosmetics. It is quite possible to purchase the base oils separately and make the mixture yourself at home.
Among the variety of products, owners of oily skin types should pay attention to hazelnut oil. It contains a lot of acid, which is extremely useful for oily and problem skin. It's about oleic acid. Such a tool nourishes the epidermis well and does not leave a greasy sheen on its surface at all. Among the many oils, this particular product is considered to be one of the best basic products. Its beneficial components easily cope with acne, tighten pores, making the face smoother, firmer and cleaner.

Grape seed oil is another remedy for oily and problem skin. This type of product contains linoleic acid, which is able to penetrate deep into the pores and have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it copes well with various rashes. Regular use of such a product leads to the fact that soon the skin becomes smoother and matte. The complexion is evened out, the pores are narrowed, the skin becomes elastic and without any oily sheen.
Sweet almond oil is also good for this skin type. The product helps prevent the appearance of rashes, fights inflammation, soothes and moisturizes the epidermis. In addition, this product is great for tightening and unclogging pores. Apricot kernel oil has the same properties.
Exotic jojoba oil contains many different amino acids, making it suitable for both young and mature skin. The tool copes well with various rashes, relieves the face of inflammation, redness and irritation. It is easily absorbed and leaves no greasy shine at all. In addition, the active components of such a product perfectly protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Black seed oil is also great for those who suffer from oily sheen and regular breakouts on their skin. The product contains various vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Regular use of this product helps to significantly reduce the number of breakouts, perfectly cleanses pores and restores elasticity to the skin.Since this oil has a very strong effect, it is recommended to use it as one of the additional components of the oil mixture. That is, it requires mandatory dilution.
Calendula oil is able to normalize many natural processes, thanks to which the skin becomes less oily, the pores are narrowed and inflammation is significantly reduced. In addition, the product perfectly tones the skin, and this contributes to its acquisition of a healthy and beautiful appearance.
If we talk about essential oils for oily skin types, then among the whole variety we should highlight such oils as, for example, essential oils of cedar, tea tree, sandalwood, lavender and bergamot. All these products have a beneficial effect on oily skin, help relieve it of unpleasant shine, help reduce sebum production, perfectly cleanse pores and prevent new breakouts.

How to use it correctly?
The best time to apply such a cosmetic product is evening. Such a cosmetic product is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face for an hour and a half before bedtime. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with a special lotion or foam that does not contain alcohol.
Further, a small amount of natural product should be slightly warmed up. This is very easy to do. It will be enough to hold a small amount of oil in the palm of your hand for a while, and then start applying it to the skin. If it is cold, the product will not be able to penetrate deep into the pores, and even using it regularly will not help achieve the desired results.
The selected oil is applied to the skin of the face with light massaging movements. It is recommended to apply the product strictly along the massage lines. If there are rashes on the skin, then these areas of the skin should be given special attention.
After the product has been applied, you need to take a small, clean towel. It is advisable to choose terry. It must be soaked in warm water and completely cover your face with it. This way, you will help the pores to open up better. And the beneficial substances contained in the oil will penetrate into the pores, nourishing and cleansing the skin. As soon as you feel that the towel has begun to cool, the procedure will need to be completed. You should not use such a product instead of a cream. Any cosmetic oil can be a great addition to basic skin care.

Expert advice
Many cosmetologists recommend using not just one type of oil for owners of oily skin, but a mixture of several types. Experts very often recommend using base products with essential oils. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the best result in a short period.
The oil mixture can be prepared at home. It is enough for this to take a small handy bottle made of dark glass and combine five milliliters of the base product with two drops of essential oil in it. Any basic product can be enriched not only with one type of essential oil, but also with two or three at once. Then the ether product is added only one small drop at a time. At the same time, cosmetologists warn that only those products that go well with each other need to be mixed. In addition, it is very important to remember that several types of essential oils cannot be added at the same time. After adding one drop of one type, you should wait at least two hours and only then add the second type.
Since hazelnut oil is the best remedy for oily skin, it can be used as a base. The basis must be at least fifty percent. Then you should add grape - twenty percent. Then ten percent apricot kernel oil and twenty percent jojoba oil. This mixture will be an excellent base for your skin care. As a supplement, you can add a drop of tea tree or lavender essential oil.

Professionals advise that if, after repeated use of the mixture of oils, an oily sheen remains on the skin, then the proportion of hazelnut oil and grape seed should be increased by ten percent. If, after using the product, you feel discomfort, tightness, then you should increase the amount of jojoba oil and apricot kernels.
In the next video, you will find TOP 8 oils for problem skin.