Characteristics and Applications of Snake Oil

Many people are desperately afraid of snakes. Even their very name evokes trembling and unconscious fear, and in fact, thanks to the poison of these unfriendly creatures, many medicines have been created to treat the most serious diseases. The central place among them is taken by snake oil, known for its healing properties not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.
Usually the drug is made from the venom of the largest snake on earth - the king cobra. Its body can reach up to 6 meters in length. The habitat of this reptile is South and Southeast Asia.
Cobra venom is highly prized. It is produced in special glands located in the head behind the eye area, but to some extent it is also present in fat, which is commonly called snake oil.

This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic effect, can relieve pain and heal wounds. In caring for hair, this drug has no equal. Any weak and damaged hair, if used correctly, will revive and acquire a natural shine.
In the free sale, the product is presented both in pure form (in bottles), and in the form of a cosmetic product in combination with additives (extracts of useful plants, pieces of reptile skin).

Do not be afraid of snake oil preparations. It uses not pure poison, but fat, which is peeled off the back of the reptile's skin.
The medicinal properties of the product are explained by the high content of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the production of cells, the high amount of vitamins: A, D, C, E, group B, antioxidants, as well as the presence of antiseptic substances.
The combination of all these components together creates a double effect in the regeneration of the epidermis, the resumption of its functions and the regulation of the sebaceous glands.
In hair care, it is very important to use this product correctly. For a root massage, the oil (3 or 4 drops) must be warmed in the hands so that it reaches body temperature, and then it should be gently rubbed into the hair roots.

You need to massage your head no more than 5 minutes. Then leave the composition for another 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed if the scalp becomes slightly numb. This is fine. Finally, wash off the product with shampoo (triple dose required).
During this procedure, the pores are opened, the cells are saturated with oxygen. Hair begins to grow faster, becomes softer, and stops flaking at the ends. After a while, a fluff will appear, which will then turn into full-fledged strands.

If you perform such an operation every 2 or 3 days, the result will not be long in coming. It has been noticed that this way of penetrating snake oil into the skin relieves headaches.
By the way, the extract can be used and easier, you need to drop a little of it into shampoo, balm or conditioner. After washing, the hair will restore its natural shine, it will be easier to comb and not accumulate static electricity.
Some girls even do styling with the help of oil. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the clean strands, distribute it along the entire length of the curls. In this way, the hair keeps its shape better and is protected from high temperatures. Then proceed to styling with a hairdryer or curling iron. Judging by the reviews, the resulting hairstyle lasts a long time, and the hair shines with a healthy shine.

With frequent use, the extract relieves seborrhea, alopecia, dandruff, excessive oiliness and hair loss. Hair gains natural protection from the negative effects of cold and direct sunlight. In general, the scalp is healed.
If there are scratches or wounds on the head, it is better to refrain from using snake oil. During pregnancy and lactation, you should not use the drug.
The product has proven itself well in the treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema). It is excellent for treating bone and joint diseases.
By the way, it is very important to do an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a drop of oil to the area of the wrist or the crook of the elbow. If there is no redness, you can safely proceed with the procedures.

Snake oil combines well with various components, and many masks can be prepared on its basis, aimed at solving specific problems.
- It is used for rapid growth and strengthening of hair. In this case, a mixture of dry colorless henna (1 tbsp), cinnamon (1 tsp), snake oil (5 to 10 drops) and hot water will help. The resulting composition must be applied to wet roots, wrap the head with a film and leave the mass for 15 minutes.
- For hair restoration. A simple mask made of honey (3 tsp.), Rye flour (1 tbsp. L.), Snake oil (1 tsp.) Will do. It is necessary to distribute the mass along the entire length of the curls and rinse off after half an hour. It is advisable to repeat this operation 3 times a month.
- From fat content. A mask of pharmacy chamomile (1 tbsp. L.), Green tea (2 tbsp. L.), Dry blue clay (1 tbsp. L.), Snake oil (0.5 tbsp. L.). It is necessary to apply the mixture to the roots of the hair, wrap the head with a film, and after forty minutes or an hour wash off the composition.
- For dandruff. A combination of dry plantain (1 tbsp), tea soda (1 tsp), snake oil (0.5 tsp) will help. The resulting mass should be kept on the head for about half an hour.
- When hair falls out. A mask of egg yolk (1 piece), burdock oil (3 tsp) and snake extract (0.5 tsp) will correct the situation. The mixture should remain on the head under a film and a towel overnight. A series of 10 procedures performed every other day is especially effective.
- Hair splits. A composition of snake venom (0.5 tsp) heated in a water bath and bergamot ether (3 or 4 drops) will come to the rescue. The resulting product must be kept on the head for half an hour. It is better to repeat the procedure weekly.
- From dryness. Kefir (4 tsp), snake extract (0.5 tsp), vitamin B (0.5 ampoules).The composition must be kept for 2 hours and it is better to do such a mask in winter.

Most snake oils are produced by imported manufacturers from East and Southeast Asia.
- Hemani snake oil recognized as the best cosmetic product for hair. It nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles, restores the structure of the hair stems after frequent dyeing, ensures their rapid growth and stops the balding process. It is produced in Pakistan. The product contains sandalwood, sesame, olive and mustard oils. The price of 120 ml is about 700 rubles.

- Its Turkish counterpart Tala snake oil accelerates hair growth and solves the problem of baldness. A 20 ml bottle can be bought for 450 rubles.
- Snake oil banna - snake oil made in Thailand. 85 ml costs 450 rubles.
- According to reviews, Zafayer Snake Oil - very high quality snake oil. It is cheaper than the rest of the products. Manufactured in the UAE. There is a bottle of 120 ml about 500 rubles.

If the price of a product is very low, this should be alarming, since very often preparations from plant lipids are sold under the guise of snake oil, but in reality they do not even contain this component.
Experts consider the snake remedy to be an indispensable drug in the fight against hair loss. It can be used by both women and men (to care for hair or beard).
After using this product, the curls become radiant, moisturized, acquire protection from ultraviolet rays, and as a result of the root massage, the blood circulation of the scalp improves. As a result, the hair roots are strengthened and nourished.
Snake oil itself, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, starts metabolic processes at the cellular level. Dormant bulbs wake up and go into active growth mode.
For how to use snake oil for hair growth, see the next video.